>Get Asus VS229 IPS
>Dead pixel
>Okay whatever it's cheap
>Get Dell U2412M
>Black dot somewhere else on it now
Is these imperfections a thing on IPS monitors? I've never had a TN do this.
Defects in IPS monitors
Wow that webm isn't doing it justice, here is what it looks like.
You can get dead pixels on any display tech, although it does seem more common on IPS. Sometimes you can get the pixel unstuck by flashing colored squares on screen, or by rubbing the screen. I'm not surprised you had a dead pixel on the Anus (and just one at that) there terrible when it comes to QC. You're usually not guaranteed against a full lack of dead pixels unless you buy an upscale monitor intended for accurate color and whatnot.
Exchange it. I have a PA279Q and don't have any dead pixels.
I'm just gonna prod the screen and play rgb flashes, I'd rather live with a spot on the screen than go through the return process and use my 768p tn in the mean time, apparently less than 5 black dots on a screen is within normal spec, which is kinda pathetic considering the cost of these things.
Just sent a message with the ebay seller to see if I can exchange it, 1920x1200 is 1920x1200, muhfugga.
>millions of pixels on scrreen
>muh dead pixel
fucking austimso
>Been using TN forever
>Switch to IPS
>Two fucking monitors in a row have the same issue
I don't care if it's autism, i'm pissed.
I want (((pro))) gamers and poorfags to leave
If I use a magnifying glass, I can see a dead pixel on my 4k monitor. Fortunately, my eyes are human. I cannot see it in normal use. Higher resolution seems like like a meme now.
>my eyes are human
They're fucking blind, i'm staring at this 94ppi screen 3 feet away and I can see the pixel mocking me.
less like*
That's my point, this display is large for the dot count, you'll notice the defects.
if you're not bothered by this, you're the giga autismo here desu
>Getting scared and thinking my gpu is fucking up producing dead pixel
>whip out old dusty ass 1366 tn
>no ded pixels
Based eBay seller is gonna exchange it boys, I'm gonna be okay.
those are 4 dead pixels you dumb fuck
>buy 24" 4k monitor from anus used
>2 months later find a dead pixel
>warrenty will only replace it if i have 5 or more
Here you can get them replaced if they have dead pixels. At least Dell and Asus ones, not cheap chink ones. I've done it plenty of times when I have bought something with mail order and haven't been able to check it myself before purchasing.
I don't even get how they can do that, that's like selling a new car with a bad cylinder, but denying the warranty claim because the car technically runs.
>go through 3 IPS monitors, each one is slathered with dead pixels
>return them all and get a TN (dell s2716dg)
>end up with absolutely terrible image retention issues/blemishes after about 6 months
I'm in the same boat, this U2412M is everything I want, PPI isn't super high and squinty, color reproduction is banging, res is high, and the stand is awesome, so I hope my replacement doesn't fuck up.
>tfw posting on my literally perfect XG2703-GS with zero dead pixels or backlight bleed
Only took four returns too.
>four returns
Damn user, I couldn't bother doing that unless it's dead pixels, my ips can freebleed all it wants as long as all the dots work.
because japan was btfo from manufacturing display devices, the best IPS panel I have seen was made by panasonic ten years ago
I'm hoping I'll be able to return my S2716DG. I'm not sure how good Dell's warranty is. They claim that they don't accept returns over image retention, but fuck me, it's extremely bad on my monitor, It's certainly a defect, I've never seen a monitor that has it this bad. There's permanent blemishes around the edges of the screen, and shit burns in substantially after around an hour of use.
Shieet, I'm glad you brought that monitor up. Someone suggested it to me a while back, because it *supposedly* had better QC than the other offerings in its class, like the PG279Q and the XB271HU. Guess not...
Where did you order yours from, and what's ViewSonic's warranty like? I guess a better question is, why did you keep returning your monitors, and who were you going through to return them? I'm always fucking paranoid about playing the panel lottery, because so many manufacturers and retailers have extremely shit return policies when it comes to dead pixels or other cosmetic issues.
>because japan was btfo from manufacturing display devices
What happened?
Amazon. Pretty much the only place that will take back monitors quibble-free for minor flaws. I returned them all for backlight bleed and uniformity issues. A couple of them only had a couple of spots of bleed, but I refuse to accept the monitor industry's shit tier quality control.
Incidentally, I've tried the Asus and Acer ones in the past and both had way worse bleed than any of the ViewSonics I tried.
Okay, well, thanks for the heads up and advice. I went through the fucking PG279Q 2 times and the XB217HU once. Thankfully, they all had severe defects beyond the fuckload of dead pixels they had, so I was able to return them via Newegg's somewhat sketchy return policy.
Unfortunately, seems like the ViewSonic is still out of stock on Amazon. When I last checked a month or two ago, they were out of stock everywhere. So, that's going to be a pain.
It's pure autism to get your panties in a twist over a few dead/stuck pixels. The monitor I have has several all over the screen and in the 10 years I've used it they've not bothered me once.
Buying a new monitor is so goddamn stressful, the amount of defects and lack of quality control for a product this expensive is disgusting. How do they get away with this shit?
TN also can have those problems, but TN is much older and more mass-used technology, thus defects are less common.
It really is a bunch of crap, if I knew buying a brand two brand new ips monitors and both having dead/stuck pixels, I would've bought the U2412M refurbished where it would've at least been tested and cheaper.
>buying an Asus monitor
Oops. Asus are a cheap, low quality masquerading as a quality brand. Their monitors always have poor OOTB calibration.
For monitors you want Dell, LG or VieeSonic. Ultimately any monitor manufacturer can release a stinker, so search for monitor reviews on tftcentral or pcmonitors.info.
It's one thing to have an old monitor that has dead pixels (although, even then, I've owned monitors for longer periods of time that never had a dead pixel, so either you have a trash monitor or you should stop tard raging and punching it whenever you lose a Dota game).
It's another thing to have a brand new monitor be a piece of trash with dead pixels and other cosmetic blemishes. That's just fucking unacceptable, and if you accept that, you are a literal cuckold.
Once you get to 1440p+ dead pixels stop mattering. I have a green stuck pixel but I only notice it when I really go looking for it, and the vast majority of the time it blends in anyway.
Okay I was a dumbass for thinking SNSV's monitors would be of good quality because they make rogshit so why not.
What the fuck? What about "republic of gamers" screams quality? When I see/hear that brand name my mind automatically goes to cheap tacky garbage.
Again, me being dumbass, as a Gigabyte board guy and fan of Dell Ultrasharps I should've known better, waited a paycheck and got a U2412M straight up.
I'm unironically thinking about just buying a fucking CRT at this point.
It's a shame you've gotta buy lower res panels just to get one that isn't defective on arrival, my Asus and Dell are the first monitors I've had bigger than a 1440x900 and they're both defective, wouldn't care so much if these things weren't crazy expensive.
Bad pixels are simply going to become unavoidable as displays come with high pixel counts. A 4K display can be had for less than $400, some even cheaper and nastier, all thanks to China's ability to pump out cheap crap and cut corners. The lack of QC or allowing displays with minor defeats to pass is what allows them to be made this cheap. I doubt you'll be willing to pay $1000 for the same display if it comes with a guarantee of zero dead/stuck pixels.
60$ 1600x900 ips panel here. No dead pixels anywhere and i've had this thing for a while.
Guess it's just luck.
It's still a travesty we're even seeing anything with Ultrasharp in the name even having this bullshit, though, I mean I got the U2412M new for 189, but it was like a $250 display at one point I think.
>bank of america
Retard detected
I have 5 different IPS screens from different years and I haven't had any which shipped with dead pixels. Luck of the draw.
Thinking that name means anything is like expecting RoG branded stuff to actually be of better quality. U2412M is a good display, especially for that money and being 16:10, but it's still cheap tier. I was expecting you to be complaining because you spent like $600+.
just get an AOC monitor dipshit
>bought a 4k TV with an almost flawless panel except for a dead pixel near the edge of the screen
>pursuade Sony to send a replacement after weeks of complaining
>set it up, it's a fucking dumpster fire of a panel, lost count at 30+ dead pixels, 2 pressure marks, clouding and backlight banding
>told them to fuck right off and take it back
>happy with my one dead pixel now
>buy monitor at best buy
>return it if there's a dead pixel
>just say you changed your mind
It only "seems" more common on IPS because everyone buys cheap trash IPS panels that are rejected on quality grounds from high end monitors. I have an Eizo display from 2002 and it has not even a single dead pixel. Well, it had a couple after not being used for like 10 years, but I massaged them out and it works perfect now.
i have no dead pixel on my asus monitor
Even $1000+ monitors are going to potentially have 1 or 2 dead/stuck pixels
Pretty much every manufacturer has specific guidelines for what is and isn't acceptable
Dead pixels usually require 5+ in order to count as defective simply due to the manufacturing process, if they made sure every single panel was 100% defect free, they'd spend a fortune, and the monitor would cost $1000+ instead of $250-350.
My vizio 55 inch 4K has one I just learned to live with it they can be fucking annoying but I just kinda stopped caring about it
>mfw I have to slide the image across the screen to tell the issue from the dirt on my display
I was worried about this when I got my 4k monitor.
42.5" and thankfully no dead or stuck pixels across the entire panel.
IPS glow is pretty minimal as well. Overall very happy.
>GPU causing dead pixel
What did he mean by this?
I thought my you could be attracting with the dell and Asus but when I plug my gaycer 1366 monitor it's got no ded pixels.
My gpu***
>Dead pixels usually require 5+ in order to count as defective simply due to the manufacturing process, if they made sure every single panel was 100% defect free, they'd spend a fortune, and the monitor would cost $1000+ instead of $250-350.
I'm sick of this meme. Of all the screens I see, less than 5% have any dead pixels at all. If detected on time, this would increase manufacturing cost by
This, I wouldn't even mind paying an extra 50 to 100 dollar if I don't have to waste me and a seller's time playing Chinese roulette, exchanging monitors all the time.
He's saying it's so uncommon that few than 5% of monitors have issues, so you should never run into a situation where that happens...right?
If you're exchanging monitors "all the time" then surely it affects more than 5% of monitors...
My IPS is pretty much flawless aside from a tiny bit of bleed from the bottom right. It helps not being poor and having consumer rights laws that overrule company bullshit