The House of Lords has launched an inquiry into the best way to regulate the web

>the House of Lords has launched an inquiry into the best way to regulate the web.

Stay cucked, Britcucks.

Attached: parliament_photo_by_shutterstock.jpg (648x486, 55K)

The government is always right, it'll be for the good of the people.

Haha, they can't catch me behind my chain of 7 paid VPN's.

If the porn thing don't cause a revolution, i don't know what will.

>shill your subjects into believing that Brexit will mean less brown people
>actually it means less regulation for your country's rich people
>no central comittee that can ensure that you respect EU laws on privacy anymore
>UK immediately starts classifying hentaii as child porn, training your dog to do hitler salute as hate speech, implements porn bans and start regulating the internet

You chose this, britbongs.

P.S. had to solve 15 captchas to post this (5 where the slow disappearing one), what the hell is going on

captcha suck like hell the last few months...


Attached: 1500934042540.jpg (640x433, 82K)

why are they doing this? I don't get it

i wana die

only a matter of time before they ban Jow Forums desu

>P.S. had to solve 15 captchas to post this (5 where the slow disappearing one), what the hell is going on

Jow Forums is a honeypot that turns a profit.

You watched too many shitty crime shows.

>>UK immediately starts classifying hentaii as child porn
That's a good thing.

I just want to watch some big titty ninjas get raped by orcs what's so bad about that

God I fucking hate Europoors, I hope the muzzles render them extinct by the new decade, then we can carpet bomb them and steal what oil they have.

First they came for the Socialists, I didn't speak out because I was not a Socialist.

>>UK immediately starts classifying hentaii as child porn
Did this actually happen?

How long before their secret services start making hardware manufacturers and software vendors put in backdoors, then using those backdoors to record everything everyone does?

Fuck socialists.

>be the UK
>spend all your time tackling literal thought crimes rather than islamic rape gangs, acid attacks et al

gee at least they have their priorities straight

shithole country