who here /uni/?
what you studying?
/uni/ thread?
Yee yee my dude
CS, and I feel like ive already made a mistake
But also doing math major tho so
I'm getting my teacher credential this summer.
My major was history.
no hate pls
Nuclear engineering. It's interesting but I'll probably have to get a mechanical engineering job because the industry is dying
n-network engineer here
Uni was shit for me.
>programming courses were pajeet tier. It was literally gluing together shitty solutions from stack overflow
>C++ 98, python2, and java 7
>Nothing about working in team, git, docker, code review, methodologies. Nothing.
>time wasted on fighting with uni itself. Teachers who are afraid of students, bullshit projects, learning about some non-important subject.
After CS you are pajeet-tier programmer with some extra knowledge in math. You don't have any knowledge how clean, good and performance wise program should look or how to design one.
It is better to study alone - no one can be better teacher than Internet with thousands of resources. No one.
I dropped from uni and went to work.
At least math was fun.
I'm taking a community college program that has CCNA, A+, MCP, and Linux training. What else do you learn as a network engineer?
studio art major
Computer science. I've still got two pages left for a paper in my security class due tonight.
Make it stop pls
Im learning babbie's first data structure, linked list
Why not just look for a school with a better curriculum?
Double electrical + mechanical engineering major and double comp sci + networking minors
I graduate in 1 month thank fucking christ
In case anyone is wondering, my starting offers all average about $75K. Haven't accepted anywhere yet though.
I have only seen 2 thinkpads at my college. Lots of macbooks, a few ROGs and a smattering of chromebooks.
That's a decently passing ftm on the right, right there
>who here /uni/?
I'm doing a PhD, but I'm mostly not associated with the uni except for on paper. I'm hired by an independent national research institute, and I'm doing the PhD in collaboration with a privately owned industry partner.
>what you studying?
Computer science.
Guys, I did something retarded. I had 3.9 GPA for first two years of uni. Since I figured I had slack room, I was then averaging about 2.8 for a few semesters. Graduating at 3.3 GPA.
Now I really want to go to grad school, but for some reason I didn't realize schools don't just look at GPA average, but actual grades. I know, I'm retarded.
How bad is this going to hurt me? I'm so retarded it keeps me up at night :/
Can you explain how a computer works, from the bottom up? One day I hope to be able to understand and explain the whole thing, every aspect
>Can you explain how a computer works, from the bottom up
Depends on which level of detail, as I'm not an expert on electrical engineering. But I can in essence, yes.
You should write a paper on it and publish it. I'm dying to read it.
Why no arraylist first? Is simpler
EE freshmen.
I'm studying CS with a math minor
>Inb4 what a meme
Ya ya but at least I managed to snag a job doing back end web dev in town that pays all my bills. Beats delivering pizza in a college town
Really? I dunno why but I checked my slides to see that array list is just right after
I haven't unironically been to class in 8 weeks and still doing great.
Damn seems like a nice position.
Just out of mere curiosity, how old are you and where are you from?
who /ucf/ here
It's definitely not going to be beneficial, but you should at least try applying. Worst case scenario, you get rejected. I've seen people in worse situations still admitted somehow, however, so not all hope is lost.
I'm 31 and from Norway.
Your uni does not have any in class pop quiz huh?
If I want to get into computers but can't do calculus am I doomed to unhappiness?
Pls respond
im a glorified tech support
you just learn about setting up servers and shit, at least here in aus, various security shit
books on object-oriented code should be burned. literally the dumbest paradigm ever.
I feel your pain, user. I'm in a similar situation but I'm taking my dildo part-time to study on my own
mechatronics eng. here
i've learnt freeRtos last year to enrich my thesis works
now that amazon has bought freeRtos, am i ready for the ultimate IOT botnet?
I'm and I really sucked at maths. I struggled my way through the minimum requirements through shear willpower and hard work. Computer maths, on the other hand, like graph theory, discrete mathematics, algorithms etc, I just found more intuitive and interesting to be honest (probably because I could immediately grasp the application of it), so it was easier for me to do.
Just hang in there and work hard at it so you'll pass.
I mean an arraylist doesn't require pointers or reference variables, and can be efficient for data that isn't sparse. Nodes and the linked lists made from them are typically more efficient for trees and such. My class covered it just before linked lists, but then again my professor is also an ass-backwards chink.
There is a lot of stuff that doesn't require it, but nothing is preventing you from studying it on you're own in your free time. Basic single-variable calculus at least is actually not that hard unless you're a brainlet, except for maybe some tricky proofs (which you're almost never required to know by heart anyway).
I thought you were joking. No, I'm not going to write a paper on how computers work, because it's not going to get published anywhere and it has zero scientific value.
There are plenty of books explaining how they work, I'd suggest starting reading some of those. For networks and operating systems, I recommend Tanenbaum's books as they are really easy to read and his writing style is down to earth and even sometimes quite funny.
LOL who would honestly blame you for following a meme that's based when it's actually lived?
How do I make friends? I'm finishing up my sophomore year and haven't made a single friend that I talk to after the semester ends.
I've got a Chromebook but I'm running Linux with i3 on it.
Make up some bullshit about what happened halfway through. Say you used to live with your grandmother or something and she died.
>junior year and still no friends
shieeet I've been studying 8 years and I never made a single friend this entire time
Why waste thousands of dollars and years at some school which will likely have outdated courses anyway when there are thousands of free resources online (or resources that cost under $100)?
>Who could blame you for following a meme
I can, me, I keep myself up at night wondering if I should've just majored in business so I could snort cocaine off of a hooker's ass in between classes
currently a cybersecurity major
I'm in third year (out of five) in a private engineering school in France.
It's pretty easy atm, the second year was cancerous though.
I should have went and do a math master, but eh, i'm fucked now.
I guess sooner or later we need to know pointers and references anyway, the nodes seems very intuitive for me to understand so its no problem.
Lol, whats with uni's cs department full of arabs and chinks
>online courses
good resume
I would have loved to study on my own if employers didn't sperg out on me not having a degree.
That's why you need good time management.
Me too, what are you learning
probably going to make the most $$$ if you play your cards right boss
network engineering and cybersecurity under the same course.
probably going to enter the industry as a sysadmin and work up to big cyber nigga from there
lolol I'll try, thanks
Electrical engineering. Fucking kill me.
its hard but very worth
you a freshie? by the time you're in 2nd year, you'll lose half your major
last year of shitty cs in eastern European college
one thing i keep thinking about is who is more retarded me that i went to trouble of studying there or person who wrote the curiculum
basically this but less math, programming and more shit at least it forced to start learning on my own
calc, linear algebra, physics, chem, some humanities bs, and one class that's about C and I think we'll program drivers and that kind of shit.
I'll have the more traditional parts of electronics during 2nd and 3rd year, combined with more math/physics.
What kills you user? Physics and electronics courses?
>you a freshie
I fucking wish, I was innocent, then. I've been in university for six years, now. Admittedly, I took six terms worth of Japanese classes as well, so that set me back a couple terms.
Electromagnetics is the class that's currently got me over a barrel. The problem is that I can understand the content, but the math really fucks me up.
Seek help user, I don't mean psych help, but from the uni staff.
this my dude. there must be tutors or something.
damn right
except i feel like i'm the only student in my program not just in it for the money
>junior year and still no friends
I am completely alienated from my classmates. I wasn't able to go to uni right after high school due to financial issues, so I worked shitty factory jobs for four years. Started comp sci a few years ago and I just feel so out of place. Everyone else is young and trendy, wearing gaming tshirts from video games I don't even recognize and a lot of them have the stereotypical shaved-side-of-their-head hipster haircuts. I just don't fit in.
It's always been hard for me to make friends, but I was always able to have at least a few close friends. Not anymore though. Fuckin reeeeeeeeeee
What distro are you running, user? What distro would you recommend to someone who is used to Windows and wants to start dual-booting?
Bachelor of arts in Theoretical computer science
My degree is completely unemployable
When you're so autistic that you try to put your thread in someone elses
Don't worry about it user, you'll make friends with them after the first year when most of them drop out. I'm in the same situation than you and I see all these young memesters, and I don't feel I can relate to them but that's just fine. I have friends already, and I have Jow Forums, what else do I need
>inb4 a gf
get vmBox and just vm Ubuntu for now :)
Make sure to enable virtualization in BIOS so you can get more than 1 cpu core and 1gb of ram running.
BS in InfoSec.
> tfw 2nd year and still no friends
Gimme your class curriculum, I'm interested in infosec though I'm EE.
You look like a nobhead, like the rest of us.
But good catch.
I haven't actually gotten into the security part yet... The closest I've come is a crypto course.
However, I've taken programming in Java, Python, C, and MIPS, as well as networking and sysadmin stuff.
Do you want those books?
i finished university but that was a mistake how do i go back
i-is it normal to have no friends
if you want to learn working in teams and shit, you go to SE, not CS
CS is not a programming course, pleb
>Bachelor of arts
>in computer science
GUYS, I need some help ASAP.
So, I am just about to graduate german high school, and my final grade will be somewhere between 2,3-1,9 where 6 is worst and 1 is best.
I like programming a lot, but have no clue what to do after school. (inb4 i am 18)
Should I go to UNI? What degree should I get?
I found these degrees on the page of the RWTH Aachen university:
- Computational Engineering Science
- Technical Informationtechnology
- Informationtechnology
- Engineering
- Technical Communication with basics of Informationtechnology
- Technical Communication with basics of engineering
Can someone of you tell me what these are for/ which one is going to make me the most money?
(I translated the titles from german to english, so I hope nothing got lost in translation)
Do you really think it matters
>somewhere between 2,3-1,9 where 6 is worst and 1 is best
Honestly have no idea what you're trying to say here. As for the degrees, I think engineering or computational engineering science (computer science?) will make you the most money, but they are not easy.
>1st year EE
>Won a power systems scholarship, ~£6k a year
>Don't even find power systems interesting
excuse me for my rather mediocre english.
well, the thing that puts me off about "computational engineering science" is that this is the actual name of the course.
I couldn't find any "computer science" on the university's listing.
Does anyone know if that is the same?
Stay true to yourself and the rest will follow.
Corporations and people obsessed with moolah are ruining this world
Where are my physics bros?
it's not normal but I didn't either. I ended up at a job with a bunch of people from my class, I didn't know any of their names until work.
Enjoy your 5y - 10y debts, dumbasses
You're digging your own graves unifags/collegefags of Jow Forums
I got my law degree last year and this autumn I'm going back to uni to get a management masters.
All I want to do is study a STEM subject but I'm so far down this shit path that it's too late so best I'll be able to do is join a tech company or something...
Coming up on the end of my CS undergrad. Getting my geology minor and GIS cert.
It's been great so far, I'm learning lots of cool new shit with the GIS classes especially.
Still no friends though.
You can't get a job without a degree anymore in any field above min wage
Sure, it doesn't hurt.
Why does everyone assume I'm in debt? Scholarships exist dude
>MSc in Comp Sci
>we actually have a decent curriculum
>Lots of standard CS courses with software engineering and team projects. Writing up academic papers, working with git, reviewing each other's code etc.
>A.I. courses (probability calculus and shit)
The only issue I have with it is that its way too fucking demanding for how boring it is. My schedule is constantly fucked.
I truly despise it, but its done me good.
free tuition, I get stipend for studying
Is everyone here poor?
My parents are paying for the entirety of my undergrad degree and have even offered to pay for my MBA when I go for that (I plan on paying for that myself though).
Not all of our mothers have caves, I mean basements or attics for us to dwell in you light-abhorring double nigger
I pay all my own bills (except cell phone bc that was the only way to keep my number) with about 100 bucks left over every month. So yeah, I'm pretty broke most of the time. But I live cheap so life is good
They are not. But boy, they are trying, they are trying so hard that it hurts.
I'll post a link in a few hours, when I'm back at my desktop.