Runs N64 games WORSE then the console did

>runs N64 games WORSE then the console did
>can barely even run PSP games

Why would anybody buy a Raspberry Pi?

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for things other than games maybe

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this is a strange stat to bring up ever

>buy weak ass single chip computer
>be surprised that emulators with high system requirements don't run

Fuck. Might as well kill myself then.

i've played sm64 on a pentium mmx 166MHz before

on a shitty hle emulator with compatibility for 4 games

your point being?

Like what?

better emulation needs better hardware

general, low-level emulation needs better hardware
there's nothing stopping someone doing what corn did to other games, it's just a lot of per-game work
it's not great from a preservation point of view, but as far as just playing the games... lets be honest, there's very few n64 games still worth playing

I don't think there's any processor that can do proper accurate N64 emulation yet.

If you bought it for gaming then /v/ is that way ---->

The Nintendo 64 is the most advanced video gaming console yet developed. Because of it's totally unique Reality Engine it cannot be simulated quickly by modern hardware. There is no substitute for superior Japanese engineering.

Ocarina of Time runs at 20fps on the n64. So it actually is running the games better than they ran on their original hardware.

>buying a fanless quad core RISC workstation designed for *nix
>to play gaymen on it
The reason RPis have composite and HDMI out is so you can connect them to TVs. Just get a console and put it on another input.

Here is a thread where people are complaining about the framerates of the n64 console.

the game draws 20fps, but the emulator still needs to run at 60fps to get full speed
the reason the game runs at 20fps is because it's doing other work the rest of the time

Nah, it's probably because there's maybe 10 good games for it so why bother? We can 1:1 emulate a PS2, Gamecube and Wii and all of those were rather difficult to develop for, yet they all have decent games so there's interest there. PC is also getting PS3 emulation soon (it's getting there) and that shit was almost intentionally made to be a fucking chore.

4th gen is better anyway

I use it as a torrent machine. Saves me $ on electricity and MTBF on my main machine.

> Thinking muh gayms is the only reason to own a computer
Back to /v/ you go

Please elaborate on PS3 emulation.
I always thought it was virtually impossible.

>Japanese engineering
>hardware was developed by SGI, an American company

Even funnier when you consider that SGI staffers threw lavish, expensive parties that sank the company once they got the contract from Nintendo.

>Why would anybody buy a Raspberry Pi?
it's good backup computer when your main one shits the bed. I guess the PSU is blown, no sign of life when trying to turn it on.

pic related.

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PIs are obsolete now that you can run x86 VMs on your phone. A used galaxy S4 is 100x more useful than this piece of shit.

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why the shit would you emulate a pc on your android phone when you can run a native gnu chroot?

Jow Forums - games and game benchmarks

Because x86 software support.

Jow Forums - games, graphic cards and game benchmarks*

N64 was a trash console and there's only like 2 PSP games worth playing?

Also, RPi is shit as an emulation device. Only a retard would pretend otherwise.

Cheap NAT. Though, I use Orange PI instead of that.

>Why would anybody buy a Raspberry Pi?
Dumbfuck normalkeks, soybois, pajeet and tech illiterate "I can install a CS:GO crack so I R H4X0R" idiots.

Any true gentooman won't bother with this shit, because they know they can get better board for the same price with gigabit, SATA port, raspi-compatible GPIO interface and freedom respecting hardware.

There are more worthwhile n64 games than wii

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>please elaborate
This isn't fucking reddit. DYOR, nigger.

N64 ran goldeneye at steady 17frames.

Like what? Ocarina, Mario kart, mario 64 and goldeneye are pretty much it

>what is project64

Lucky quads of truth. Checked

This is where cycle accurate n64 emulation is at right now.

>Ignoring Banjo, Majora's Mask, Paper Mario, Mario Tennis, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Diddy Kong Racing, Star Fox, Rogue Squadron, F-Zero, Kirby 64, Mario Party 1-3 (the best ones), Mischief Makers, etc.
It's like you have no soul.

*posts a soyboy wojak @ u*

Name one (1) then. You literally cannot. There is no other that has even a comparable community to RPi. You're the retard here that suffers with an obscure product just to stand out somehow.


The community is worthless

Not true. N64 is harder

Then why is it being accomplished

Yeah, the infinite inspiration and tools are totally worthless.

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you clearly have not played goldeneye before

Your personal sever is all i would use one for. Almost cancled my vps ans bought one but i figured it wouldnt be worth the hastle

Because it's not impossible...

What distro do you use?

That would be the PS3

Because he wants a useful OS on his phone.

>make claims
>don't cite those claims
>"DYOR this isn't reddit"
I know you're not making shit up because I've been emulating games since before you kiddos even knew it was possible. I have a really good idea of the technical limitations and I know a lot about emulateable and unemulateable software, but God damn dude. Citing shit and then telling people to fuck off just makes the information seem unreliable and like some made-up shit you just read on Jow Forums.

>Why would anybody buy a Raspberry Pi?
because it's a shitty fad that just won't die already

>PS3 emulation is already ahead of original xbox

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>you now realize that at this point, the ps3 is only 30% newer than the xbox
the ps3 came out 12 years ago (... holy shit)

Regrettably, it's the only SBC that has a good amount of support.

You can certainly buy more powerful SBCs, but expect them to be janky pieces of taped together shit without a lot of support backing them.

I purchased an Orange Pi PC Plus a while back, and although it was great on paper, everything else about it has been a total nightmare.

Just checked the release date, holy shit time flies by.

There's just as many good n64 games now as they have ever been

A hyper modded original Xbox with a 1400Mhz CPU and double the ram can do N64 emulation rather well, but then it has 50% more floating point performance than a Pi3.

i considered saying just "worth playing", without the "still", but there are a few things which now have better alternatives, things people would only go back to purely for nostalgia reasons
as a rough example, take sm64 and ssb
sm64 is a unique game, for which there is no "upgrade path" from
while ssb has newer instalments which are just more of the same thing, with little reason to play the original over them

I'm buying a Raspberry Pi next month to turn my old printer into a WiFi printer.
Yeah, I know, printers are cheap nowadays. But I like the learning experience, and that's what Raspberry Pis were designed for (teaching computer basics and/or tinkiering with electronics)

N64 emulation is trash anywhere.

why buy a new printer when you can extend its life with a Pi.

You will do something good for the environment and such

Aren't you getting tired of posting that webm every day?

or a more objective example, how about Tetris 64? when would you ever want to go back to that when you can play something like tetris: the grand master instead?

it's like a less extreme version of xbox emulation
xbox emulation never took off because there's basically no games for it that are both exclusive and worth playing, n64 has only a small handful of games for which there are still hardcore players of, so once those got emulated well, shit stopped getting better


More like no documentation senpai

>xbox emulation never took off because there's basically no games for it that are both exclusive and worth playing,
And yet all XBox games that were also on the PS2, are vastly superior to the PS2 version.

All you told us was that you don't know enough to operate a Linux command line.
Congrats on making a fool of yourself.

>Why would anybody buy a Raspberry Pi?
Because it was shilled as fuck all over the place and soyboys being the mindless retards that they are just ran out and bought it, only to realize they don't know what to do with it. The idea behind the RPi was you could have a small computer to do projects with, but sadly today's society revolves around buying a computer to consume apps and media, so most people use it to run emulators in a very shitty way.

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Because it's a cheap way to get a computer for all those little things that don't need more computing power. The high level of kernel support give it greater usability than competitors. I've got one each for home security, media center, and basic server tasks. They draw almost no power and if anything dies it costs almost nothing to replace.

I'd love a chance to emulate original XBox titles. Some of that shit is still amazing.

>a tiny computer can't even into massive instantaneous computation
Wow. I am shocked. Absolutely shocked I tell you.


just buy one. it's like £20 for the console used + £5 for a usb to xbox cable + £2 for a copy of splinetr cell and you can easily hack the system.

you can just either burn games or swap a bigger hdd in and play the games like that

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I'm the original dude, the DYOR dude isn't me. To answer your question look up RPCS3, like I said it's still early days but it's getting there. Here's some demos:
The future's bright but we still have a long way to go.

Technically yes, but since a Wii is basically just an overclocked Gamecube, most of the work was already done (hence why Dolphin runs both).
I 100% guarantee the PS2 and 3 are more complex. Hell, look at the complexity of the Saturn for a true maze of a console; at least that has quite a few worthwhile titles though.

And while you're doing all that, don't forget to clip that ticking time bomb of a capacitor if it hasn't already leaked.

unless it's a 1.6, in which case, there's no need.

I prefer the hotswap method.

RDR runs like garbage but S3 runs great so im impressed. Has anyone tested All Pro Football 2K8?

What's torrenting like on a RPI?

>there's only like 2 PSP games worth playing?

There's a ton of games on the psp worth playing user.

I use mine to control my 3d printer.
Octoprint is A+.

I'm using mine as a controller for a 6 revolute joint manipulator I'm building.

The psp has no games.

>Needing more than 15 FPS
Stop being greedy

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Its a Raspberry Pi. Not some fucking alienware you piece of shit. Fuck off faggot and do some real programming

If you need a low powered Linux server it's great. I run a few for network services that a full machine isn't necessary for. Ad blocking dns, seafile, and apt-mirror. Can't beat the price either if you don't go full retard on gizmos for it.

There's a reason I said emulate. I can get an original whenever I want. Emulation lets you do a bunch of neat bullshit though.

tfw being a brainlet and using the raspberry pi for gaymen

Just wanted to say good bait, doubtless many people got infuriated

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I tried lakka as it seems popular these days and apparently my 1st gen raspi at its default 700mhz clock can't even emulate nes games at native speed. Will probably use it as a print server.

>be console emulator programmer
>reverse engineer n64
>manage to write code so badly, emulator ends up requiring 10 times more system resources than the original 100mhz and 32mb ram
>port shittily written n64 emulator to cpu architecture that 99% of the world population isn't familiar with
>niggers bitch about it on 4chin
how unexpected