CP exists within the message portion of a blockchain

CP exists within the message portion of a blockchain

Attached: 547846120C5.jpg (250x242, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>the images that you save from Jow Forums may contain embedded pizza

is this the reason why buttcoin price is going down?
what's a pizza?

thats a good thing

You don't know what a pizza is?

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1600x1289, 316K)

>tfw binary blobs in the linux kernel contain steganographic cheese pizza

will I get in trouble if I save this image..?

if i post CP in this thread, it'll save in your cache and can be used to prosecute you


only if you use proprietary software *wink*

you haven't been able to embed files for years now



not if I report you

>you haven't been able to embed files for years now
YOU haven't been able to embed files for years now :^)

>what is stenography

That's a rather serious claim. Got any proof to back it up?

>you haven't been able to embed files for years now

Attached: kojjpwwp.png (757x558, 103K)

>reddit spacing
pls go

I don't think you know what Reddit spacing is...

>you can get high by snorting a blockchain

Attached: 1521592047826.png (600x445, 437K)

Only if it's cheese pizza

Can you tell me the program?
Copying zips into an image directly doesn't work because Jow Forums knows it has an file embedded onto it
What do you use?

stop with the fucking propaganda. later they corrected the story saying it was a link to a site, but still no proof. but of course you didn't hear about it.
besides, if government really "cared about the kids" they would go against snapchat, which is undoubtedly the biggest holder and producer of child pornography. they would also should go against google, which in its search cache has millions of underage nudes, just search for it

It's here

Import into session by copying and running it in powershell or by doing this:
iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring("pastebin.com/raw/Pv91CLaj"); Show-HostImageUI

To create new embeds use New-HostImage. To extract files on the command line rather than the user interface use Export-PayloadFromHostImage.

Thank you OP
very nice of you for actually delivering

"The action or process of writing in shorthand and transcribing the shorthand on a typewriter."

Newfag fuck off to Reddit alright

OK, so the program is for finding and extracting the embedded file in the image but how do I create the payload in the first place?

I already outlined that part:
>To create new embeds use

Once you close the UI window (if you ran the second command) all functions that were imported orignally will be part of the session. Here's a simple example:
New-HostImage -Payload D:\test\test.7z -Image C:\image\image.jpg

This will put the new resultant image next to the payload file. You can also use links, e.g. to use an image file from Jow Forums without having to save it locally. Use OutputPath parameter to specify an alternative directory. PreserveImageSize switch tries to maintain the original image resolution, though it some cases this may result in a file that's quite big. Use Name parameter to define a custom file name or use the NameFormat parameter to pick from a few preset file name generators. Force parameter overwrites any existing resultant files, otherwise error is thrown.

CP exists within in infinite digits of pi if you look far enough

do this Reddit person knows what is pizza?

This is false. Unfortunately, the evidence proving this claim is false, is, itself, also locked within pi, unironically beside cp images, also locked within pi. Make of that what you will.

Attached: This thread.jpg (372x396, 32K)

am i inside pi?

then i can make my own CP using a series of 1's and 0's from pi?

Whats stopping coders from making their own Cheese Pizza?