Be me

>be me
>fallen into an uni meme
>bloody small nameless local uni CS
>lecturer is trying to teach us SICP
Does this guy thinks we're mit students or something?

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Are you undervaluing yourself? Are you saying you can't improve yourself?

No, but even the average person can learn to program if they put their mind to it.

That's great. I would have loved to read SICP rather than the pointless C++ I did.

>complaining about uni teaching SICP
why are you upset about them teaching you the peoper way?

lmao american "intelligence" everybody

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>have the intellectual honesty to admit he can't make a better course than MIT ane therefore use their textbook

>he's lucky enough to actually get an education instead of pascal classes or entire year of explaining what a variable is (or whatever else average shitty uni does)
>he's still sulking

you're not permitted to post fit girls anymore, you fucking loser

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what if I struggle to spell legible English? I never considered learning to program because of that.
(That was only speld crakly becous I use spech to text sorfwaie.)

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Americans don't say "uni" you fucking idiot

>has a good teacher
The state of amerifats

See you retarded europoor

I'm american and I say uni.

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I'm pretty sure it's pronounced "uni".

He thinks that the people who won't drop his class have a functioning work ethic and are not retarded.

This is why we hate your generation, you worthless pieces of shit.
The moment you face a challenge, you cry and beg mommy for help.

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you're talking like SCIP is some alien scripture that only autist turbonerds have a chance to comprehend.

lol, what a fag

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Not true . I can't program. Had to switch to Math

>Does this guy thinks we're mit students or something?
Apparently you're not, not even close.

>be bitter asshole
>to weak to ever provoke anybody
>find a suitable 'other' to victimize
>selection bias on any retarded example
>'this is why we hate your generation' amiright guis

Just gotta commit to learning English user. You can do it

Pic sauce?

>Just gotta commit to learning English user. You can do it
English is my first language. I took the short bus to school and I never learned how to spell it.
I have a learning disability called dyslexic dysgraphia that makes it difficult for me to understand how to spell words correctly and was sent you a public school system that didn't care I was having trouble learning it. I'm not sure I how I can reliably teach myself I know they've been lying to me saying that I can't learn since I learned how to spell "install" after switching to Linux and "faggot" after going to Jow Forums.
I'm 30 years old and can't spell my full name. I'm pretty sure I'm doomed to a life of poverty.

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2nded. Rev Img seach threw up some rando twitter which led nowhere...


works on my machine

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>Danberu nan kiro moteru?
I don't care about your question, but your picture is neat.

No worries - cheers. Says a lot about my recent browsing habits that i didn't even think to use imgops let alone saucenao....

Sorry OP, SICP is depreciated

Oh that's unfortunate. Have you applied for disability?

>dyslexic dysgraphia
Breddy fucken eloquent for a mong.
>I'm pretty sure I'm doomed to a life of poverty.
Maybe stop feeling sorry for yourself and playing the victim would be a gud start to improving things for yourself...

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interest bump

Not sure why they're piling on you, I do the same. We shorten high school to hs and university to uni, least here in Florida

do you have more?

god bless user.

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You will graduate and hate you don't know any shit, love teacher likes put you hard work and hate lazy teachers.

You can do it user, I believe in you!

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>dyslexic dysgraphia
Aren't there therapies to help with that? What about a new language?

Read a book nigga

Outside of extreme third world countries like pakistan I have heard australians mention uni quite a lot

A "university" is a group of schools for studies after secondary school. At least one of these schools is a college where students receive a bachelor's degree. The other schools in a university are"graduate" (also known as "postgraduate") schools where students receive advanced degrees. Therefore, a university offers both the bachelor's degree and graduate degrees such as the master's (M.A.) and doctorate (Ph.D.).

Is this accurate?

>Does this guy thinks we're mit students or something?
You should be fucking grateful that someone is trying to give you a good education in a smaller University.

Your professor could also go the easy route and teach you some trivial coding principles, that is both easier for him and for you, but he is actually trying to give you a good education, for fucks sake appreciate that.

You mean that proper exercises cause your body to develop muscles?

Jow Forums scholar here.
First of all, ab definition depends a lot on BF. Super skinny dudes who never lift can have super visible abs, while a huge powerlifter with a core strong enough to keep him stable with hundreds of pounds on his spine can barely have visible abs. Also, in nearly every pic you see of someone with abs, they're flexing them. Pic related. Most of the time, abs don't look as good as you think they would.
Then, planks aren't really a good exercise to build your core. For a beginner it might be a decent challenge at first, but past a certain point it's not challenging anymore unless you weigh it.
An actual good ab training for someone in good health would be a pyramid based on heavy compound lifts and functional stuff like carries and walks, then exercises requiring ab stabilization like pull ups, unilateral exercises, rows, etc, and lastly dedicated, effective ab work like pallof presses, weighted crunches, etc.
Training abs but not the rest of the body is asking for a fucked up sacropelvic dynamic.
IMO the only worthwhile plank for people past that beginner level is the RKC plank.
Lastly, form advice from drawings and stuff is an horrible idea. You can draw stuff that doesn't respect the law of physics, movements and joint angles that aren't humanly possible, the proportion can be completely fucked up, and a beginner wouldn't even be able to tell, would try replicating it and wonder why he can't replicate in real life what he saw on a drawing.
It's already bad enough that when you see someone do an exercise you can't know you have the same proportions, angles, mobility and stuff. When you begin working out, getting a sense of how your body is placed and how it should be is already a problem. Let's not make this even harder.

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so which crippling social problems do you have?

Based on the depth of his post; probably severe anxiety, autism, OCD, narcissistic disorder,mixed depression and phobias of social interaction.

Fuck off it was an interesting read

thank you

You completely missed the point good fucking job idiot

Bro its all in your head just be yourself,go out and talk to girls bro