Fucking finally

Fucking finally.

Attached: file.png (678x400, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Not freezed yet

Supports hardware acceleration? If not, everyone will stick to h264.

ur mom

ur momer

shit's slow yo

What do you expect from freetard shit? Look at OPUS, the meme this shit combined with is supposed to be the future of WEBM - doesn't even acknowledge the fact that 99% of music uses 44100Hz sampling rate.

yes it does acknowledge it, that's why it covers 44100Hz and even more than that, you peabrain.

user, if you can't tolerate the effects of modern high-quality resampling then you shouldn't be using a lossy codec anyway.

>it covers 44100Hz
No, it doesn't. 48000 != 44100

Or you shouldn't use low quality freetard codec.

I hope they can add it in new CPU / GPU s

It covers 44100Hz.

Attached: 1521852832318.png (500x762, 486K)

You're retarded

I rip all cds with opus codec into mp3 format.
Opus is the best lossy codec, replaced old LAME and Vorbis

Stop baiting then kill yourself.

Attached: scores_by_tracks_closeup_en.png (720x400, 13K)

Y-axis is quality, higher is better

>new CPU / GPU
So h264 will remain dominant.

Enjoy your audio aliasing.

It's not noticeable. Are you the same person that advocates for 1024-bit 5 Thz lossless audio?

>It's not noticeable
It is.

>advocates for 1024-bit 5 Thz lossless audio
No. 16-bit 44100Hz Stereo is what I want.

I will, fren, I will.

Attached: 1522089477081.png (986x995, 37K)

You think h264 got hardware acceleration immidiately when it was released?

Would've been a way better logo without the gay folded paper shit at the bottom desu

But then it'd just say "AV" because the "1" would be covered

From the xiph/opus github issues:
>The losses introduced by resampling are below audible thresholds. The whole workings of a lossy codec are a stack of lossy operations! Why focus on the one that has about the least loss of all of them? You're worrying about it in Opus, when in reality the quality loss due to it is far below the quality loss you get from Vorbis('s stack of lossy operations) as compared to Opus's.

Attached: 1522351013493.png (703x911, 89K)

>takes at least 2 years for hardware support
>by then another codec comes out because "AV1 has serious bandwidth/quality deficiencies"
Good goy, keep purchasing new hardware, support the big corporations.


Why the fuck are all you famous talking about hardware support? My PC from 2011 has no problem playing HEVC. Do you all have nigger-tier CPUs?

Hardware support only matters for phones / set-top boxes ("embedded" devices), and extremely high resolution (8K 60fps or greater).

There's the shitposter again.

Attached: I hope we meet again - [Onizuka Naoshi] Emotive Ch. 1-6 [English]_P000E.jpg (1699x1383, 709K)


Anyway AV1 is literal dogshit. Only usable if you hack into a super computer and even then who knows how many years it would take to encode a 5 minute 480p clip if you playing with your dick.

>"Specifically, here's what the report states regarding encoding speed; "AV1 encoder has extremely low speed—2500-3000 times lower than competitors.""


>unfinished alpha work-in-progress not-even-optimized-yet encoder slower than production-level encoders
that's some shocking apples-to-apples comparison there mang, I'll be sure to make my future encoding decisions based on this premature test!

Face reality, this codec isn't meant to replace shit today, it'll take 1-2 years for hardware decoders, some time for folks to actually start optimizing the encoders, and so on.
In the meantime, the performance comparisons are only useful as a way to monitor progress.

Maybe they will base their optimizations of the decoder on current hardware?
Why would every codec need specific hardware?

So AV1 is essentially a meme codec and by the time it comes anywhere near practical mpeg will be rolling out FVC. Got it.

you must be 18 or older to post here

Yeah and it will have better encoding than HEVC in its first year, holy kek.

Good thing I am. Go take your freetarded meme video codec and shove it up your ass you fucking commie.

Attached: 1520126736313.png (953x1282, 827K)

Oh so it has avx-512 support already? Wow user please tell me more.

Attached: skl_vs_bdw_speedup-768x498.png (768x498, 148K)

Is this guy roleplaying as a MPEG LA shill?

>backed by everyone big in the video scene, since MPEG started over-jewing them
m8 when even the megacorps get sick of your jewery, maybe you should consider that you're the baddie, ya kno?

either that or a useful idiot kid

You've been posting the same shit over and over again, faggot, no one's falling for it anymore.

Attached: 2f7.jpg (601x508, 94K)

when do the patents for h.262 and h.263 run out?

Attached: 1522098132062.png (671x519, 146K)

>muh open sores
>just wait©®™
freetards everybody

Attached: 1519516941288.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

Attached: av1logo.png (671x798, 40K)

>baiting freetards
Standardization can bring a lot of benefits in this case since it wouldn't cost much for Google, Netflix and other corps to deploy it. Also, hardware acceleration wouldn't require royalties and stuff. Take x265 for example - it's an alright codec but I hardly see anyone use it since it's not an open standard.

Attached: 1522056900349.jpg (320x247, 13K)

netflix uses it senpai

Yes but they will use AV1 once it rolls out.

forgot pic

Attached: av1.png (1109x423, 55K)

officially DOA

Anyone else waiting for AV2 to come out before upgrading?

Just wait for AV3

You can't hide from Jews. They are everywhere, my dude.

Threadly reminder to the MPEG LA shills that they did AV1 to themselves - by getting so greedy in 2015 that even Jewgle et al thought "enough is enough"

>tfw AV4 will be 27% more efficient than HEVC and only take 1000 times longer to encode
enjoy your slow encode times

You're already destroying the audio, it doesn't matter if you go a step further by resampling your gay CD's.
What I want to know is why Opus isn't be used in actual movie rips instead of DTS bloat.

>Do you all have nigger-tier CPUs?
Yes. Although I can play HEVC. Sorta. Sometimes.

>muh proof of concept encoder perf
>muh apples to oranges comparison
who falls for this shit?

Attached: av1-origin.png (509x284, 88K)

Which is why VP9 is a thing. Why couldn't they just focus on making VP9 really really optimized instead of being freetarded and making a new shitty codec with organ transplants from vp10 and daala?

good thing they're thinking in the average consumer, I'd be worried if they think of g

Because the VP tech had reached its limits.

Because VP9 is garbage.

>focus on making VP9 really really optimized
it is, that's why google uses it in billions of videos

but hey, you know more than them

Thanks for posting this.
I will watch it later.

>The performance goals include "a step up from VP9 and HEVC" in efficiency for a low increase in complexity.[15] NETVC's efficiency goal is 25% improvement over HEVC
>Feature wise, it is specifically designed for real-time applications (especially WebRTC) and higher resolutions (wider color gamuts, higher frame rates, UHD) than typical usage scenarios of the current generation (H.264) of video formats
>Tests from Netflix showed that, based on measurements with PSNR and VMAF at 720p, AV1 could be about 25% more efficient than VP9 (libvpx), at the expense of a 4–10 fold increase in encoding complexity
>Similar conclusions with respect to quality were drawn from a test conducted by Moscow State University researchers, where VP9 was found to require 31% and HEVC 22% more bitrate than AV1 for the same level of quality

>The researchers found that the used AV1 encoder was operating at a speed “2500–3500 times lower than competitors”, while admitting that it has not been optimized yet

>while admitting that it has not been optimized yet
>The 3000x slower comment is probaby refered to the research master build that searches all possibe combinations but there are different speed levels with less searches, you can certainly encode at "only" 20x-40x slower encodes than vp9 with only a couple percent quality loss compared to research build so they'getting there


The paid MPEG shill is now jumping on opus for no reason?

End yourself retard.

>But then it'd just say "AV" because the "1" would be covered

well meme'd

>MPEG cunts get too greedy with their rent seeking racket, milked companies rebel and DIY

>A few weeks ago the MPEG chairman expressed his concerns that the open
model of development of AV1 is killing innovation and research


To be fair outside of commercial use, AV1 like VP9 won't have much benefit for personal use. Pirates have never paid any royalty fees for using h264/hevc anyway.

Just curious, can i download sample video, and watch it in video player?

both published in '96, so 20 years passed and these should be out in the open

unless extensions and amendments somehow magically extend the lifetime of the patent

if that's the case then final h263 went out in 2005 whereas latest edition of h262 in 2013 (sic!)

Can't say I disagree.

Still gonna use AV1/VP9 for my own shit, like I try to avoid proprietary tech in other domains, for similar reasons.

>From November 2017 onwards, nightly builds of the Firefox web browser contained preliminary support for AV1.[86][87] Upon its release on 9 February 2018, version 3.0.0 of the VLC media player shipped with an experimental AV1 decoder. [88]
I guess so, although I wouldn't draw conclusions from it at such an early stage - I'm not even sure if they've frozen the bitstream spec yet.


Bruh, it's being developed by like 20 different major companies with billions of dollars to throw at shit.

>wants to program a mpeg decoder
>cannot because too poor to buy the license

dumb, dumb freetards. very dumb.

he's a shill/useful idiot, don't engage
Just remind people that the patent cunts did AV1 to themselves by getting too greedy:
- youtu.be/lzPaldsmJbk?t=90
- pic in

Under freetard license, using only freetard tech.

That's so fucking freetarded.

>According to the AOM representatives, at NAB several members will show 30-40% better quality for UHD 4K videos than VP9/HEVC. Encoding times are currently about 100X slower than VP9, which they feel will drop to 5X by the end of the year. For decode, AOM is currently about 5X slower then VP9 on the x86 platform, which should drop to 2X by the end of 2018.
>According our conversations, AOM expects AV1 decode in several browsers and some content from member companies over the next few months. This will be followed by hardware implementations in about 12 months that can be integrated into devices that will ship in early to mid-2020.

>Currently 100x slower than VP9 for encode, dropping to 5x slower by EOY
>HW decoding by 2020


Attached: 1515281529573.jpg (700x700, 63K)

weak sauce by the patent shills

>start accepting my new sly DRM: the thread

Support on Jow Forums when?

unlike moot, gookmoot can't into computers

>imagine being at computers.mkv

Is that a new meme?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 22.48.45.png (244x436, 107K)

weak b8 m8, noone is this newfag

dam, so much for open sores

Attached: TNwVkEM.png (960x540, 475K)

Nobody here who uses hevc has ever even paid a royalty fee you freetards.

Yes, somebody did.

>What do you expect from freetard shit

Ever bought a TV, Game console, anything with an Optical Drive in the last decade, smartphone, copy of windows, or a mac?

>0.2 fpm (frames per minute) encoding speed
Hardware decoders will literally be there by the time you finish encoding a single movie.

in 480p lmao

day of 4K content right guis?

Attached: 1522281621381.jpg (763x757, 59K)

I'll just stick to what works now: Mpeg-4/H.264/HVEC and containers AVI/MP4/MKV cause everything I got supports those. Really unless you really fuck up the encode job the output will look damn good on anything unless your trying to display it on some massive screen (65 - 75 don't count). Granted viewing distance plays a part in this, farther away you sit the more the resolution/quality equals out. It's like this, some VCD (352x480) will look like garbage at 4K on some 65" set close up. at 8ft on a 1080p 65" it looks decent, depending on codec settings.

no u