Update to iOS11.3

>update to iOS11.3
>the control center becomes fucked up

Bravo, Apple!

Attached: ios11.3.webm (640x1136, 1.97M)


an hero


what the fuckkk

Found your problem.

What were you expecting from a company where the logo is literally the homosexual CEO shitting on someones mouth?

Used every version of the 11.3 beta and now finally deleted my beta profile and installed 11.3 public/final and never once experienced this.

Do a clean install, you've clearly fucked something up.

>you're using it wrong!
The absolute state of iToddlerism.

Attached: 1508813050383.jpg (1000x710, 274K)

Attached: Image615757556.jpg (594x648, 36K)

What? I thought Apple "just works"?

OP you'r\______/ing an iPhone

I did a non-clean install and never bothered with the beta and didn't experience this. OP posting a webm for an IOS vid is certainly suspicious. He can't even view it in the browser in the screenshot.

>he doesn’t know how to transfer a video to a computer and convert it to a webm

The absolute state of ifags

>putting in extra effort for something with the same result
the state of linux users. knowing how to do something also means you know when it's necessary. parroting doesn't count as tech knowledge.

was it a coincidence that i switched to galaxy s9 this month? i think not.

Attached: 547846120DA.jpg (250x240, 14K)

Unless something changed, I believe the only kind of video you can post to Jow Forums are webms.

Why does Jow Forums genuinely hate apple products



I can’t reply to posters on Jow Forums without seeing a “connection error” after updating my iPad

>Why does Jow Forums genuinely hate apple products
They don't. They are just trolling because they are sheep.

I get "connection error", too.
Nothing to do with iOS.

>t. iToddler

that is the typical response whenever I encountered (countless) problems with Apple products.
> works on my machine
> you are using it wrong
> you are a retard
And then you wonder why people fucking hate on Apple. You are the reason fuckhead.

An iToddler has defended this.

What the fuck did you expect from iOS 11? It's been the most broken piece of shit version to date. Even the original IPhone wasn't this buggy.

>Even the original IPhone wasn't this buggy.

Attached: 1504718577616.png (854x1046, 544K)


Attached: PooOS2.png (1154x1186, 208K)

U cheeky fuck

t guy on iphone on the shitter

download the vlc app

iShit, not even once.

Werks fer me.