Is it normal to forget syntax and how to program after a break? Or I am brain damaged?

Is it normal to forget syntax and how to program after a break? Or I am brain damaged?

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everyone forgets languages they don't speak


Especially, if they have retarded syntax, like french or Perl.


>Especially, if they have retarded syntax, like french or Perl.

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I always forget the syntax for things, even if its really simple if I hadn't programmed in a specific language for a while. The concepts and stuff like that, usually not

It's a story based on actual events, though.

I'm always looking up basic shit like how to declare an array. I think knowing I can easily look up syntax prevents me from ever remembering it.

>like french or Perl
Parisian french is perl with strict. Canadian french omits strict

>Parisian french is perl with strict.
As someone who was in Paris once I doubt it.