/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

old: /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists...
>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
>b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try disroot, autistici or aktivix

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

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Other urls found in this thread:


Install GuixSD

>Sound only from left headphone speaker from Periscope.
>in any other application/use = from both

Is there a way to keep all of xorg's shitty files in a custom directory instead of my /home? I've managed to get zsh' files inside .zsh by setting ZDOTDIR.

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What are some cool terminal commands?

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Does anyone know how to use this feature of the i3bar that comes with i3-gaps here

Is this not something I can do from ~/.config/i3status/config ? The formatting looks different and most of the information I can find about this involves somehow running your own script to pass information to i3bar and not even using i3status at all. Is there really no way to attach this background property to my i3status config?

I have no idea what you're saying. What xorg files? and ".zsh" is still inside your /home isn't it?

.zshenv is the only zsh-related file in my home, it writes ZDOTDIR environment variable so that my zsh dotfiles are in ~/.zsh.

I want to clean up my home directory by having .Xauthority, .xserverrc, etc in a seperate folder. Almost broke my system by following assumptions made from the Arch article on XRDB directories.

Thanks for your time and response.

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quick, I need a major distro that is GUARANTEES that steam won't work and I'll have to go hunting for packages / ms core fonts and might not work quite right out of the box with an NVIDIA graphics card.

gentoo amd64 without multilib.

You will need to emerge half of your system with the 32bit multilib part enabled for steam to work.

I want to double partition windows and xubuntu. I have a 1tb hdd and the windows partitioning tool only lets me divide it in half, but I want to assign windows about 250gb and xubuntu like 750 or so. Is there a way I can assign the disc sizes on xubuntu or while installing it?

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So I have a laptop with mint and am running Sketchup8 trough wine.
When I use the integrated intell grafics all is fine but when i use the Nvidia GPU the modelling window is either black or chopped up nonsense from my backgrund.
What do I try first and how do I even update the drivers? I'm a Babbie.

How do I make .webms in Linux

I used webm for retards with Windows

nevermind found this and it worked

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Lol @ that pic. There's this escort I see frequently (because I'm one ugly fuck) that I convinced to use GNU/Linux. That's a fucking achievement, man, I couldn't even convince my normie parents to use it instead of windows.

How ugly?
Post a picture

Not really since there's no one specified program that's supposed to read all those files, nor one specified name for some of the files. You can modify a copy of your system's startx script (it's always a script) or write your own session profile for your DM.

Should I install solus or Ubuntu budgie?

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How likely am I to fuck my Windows partitions up if I go on and try to install Arch following the wiki?

I already have Ubuntu alongside Windows and I think I'm ready to move on from Ubuntu but don't want to fuck up my data on the windows side

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simply don't touch your windows partitions. That's it. After you successfully installed Arch just add them to fstab with ntfs-3g. Also, remember to install os-prober so grub updates will automatically add windows to your grub menu.

Why Jow Forums doesn't like GNU? I don't see anything wrong with GNU.

>UNIX for the masses
Bitch please. More like broken piece of shit wannabe UNIX that does not actually care about UNIX.
Anyone who ever used Linux and UNIX intensively and for longer periods of time knows that.

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There Is nothing inherently wrong with GNU, just that there isn't anything good either.

How to run mate from terminal?

Is this a joke? Jow Forums does like GNU

Is there no other android emulator for linux beside genymotion and virtualbox+androidx86?

Passthroughfags, please tell stories.
Do you use professional software?
Do you emulate vidya?
Do you stream?
How many cores do you allocate?
How much RAM do you allocate?

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>Do you use professional software?
professional virtualization software? no
>Do you emulate vidya?
yes, it's mostly native since the graphics does all the work and that's not really "emulating" at that point.
>Do you stream?
no but I could
>How many cores do you allocate?
of 16 threads, 14 (7 cores) to the windows guest
>How much RAM do you allocate?
24 of 32 gib, which is allocated at boot with kernel command for hugepage support

the android sdk

Which one is the most stable/fastest among those three?

I have a weird problem with my rx 550. I don't have the 2d drivers installed but the terminal says I have hardware acceleration and everything runs butter smooth. The only thing that doesn't work is video acceleration. I installed the 2d driver and now everything things seems slightly more laggy and videos now have a slight stutter. I don't know what to make of it. I'm running arch with KDE.

android x86 but the apps barely work
the others will be slow but should work. SDK should have the most updated stuff but I don't actually use android, I just know of them

lspci -v
look for driver in use for video card
what is it

>lspci -v
It says I'm using amdgpu. Is the arch wiki out of date? it says I need the xf86-video-amdgpu package for 2d acceleration in Xorg.

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>the windows partitioning tool only lets me divide it in half

How much space is winows using

that's what you want. for hardware acceleration in videos you need to configure your media player to use it

Okay seems to be working now. Thanks.

>yes, it's mostly native since the graphics does all the work and that's not really "emulating" at that point.
Oh, I was referring to emulating consoles inside the VM.
Any headaches setting it up?
Any specific hardware you could mention?
I have a GTX 970 and RX480 at hand and am curious which one to use. On one hand, I like using open source drivers on Linux with the 480, but on the other hand Nvidia a giant asshole when it comes to VMs on consumer cards.


>Any headaches setting it up?
IOMMU groups, isolating the GPU. I use kernel parameters to isolate the GPU, RAM, and supposedly you can isolate the cores you want as well but I haven't done that.
>Any specific hardware you could mention?
If you haven't chosen a motherboard yet try to see if you can find one that has documented good IOMMU groups. I use a shitty 2nd nvidia GPU in a regular PCI-E x8 slot for non-passed through graphics, but you can probably use integrated video if available.
>Oh, I was referring to emulating consoles inside the VM.
?? I don't see why this wouldn't work but no, I have a dedicated windows box hooked up to a TV if I wanted to emulate a console.

Laptop ran out of power while updating software
Upon turning on again I get a cursor but nothing else

How do I fix?

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update again
go into a livecd, chroot to your install, and update if you can't use your installed OS as is

Which distro?

Thanks senpai.
I think L1 has a guide, I remember them mentioning the ASRock Taichi working with Ryzen and that's the one I'm currently using. Might as well go read more while I'm at it.

How do I make my terminal look like this (also how do I edit my screen fetch art I wanna change the colors)

Shit forgot pic

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This talks about the GPL and the fight for free software.

thanks for the response friend.

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>How do I make my terminal look like this

I know I could look it up on startpage but I would rather have a friendly gnu/linux buddy on chan to tell me what apropos actually does.

In laymens terms please = dumb it down.

You are using pip version 9.0.1, however version 9.0.3 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.

Why won't Arch GNU/Linux update pip?
It's already flagged out of date.
So much for a "rolling" "bleeding-edge" distro.

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from the man page:
Each manual page has a short description available within it. apropos searches the descriptions for instances of keyword.
compare apropos apropos with man apropos and youll see what it does

how can i use ALSA to output more than one sound source?
also im having a slight problem when trying to run stepmania:
ALSA: dsnd_pcm_hw_params_set_access: Invalid argument
Couldn't load driver ALSA-sw: SetHWParams failed
Sound driver: OSS

does someone know how i can fix this problem? im using pulseaudio and ALSA currently.

$ apropos apropos
apropos (1) - search the manual page names and descriptions

also i want to have the game output the sound to either ALSA or pulseaudio.

stupid question, it's been a while... I have a machine running linux, if I install Windows 7 on a different partition (same drive) how fucked am I? Will it break the bootloader? It's running GRUB2 I think
If that's the case, how do I get to fix it so Windows is added to the menu?
I don't remember if it was ok to install and it was added and everything will work as usual or if doing it in that order breaks shit

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>if I install Windows 7 on a different partition (same drive) how fucked am I
windows will overwrite the bootloadfer but you cna fix that from a live-cd
>If that's the case, how do I get to fix it so Windows is added to the menu?
os-prober does that for you. Once you have acces to you gnu/linux system again just install os-prober and regenerate you grub configuration file

Yeah Windows will overwrite grub, but as user said, you can fix it easily with a live cd or a live usb, and grub, unlike Windows, will not overwrite windows (it'll give you the option to choose either Windows or GNU/Linux (provided it detected it, which it usually does)).

if you really want to run the latest shitware then make a virtual environment for python and have setuptools install it's own version of pip

What are the practical advantages of Gentoo over Arch on something like a Thinkpad?

>practical advantages
none. but you *can* compile your own versions that lack features you don't use.

thanks guys, will make a linux live usb before installing anything there in that case to fix it later with os-prober

When you use Gentoo, you compile your own packages,
but when you use Arch, you just download binary pre-compiled packages.
I don't know if that is an advantage though.

Basically, package management under Gentoo is very similar to AUR packages.

What are the benefits of artful aardvark? Should I even bother with it until it goes LTS?

When I do apropos for anything I just get nothing aproporiate what did I do wrong?

Try man -k instead of apropos.

But I chose Arch speceficaly so that I would be able to run the latest shitware without doing extra work.

i am switching from debian and i3 to kubuntu and you can't stop me.

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>implying I care about which distro/wm you use enought to try to stop you

>extra work
pacman -Syu
pip --install --upgrade
really not that much more work after you set it up... and really, if you're going to be using software from pip then you better be in a virtual environment

Don't forget to remove wm animations, makes kde a lot nicer to use. Thought it felt slow and ugly with them on.

>pip --install --upgrade
But that would modify files used by pacman.

that's why you use a virtual environment, so it doesn't do that.

Like 60 gb. The minimum space it asks me for is like 475 gb

How is Manjaro lately? Thinking about giving it a shot.

It's pretty good. The most stable way to use arc the forums are filled with people that are knowledgeable and helpful. All the software is about two weeks older then the arch stuff because it gets tested for stability. Which can be a good or bad thing.

Why are so manny people using rofi as a replacement for dmenu? What's wrong with dmenu?


You're doing God's work.

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Change the color scheme to solarized-dark.

I have a T400 and when I configure the kernel for the wifi devices in gentoo, it never detects it with ip addr or ifconfig. What should I do? Am I missing something?

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Oh and instead, I get a sit0@NONE instead of an actual device name for wifi. Did I configure something different? Ethernet works.

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Listen here nigger.

UNIX is a trademark, currently owned by the Open Group. You can get certs for some of your sheckles like Apple did for macOS.

UNIX was a proprietary shitsystem in the 70s. Since the OS model was nice, but it was proprietary and shit, GNU showed up and turned Unix into a free and better system while fixing countless flaws. Later when BSD was freed, GNU and BSD were the first actually good unix-like POSIX systems.

Linux is a kernel. I know most people disagree - back in the days Linux devs even got lawsuits "you stole source code for your coreutils from Unix", lmao.
Unix posters make me angery.
What you actually want to glorify is POSIX, a specification, named by RMS, which defines how an Unix-like system should look like. Or you can insists in muh UNIX and go back to your applel.

The same reason why neo Jow Forums posts frogs and poo memes.


I wanted to try an encrypted installation of alpine linux and halfway through i couldn't mount the drives. I rebooted and it only takes me to grub rescue. What am i supposed to do now? All the answers online assume i have an operating system installed

stop turning yourself into a meme, i'm sick of your attention whoring

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boot into live install?

Shut the fuck up.

yeah, I'm retarded and useless. I posted out of panic. Sorry.

that wasn't Hawking you retard

I'm trying to become more security-savvy and harden my OS/web browsing, so I set up a Debiant derivative and am trying to learn nmap so I can scan my own network for vulnerabilities.

I'm wondering, when I scan my network with default settings, i.e.:

nmap -vv -A , it says the host is down, and only seems to scan a few ports.

Why not scan all ports? i.e.:

nmap -vv -A -PS1-65000

which will show my host is actually up?

Any insight is appreciated

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