Is programming ability innate, or can anyone with practice become an expert programmer?
Is programming ability innate, or can anyone with practice become an expert programmer?
Like most skills, it's a bit of both.
luckily for you, there's a gradient of positions for every skill level
if you're a brainlet, you can be a web dev
if you're a chad, you can do embedded systems
It's not innate for most people, but rainman autism might be useful to have I guess.
"Natural talent" is actually years and years worth of practice and hard work.
And sucking the right cock
The innate part determines how fast and how deep you can progress.
The rest is pure practice and learning.
I always make sure to make programming look as hard as possible to keep as many people out of it.
You have to be smarter than a doorknob.
>axes not labeled
Shouldn't math majors know how to draw a graph?
Like literally every skill it's a bit of both, but you would never know if you're talented or not unless you actually try.
Also talent doesn't mean shit if you don't work, but you could work hard enough to do relatively great things even if you have 0 talent.
Basically don't fall for the talent meme and just keep learning and practicing. Literally nothing good can come out of finding out if you're talented or not.
Yes, if you are female.
They know what a graph is? That's a new...
Graphics programming is the true pinacle
not knowing what this graph means makes me know exactly where on it you are
Audio programming is far superior
You asked for this, get meme'd into oblivion
Obviously, you can become an expert programmer with practice and good theory.
Have you ever seen anyone programming without knowing shit about computers?
This kind of questions are really dumb, wait until you're +18 to post
Everyone can become a "programmer" but to be a good one takes practice and thinking.
That's not a graph, it's a plot, you CS monkey.
shit, i'm sorry. i'll go back to
No babies are born knowing how to write computer programs. Heed the wise words of Arnold Schwarzenegger, for they apply to most skills that humans may learn.
dude, i learned how to program after like 3 months. i thoufht it was hopeless. just find a project you want to work on and the rest will follow
Please stop being retarded, I can't tell if you're actually this stupid or not
This is the first time I have ever seen appreciation for audio programming and user, I know you don't know me or don't give a shit, but you just made me feel very genuinely happy. Thank you.
just like everything in life, there are people inherently good at doing something and people that can't do it. To be a top tier level like Torvals, K&R, etc you need a specific personality trait and a certain level of IQ. You can learn programming and see how far you can get, do not get disappointing if you don't get to the highest echelons of the craft (most people don't get there).
It's like saying that you don't want to work out because you cannot be an Olympic athlete. Of course there are people gifted with the specific traits and intelligence for that specific activity and they will go higher, but like I said, it's less common than you think.
Also programming is a generic word for a shitload of applications it has.
Want to learn more? Hear about the 5 personality traits and how to get to the highest hierarchy in your social group from Jordan Peterson.
Programming is not innate and also doesn't correspond to math at all.
I found it impossible, I dropped out of CS into Math. When I speak with my Professor/advisor(math) he's on my side saying he also found programming not only impossible but insanely frustrating.
Too many people think there's an intersection or that "anyone can learn to program "
Just not true
It's why I have utmost respect for CS, they can do something I flat out cant
What's audio programming ? How do you get into it? Is there much of a market
There's a market for it and its underappreciated. Its as the name goes. Any and all work related to audio that needs to be integrated into where its needed. I'm an audio programmer that has worked on voice chat for several softwares and more or less, I can tell you its an incredibly annoying thing to deal with due to how different Vorbis is from MP3. Requires just an intense knowledge of networking.
Is there a specific language / library that's used
>he test characterises two populations in introductory programming courses which perform
significantly differently. About half of novices spontaneously build and consistently apply a
mental model of program execution; the other half are either unable to build a model or to apply
one consistently. The first group perform very much better in their end-of-course examination
than the second: an overall 84% success rate in the first group, 48% in the second (in C0/notC0
group arrangement). Despite the tendency of institutions to rely on students’ prior programming
background as a positive predictor factor for success, programming background has only a weak
and insignificant effect on novices’ success at best.
>dual degree in applied math and computer engineering
Should I feel insulted or celebrated?
>Audio programming is far superior
thats not true, embeded systems applied to control its much more hard core , audio programming its fairly simple .
Programming RPG
You start with a random base stat, e.g. 23
Then you can level up
+5 Mechanical keyboard
+10 Keyboard is 40% or smaller
+15 Dark color scheme
+5 Programming Socks
+10 Tiling window manager
+20 Don't use IDE
+15 Fizzbuzz only in Haskell and C
Really? Well, go ahead and build me something like FL studio, then come back and regurgitate that garbage.
Btw, I'm not even an audio programmer myself. I'm just well aware of how I never want to touch it. And stereoscopic audio is also interesting. There's just a lot of things to consider.
Also, I don't work with audio. I generally focus on game dev btw, so I pretty neutral. Graphics and shaders can get pretty complicated too, but there are more resources and the domain is better understood in general. There are also a ton of good resources for learning graphical programming.
If possible I never want to touch those elements. Same goes for low level embedded systems. I had to learn systems and basic graphics stuff for school though.
Generally I like building things like flocking systems, mini game logic, inventory systems(backend), teleportation systems, scene management, dialog systems, and other game logic.
Ten-thousand hour rule look it up. Natural ability will only help you in the beginning.
>yfw there are literally scientists and academics who practice this.
redpill me on subtractive vs FM synthesis
>audio programming hard
>graphics and shaders can get pretty complicated too
I have to (politely) disagree. The supposed complexity of these problems usually stem from a lack of mathematics in the programmer's background. If you have a solid understanding of basic maths & physics (high school or university entry level) you are well equipped for these fields.
Source: I write and have written audio & graphics plugins, opengl/glsl applications.
You're going to get a mixed bag of responses.
You can learn to program but it takes time and effort. You won't necessarily be an expert at it, theres too many sub fields.
Easiest answer: Getting Coding/Reading
There's no such thing as an expert who hasn't worked for it. That's why the word "expert" exists as distinct from the word "prodigy."
Can anyone become an expert? Obviously not. Can an average person? In programming? Definitely. So much of the end outcome is determined more by extremely specialized knowledge that it takes decades to build up than by raw analytics.
>No nothing
OpenAL, FMOD, etc.
if you can devote time to it you can be good at it. if you are like me and you cant stand to write crappy fizzbuzz programs to learn then you probably wont be very good at it
I love chicken-chan
well when something isn't spoonfed, people have to explore more deeper and get a much greater understanding of the underlying concepts in order to do what they plan to do. Imagine how much quicker noobs would learn if stackoverflow never gave snippets that did exactly what the original question asked.
>learn a language
>don't know what I want to do with it
>no nothing
They're not wrong. A Higher barrier entry kills competition
Good resources to get started in technical audio programming?
I'm currently a sound designer with lots of experience with FMOD, Wwise, Max, Pure Data, those sort of things. Would like to get into the C++ and OpenAL side of things.
Shit book, do not recommend
Unless you are (or are becoming) a math professor, you are a tryhard loser.
>Chad can do embedded
Trust me. It's easier than you think.
Chad's can do game engine development. Build special purpose compressors. Make the backends for Facebook. Tools for big company use (quality of programmer is dictated by size of project here).
>followed by page after page of people praising this guy.
Learn DSP theory. Things like:
>Time Domain vs Frequency Domain
>Sampling theory
>Fast Fourier Transform
>IIR vs FIR filtering
Additionally, look into the playback/recording pipeline:
>Frequency response/Sample rate/THD/etc.
>Room effects
>Near-field/far-field effects
>Multichannel delay effects for simulating 3d space
>Multichannel mixing
>The recording/playback equipment itself in terms of all of the above.
Once you understand how all of the audio and signal basics work, you should have a good foundation for coding out whatever combination of magic your particular solution requires. There are a shitload of software libraries for managing all of the above items.
I've actually studied quite a lot of that stuff at University as I did an Audio Engineering degree (now doing a Masters in Game Audio) thanks for the suggestions!
>do not recommend any book
>"shit book"
nice reading comprehension, fag
I'm a self-taught musician. For 9 years now I've learned and written my own compositions entirely by ear. I'd say I have a decent grasp on the abstractions of music theory. Is that something that I can apply to programming?
Understanding music theory helps usage of the tools, but I can only see that really helping the programmer of said tools. Anything beyond that, you already have the work of the artist in the audio pipeline and its up to the engineers and developers to push it back out to the end user.
I think mastering is also a part where music theory could help, if not simply for understanding the tonal nature of each instrument and how it contributes to the soundscape.
Programming can be learned by anyone. Things like drawing and playing musical instruments have to be learned too, but they also require natural ability.
Oh, I should've clarified. I just meant programming as a skill and not in its relation to music production.
you're mom has innate programming so much that she's a bird.
No it can't
This is me. Programming is innate
programming requires logic and problem solving skills. if those come naturally to you, you can be great. If it's not second nature to you, you can still be very good with lots of work, but you will likely end up in a code monkey job where you have no leeway.