Step 1. Visit

Step 1. Visit

Step 2. Request an archive of all of your data (this includes your entire search history for your Google account, along with location tied to each search + new location visited)

Step 3. Screencap the file size, post, and promptly reflect on everything you've ever done while logged into your Google account, now knowing it's all sitting in an archive for you to download.

PS. This includes your entire YouTube search history as well, including watched videos, time that they were watched at, etc. Also supposedly every new real-world location you've ever visited is logged as well.

PPS. If you ever used an Android phone, it's a requirement to link your Google account to access the play store/other Google products, so chances are it's been gathering data on you for quite a few years.

Atleast it's transparent, though.

Attached: test.png (630x239, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How long did it take you?
Mine is being processed, I'll post it when it's finished.

Not long, just about 10-15 minutes for 53gb of data on my end. I imagine if a lot of people request their data at once though, it may slow it down a little.

wat do

Attached: blocks my path.png (447x498, 15K)

keep in mind that the archive includes everything in your drive, including photos. i guarantee at least 90% of the size is that.

All Data that Google has Access to. It's just interesting to see how much you entrust them to keep.
Mine is still not finished.

so uh how do you get it deleted?

did this a few days ago, wasn't really too big of a deal, but Google had all my location information from 2010-2014. around 2014 was when i started seriously degoogling myself.

there was only about 1gb of data. well, the data they were willing to show me, anyway. they obviously have way more most likely.

you don't

it's literally impossible except if you are the ceo

Did you download it? I'm curious how it's organized like the file contents etc


Attached: Untitled.png (658x444, 11K)

Anyone know if any of the Microsoft accounts have something like this

They do, but settings and layout is a bit tougher than Google.

>PPS. If you ever used an Android phone, it's a requirement to link your Google account to access the play store/other Google products, so chances are it's been gathering data on you for quite a few years.
>What is FDroid

do you know where I can get it? Ive been looking but I cant find it.

>tfw did this before i started migrating away from google services awhile back
>end up losing zip file
oh well

>All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

So just get another one what's the big deal? It's not like it goes away.

cheers OP. this will probably provide me with the push I need to finally migrate and/or create a new Google acc after clearing house

IIRC i ended up deleting most of the data I cared about (emails)
it's fine, I probably didn't need any of it but good lesson on backing up my shit my thoroughly.


ahhh I see
I wish AOL did something like this/still existed I would have been able to post chat logs of this bitch I fucked that threw me under the bus.... 10 years later I'm still bitter about it

well it's more of a murphy slaw
- the data you want preserved will end up getting deleted
- the data you need deleted will end up being copied on some server across the world and pop up at the most inappropriate time

wouldn't want to see my shitty chat logs, message board posts, etc.
but yeah i suppose having at least the option to backup your own data is a good thing

How did you manage to give so much data to goolag

Attached: 1521010667564.png (624x950, 705K)

Isn't it required by law now? At least in the EU. Try to contact them and they would have to comply

How do I do this but with Apple?

I have nothing in my """history""", but I still requested data anyways. It still hasn't shown up in my inbox, even after half an hour. Does it not send you a report if you don't have anything?

>Once you download your data, if you'd like to explore other options to manage your account, including account deletion, please visit
I keked

Since i cant be bothered to download that i checked this.

only 2 entries from the past 2 years, lots of searches and some other shit before that though.

I'ts been 8 hours now. I wonder what takes so much time.

This isnt new to me, its how they get most of their features to work. They are fair about what they do with your info. Facebook was being fucking homos and trying to stay relevant fucked them.

If you're European you tell them to and in a couple months they don't won't have a choice

You're on a watchlist so google needs FBI review first

Yeh, you can only ask them to delete the data if you're from the EU.

It hurts to be an American Vassal.

it's less than 1mb and everything is pretty much blank

It took over 4 hours to get this ready
I have a feeling this is bullshit I've been using google products for over a decdade

Attached: took forever.png (1365x739, 51K)

Mines been running for a couple hours now, still not done.

requested mine probably 3 or 4 hours ago as well.
got nothing to show for it

>This includes your entire YouTube search history as well, including watched videos, time that they were watched at, etc.
why is this an issue? people would complain if you couldn't access your yt history

The OP or whoever in this thread said it would probably slow down since a bunch of us are downloading it.

>go through my history
>realize I have no friends
>realize I have no life

All my contacts,voicemails and texts are
>pizza joint
>random craigslists emails when I used to buy and sell on there

tttthanks ggggooogle!

Attached: 1522109123465.jpg (578x789, 73K)

I expect something big considering I have a "normal" pixel xl with all the google tracking turned on.
I also have a google home that's always listening to me.

>having a google account

Attached: 1519862030758.png (310x459, 167K)

Finally done, I'd bet half of this is my music and the other half my drive.

Attached: Screenshot_20180330_220329.png (586x70, 8K)

it explicitly says that your music is not included

>having a jewgle account

Attached: 1519682372688.jpg (600x600, 111K)

>not having a gmail account since the beta in 2003
wanna know how I know you're underage?

>stores data on US server


Did I do it right? Am I safe now?

Attached: Untitled.png (610x218, 11K)

>currently being prepared
>0% complete

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-03-31 00-28-02.png (917x829, 98K)

>having a goy account
>having a tracking device in your pocket

Attached: sweet.jpg (225x225, 9K)

It's ready and still less than 1mb

turns out they keep every voicemail I ever received even after deleting them

I do use google fi so maybe that makes some sense

Attached: tAD3efx.png (652x317, 17K)

I shouldn't have included Drive because I uploaded several GB of encrypted archives into it.

I removed Drive and Mail because it didn't make any sense to include them

Attached: google archive.png (679x405, 22K)

5MB of that is photos I put on Google Photos for backgrounds on my Chromecast.

There's fucking nothing in here.

They only know i changed my profile picture twice and some websites in chrome since i'm a webdev.

Attached: bad goy.jpg (604x74, 10K)

Say it to rare trip-hope release in eastern europe on expired file exchange service and tv show of my childhood with 0 seeds.
Nothing store forever in internet, it,s myth.

>not having own mail domain since 2003

Took 12 hours for this. There is some error in with Google Keep, but nothing more.

Attached: Sketch.png (595x319, 48K)


If I remember correctly it also counts your pictures and videos.

Everything in Google Photos/Drive will go into the archive if you have them selected, as well as all your emails (including attachments).
It said something about Youtube videos as well (that you uploaded) but mine didn't go into the archive so I dunno.

Hacked my ex's gmail, gonna download all her shit now. Thanks OP

I'm glad we broke up.

Attached: file.png (1241x552, 36K)

Get an Android, they said, It's better, they said

Attached: Ohno.png (1366x768, 87K)

says I can't do that because the generated file exceeds 2 TB
what do?

What the fuck
Google owns you now, get a new life. Travel to Taiwan and get a new ID card

I keep trying to delete my dick pics from Google drive but they still end up there somehow. Whatever, Google now has 2.3GB of my dick pics and some porn searches. I hope skynet doesn't kill me for this.

Attached: file.png (619x77, 6K)

They'll probably just look at them and pity you.

The kind of people that spy on other people and abuse power are fat neckbeards (like you losers), so they'll be jealous of my girth

I selected all the services I can select. This is my main Google account, no email, history turned off since last year.

Attached: firefox_2018-03-31_22-53-30.png (647x230, 12K)

I used to be a simple man back when I smoked weed

Attached: file.png (1245x754, 53K)


Attached: 2018-03-31_17-05-35.png (722x446, 33K)

>20 hours
>still nothing

fuck google

Ahhhhhh, I think I take it back..

Attached: file.png (1242x175, 11K)

I turned off history and stuff for most things I could a long time ago. It looks like the data is mostly made up of only the stuff I have in my google drive.
Apparently I've only made 9 comments on youtube since 2011, when I made my current account.
The Ads section of "My Activity" is surprisingly small, what's that supposed to even be? Looks like it might be promoted results I've clicked on from google searches.
It's a little concerning that all my google searches are kept, but I expected that. Funnily enough, my first search in the history was "How to make firefox my default browser".

Attached: goolag data.png (794x260, 15K)

By turned off history I mean location, and youtube watch. However, even though there is no location data saved, all my map searches are saved... so they could quite easily construct where I've been going, if it's somewhere new.

Next week I'll be getting an Android phone, since it's the only one in the market that does what I want (XZ1 Compact). What do I do about Google? Create a dummy account? Completely nuke all Google Services and live the freetard life with shitty support?

>mfw there is still a mostly up-to-date youtube search history on my account
I am not signed into google when searching, I don't use android, so how the fuck??

Use a fake account. Based on the data package, I have 200MB JSON file with location history, and every app you open is logged and sent to google. what time was opened, etc. that one was news to me.

I gave up Android years ago to escape by moving to Blackberry. That's cut down a bit but it's still scary how much info I gave them over the years.

>mfw my friends think I'm paranoid
>mfw friends have Alexa and Google Home in their houses and constantly try to talk to their phone's assistant

Attached: Screenshot_20180331_110025.png (497x919, 34K)

Will do. Seeing how I'm never logged in on desktop I assume everything they have on me is harvested from my android devices.

You can disable everything from google and use Yalp Store to fetch apps.

thanks. do most things work without Google Services? I remember that being a problem. for example, can I expect to have a navigation app without Google Services?

MicroG for location services and MAPS.ME for a maps application. They're both available on F-droid

fake news

Keep making archives until it won't let you anymore. Let's fill up all Google's available space with archives.

You can use OsmAnd or MAPS.ME for navigation (also works offline). Though without play services it will take a few seconds longer to determine your initial location, maybe up to a minute.
99% of free apps will work without play services. Most paid things will require google services.

mine is smaller than i expected since i began using gmail in 2003

Attached: file.png (681x346, 31K)

Mine is still not done after 23 hours wtf

Only 9 Giganiggas. Mostly google photos i guess

Attached: Goolag9.png (685x339, 21K)

>not turning off search history a decade ago when it was first introduced
you did this to yourself user

Does this archive save ALL images I ever had on Google Drive? I had a few nudes from my crush that I want back.

the fuck

Attached: file.png (685x176, 11K)

>actually signing into or having a google account

Attached: file.png (389x245, 15K)

took hours for 800mb. tgz archive was broken, zip worked.
got contacts, search histroy, yt history, messages and lots of mail.

its great and is one of the reasons i am not installing new spyware messengers. i rather try to switch to open systems. also slowly migrating to own hosted mail.

im still suprised normies dgaf about all that stuff. still hoping ca and fb leaks open peoples minds.