Shitty laptop

What’s up Jow Forumsamers I just bough this shitty laptop from a friend and I'm wondering what I should do with it. Already installed Debian with XFCE, problem is the thing is really shit. It’s got a AMD A6-1450 APU, 4 GBs of DDR3 RAM and about 4 GBs of free memory.

Attached: E34E2F6F-B901-4D29-BFEE-068CA5F7202C.jpg (3264x2448, 1.88M)

how did you rice it so hard that 100% of memory is free?

Hardrive space and RAM are different you fucking mong

you're a fucking mong since memory and RAM are the same thing

OP clearly says "4GBs of free memory", and I'm the mong?

sudo -rm rf /
and install gentoo

He is is correct, most of the time if you say free memory people will interpret it as RAM
Be more specific next time
But desu of you already have a laptop this laptop probably wont give you any use
Maybe you can use it as a no fucks given device
For watching porn in bed or something

Attached: photo3of14_1.jpg (2472x3296, 1.71M)

Here's the specs if you guys want a better look

Attached: 659F1BA0-ECBA-476E-9896-3C4C6AE3BD3D.jpg (3264x2448, 1.94M)

Just throw it away

Attached: 1521645842979.png (760x400, 381K)

Use it to shitpost from bed.

what did you pay for this piece of shit

like 10 dollars, my friend was gonna throw it out anyway so I figured I'd use it to dick around with

>5408MiB of RAM

>It's got 4 GB Ram


>free memory
you already paid for it, mong.

For people asking about the ram, it has 6gb, just about 1gb is dedicated to the igpu...hence the weird numbers.

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He was gonna throw it out, but he wanted money for you to have it? A real "friend" indeed.

>gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe
It looks like you don't have proper graphics drivers installed

you wanna, uh, start a thread somewhere else and dump those bad boys? she's a cutie


you say it is shitty, but it looks and probably types better than my 2017 $ 3500 Macbook pro I am forced to use by my company.

Maybe, she's just a thick Latina.

Attached: Jennas iphone photos 464.jpg (1536x2048, 1.33M)


Attached: gross.jpg (600x400, 116K)

90% of the laptops have this standard resolution unfortunately