/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.
RegularOP cannot spoon feed us edition

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>Chink Shit Infographic


user tries to get coupon rain but it is not starting gets it in the end The coupon rain is apperantly easy, but Aliexpress is just being buggy
The cheap 3d printers are lies would probably be used to print toys for $1 anyway user is stupid and forgot Ali gives better discounts later
Hot 128GB Kingdian USB meme out of cheap plastic could have a catch user is dumb and buys brand products small time chink importers mark up tenfold
user order a bunch of crap he probably wont use
user discovers innovative chink underwear user discovers the true glory of chink-fi
I bought anons scale in Russia and it died after three uses
Some kind user posts the Link to the new USB meme
user might regret not buying the xiaomeme note 5 pro
user gets a new pee carpet for his cats
jewbudget is still a popular choice for finding chi-fi IEMs among goyims
user claims his Benjie player exploded and could cause UltraFirehousefireTM, beware
Anons finds the most shitty airpod knock-off ever
user might get cancer from his "chink mint" For figures a higher price gives user better quality, who would've thought
user cannot use $5 dollar off $25 coupons because he has no money, the chinks welcome you to buy for full price instead

>Last thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for fuck Brazil's mail service.

Any anons here have a dso138? What are your thoughts on it?

Here is my haul for this sale, did I do good user?

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reminder to check the price history on aliprice.com to see how much of a discount you're really getting

Reposting, what should I remove before it's too late?

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So what if I am a slav.

That TVbox costs a lot. Hope you did proper research on the components and playback before you buy a chink box.

Anyone used custom clothes or items that printed your own designs or is it easier and cheaper to have it done locally?

$90 sounds like a lot for a chink tv box when you can get them under $30, what does that one do that cheaper ones don't?

Custom clothes from qwertee. Promptly made and shipped from Ireland. I looked at chink ones but the quality is quite bad, and it is not optimal quality from qwertee either it just works. Just know that these tee shops usually only allow you to print artist designs and not your own.

>shitposting panties

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Recommendations for a small wallet that can fit at least 5 cards?

Is it too late to get a $5 off $25 coupon? WTF I thought I was getting a good deal with the $5 off 40!

A decent perormance and connectivity that can hanle more than hardware-decoded 720p video playback.
My father is using a similar box as his main internet and vidya emulation device but according to some reviews this brand has better updates and support.

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Define small. I got this one because its thin.


It is not too late. It will rain at 16:00 and 22:00 PT for the last time. Google "PT time" or use U.S. West Coast time. Next one is in 3 hours.

My personal tip as OP (I did not have space for this on the thread) is to:
1. Uninstall the app
2. Install, but only open the app first time 10mins before rain.
3. Login to the left and go to homepage there should appear a countdown timer in the page. Pic related.
4. If it does not appear exit by clicking on the home button and re-enter by pressing the app icon only (you should see the entery splash or its incorrect!). You need to see this for the event to start. Once it does click on the yellow gifts to get one.

Hope you get one. Used two so I am pretty satisfied with chink sale.

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Is the infographic ever going to be updated?
AUG 2017 was almost a half year ago my dudes

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>better updates
It says it's still on 6.0.1 Marshmallow, that's almost three years old now

i had 5 coins and i thought that was it, played the stupid card game, it's rigged/randomized after all, only got 2 coins back, then i noticed the get 5 daily coins, i would have had 10 coins for the store coupon, there goes my $2 discount, fuck

Small as this m.aliexpress.com/item/32842410473.html

>Not having 600 coins to use from before.

i have two. one with older firmware version and a different resistor value on on place which must be changed to upgrade to newer firmware version that presents much less signal noise. and one with the most recent firmware, from time to time a very faded jytech followed by some chink runes appears on the bottom of the screen. ive been wanting to upgrade the older one of them to a very recent "closed" beta firmware but ill lose the highest resolution mode (10ns i think, dont have it near me to check), so ive been putting it off for some time
overall both work just fine, youll start to notice signal sampling quality loss at around 160khz or so. it works specially well to measure signal noise on switch mode power supplies.
honestly the greatest downside is it being single channel, there are ways to mod it for dual channel + one logic channel at performance cost and some hardware modifications, but having an external sync input to daisy chain multiple dso138 (effectively making a multi channel osc) would be far far better.
dont expect greatness from it, but it works alright. the rotary encoder on the dso150 provides a much better ux, but it doesnt justify the price, imho.


Oh shit, I made in the news, and two of those are me.

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any good portable music player under 50 dollars?

It got 7.1.2 in october and been getting minor updates every month.
Minix U9H, its main competitor, on the other hand is actually still on 6.0.1

I don't have any link to the coupon rain. I only have the "get today's coupon" and nothing below it. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and still nothing. Man this is bullshit.

im stupid, it should be 10us, obviously

the next rain is in 2h 30 min, load the app a couple of minutes before

Thanks for the correction user
You really are a fucking hero

Attached: alYnGev.gif (500x359, 207K)

There is no link. It just appears on the homepage with a countdown 5-3 mins before the time and it starts on the homepage itself.

If you mean the rules you find them in the Coins & Couplns tab. There should be a Coupon Rain banner in the slideshow there.

Glad you like my shitty news.

Attached: my job is done.png (474x960, 413K)

Ah ok, in the pic posted I thought the countdown read 4 hours not 4 minutes. Will try in a couple of hours. Thanks user!

Best value smart phone game controller?

cheap chink ones are all ridiculously shit, the analog sticks are terrible, look for a reputable brand controller in the $30 range, or perhaps if you just need a SNES type controller without analog sticks a chink one might be ok

Those cheap NES/SNES are really nice

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Does anyone know of an HDD caddy for the optical bay that has a regular 2.5" bay and an M.2 port next to it? Can it even exists theoretically?

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Can those exist yeah
>Do they?

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Fucking goybest chinked me...
I ordered a JY018 drone and I carefully chose the hd camera version (which is obviously pricier)
> unbox the drone
> record a video
> 480x640
Do you think I can get paypal to refund me ?


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>Can those exist yeah
I'm not sure, can you actually hook up two devices to the same SATA port?

Also I think like pic related (of which I'm basically looking for, except with a 2.5" port instead of the mSATA port) can only work if with one device inserted.

I hope I'm wrong though. I would want to have 2 HDDs and one M.2 SSD in my laptop, but I only have one HDD bay and an optical bay.

Of course I forgot pic related.

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well, you can still buy a 2.5" adapter with two m.2 slots.

Most of ultrabays out there are sata2

>looking for lego
>shipping is almost 3x the item price
Do they send a little chinese to assemble the pieces?

Chnese needs to bribe the post for accepting fakes of a very dangerous brand.

no fucking shit, I ordered 150 bucks of bottle opener keys for my sister and the packaging had a fake value of 14 bucks to help it pass customs.

Universal Pistal Union.
Chinese swear to honestly declare their items and dumb White men accept package as gifts 1000 dragon dildos value $1.01 yes.

>14 dollars for one tiny pair of panties
is this normal?

Non-chink price could be even more. If you want to wear this you are genuinely retarded. Any store, convenience stores sells better ones.

Pepe brand surcharge

Chinky trap shit is usually cheaper

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>Laos Post number.
I remember these like 2 years back. Slow as fuck. Man I feel old I have received packages from almost all post companies of the world all from chinkland.

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for a low quality item it's way too much

thats brave hopefully you dont know your mailman.

But my package was only markered with plastic toy, which is pretty accurate. I bet the mailman think its some kind of childrens toy though or figure.

coupon rain when

nah dude, he knows you're a fag

In 5 minutes try..

user please dont let me down we need this cat item.

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Lets go boiiis

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Holy shit they marked it as "merchandise" every time i buy chink shit it gets marked as "gift" I assume it's a post rate scam and they're charging me more for shipping or something

it appeared for me

if it doesn't show, stay on the page for 5 secs or so

Pls halp. What should I buy for a slow PC for $35?
Kingdian S280 or S400?
Is it very likely that i will die within a year?

i got a $5 off $25 but i'm gonna spend over $40 anyway >.


I'm back, no coupon rain link. This is fucking chink horseshit.

neat got $5 off $25, what should I buy

Got me 5 dollars off 25, the chink gods are smiling on me, this is the first coupon rains I've done since the sale started

Also what do I get, I'm in the same position as this user.

FEN-2000 IEMs. They're on sale for $19 USD right now. You can tack on $6 of random shit to apply the discount. Or Tin Audio T2 which are $33 - $2 store coupon - $5 = $26. These compete with the VSonic GR07 (not bass heavy, more neutral)

thanks, reminded me that I wanted one of those TS100 soldering irons

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A nigger sex doll

Attached: lol it's the cheapest one.png (1493x936, 925K)

What's the best and less likely to explode powerbank ?

how do i play pic related? i can't find it in the app

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>11cm deepth

You couldn't pay most people to even take a nigger sex doll

too deep for you?
You're not wrong.I have a really small apartment so I'm looking for like a smaller one you know?
I'm thinking like 3 ft.

pic unrelated
pic unrelated

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No I don't know you pedo

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Im proud of myself /csg/ I only spent about $15 during the "Sale". I almost splurged today on a meme KingDian 128 thumbdrive and a KingDian S400 128gb SSD.

Got to thinking and realized I've had an SSD in my desktop that I use few times a month and could easily put it in my daily-driver laptop. Couple installations of Windows later (including a re-re-install after I couldn't get a certain update on one machine, and also when I realized I installed Windows on wrong drive). I now have my already owned SSD in my laptop and instead bought this 50cent SD-to-USB adapter for a 64gb SD I have instead of the meme KingDian.

This was actually a struggle for a consumerist idiot like me who's only glimmer of happiness comes thru ordering cheap Chinese crap.

Does anyone have any experience with Lucky bags from gearbest? I've got all of this store credit I'm not going to use up otherwise.

>only glimmer of happiness comes thru ordering cheap Chinese crap

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We meme now. Used my $2 off $15 and $5 off $25 + $1 store coupon off the eachine h8, so I figured I'd call it a day.
The only thing that had a real discount was the IEMs anyway.

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fucking swedecuck fee
having a hard time justifying buying usb c cables
even buying lots of them and reselling will be difficult since you have to compete with people who sell cheap low quality cables and people are too stingy to pay 1 or 2 bucks more for a better cable

REEE I paid 14 for the NiceHCK bros and yinyoo pros look like the samw thing except a better wire for $2 less fucking chinked.

You did good. Look at what I did. I fucked up.

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When does the Gearbest points expire?

Is it possible to get like 8-10 2+GB memory sticks that will actually function well, for about $10-15 or less?

I NEEED a chink asuka cupoche.
Were there any links?

what are some decent nato syle watch straps? im looking at bumvor currently

Does it comes with AIDS included?

Only super gonorrhea

Could you guys recommend me something my mom would like?

Are there any memes I need to buy? Only 5 hours left

come on guys, its just her colour
im sure her previous owner treated her well, and at least super gonorrhoea should get ya a refund of at least 50%

anyone have experience with Anitoy group seller?


Back in December I bought a set of extension cables for my snes mini (which I don't even use anymore). The protection period ran out so I started a dispute and had this conversation with the seller.
What's the next step? I honestly don't want to chink anyone but I don't want them to chink me.

Also waiting 13 days seems pretty random idk

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Do chinks have any decent directional microphones for PC, either desktop or something like modmic?