How do I achieve russian programming mode ?

How do I achieve russian programming mode ?
How come russians are so good at programming ?

Attached: 125px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.png (125x83, 333)

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old-school education, I guess.

Programming is one of the few skills that gives you a chance to flee this shithole. The salary is huge as well.

soviet era math heavy education from when the soviet union needed to train many engineers in a short span of time

more math
more math
more logic
more math
more logic
more math
turbo pascal

>they are protected from western police
>being smart and living in poverty is strong motivation to make achievements
>old-school education is bullshit

Wrong. Education system is broken, only good thing it gives is shitton of free time. It's not because education, it is despite it. Also lack of pajeets.


Lack of internet crime enforcement + historically slow computers meaning insane tricks are needed for any performance

because in russia or as i should say soviet russia, everything is inverted for some reason.

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We have good math education here.

You mean west Russia not Eastern Europe. Even when geographically western Russia is in Europe, politically it's not.

>trolled softly

It is tho.

Russians aren't good at anything.
imperialism -nope
communism -nope
captialism -nope
olympic doping -nope
programming -nope


Still worse than most of the Europe.


Start by trying to live here without killing yourself.

You do realize Russian's have some of the highest iq from "white people".

Same for the Chinese.

They do it despite their situation not because of it.

>How do I achieve russian programming mode ?
Learn slavic kanjis.
>How come russians are so good at programming ?
In USSR computers were much slower, than in US, but missile won't calculate its trajectory on itself, so programmers had user brains.

Russia is a complete fucking shithole, and hard times make strong men.

That's all there is to it.

Why Russians are considered good at programming? We are usual I think... Even worse, because majority can't comment code clearly. The good thing, that all just werks, even if it shouldn't work in theory.

No, corruption and stealing money is good.


Russians are fucking terrible at programming. See Coreboot

waifus -yes

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I think we're not bad programmers but I'm not entirely convinced that we're any better software engineers than anyone else. There is a lot of lack of good practice - just like everywhere.

Anyway, I think we get good because we generally have the privilege of having the opportunity to go to university, our high schools are pretty math heavy, and because when you're poor, you gotta find a way to eat.

They really aren't different

>hard times
>strong men


eastern european women age like milk

um you realize she's already 30+??

I smell a t_d or Jow Forums shill. They mostly make malicious software or AIMP and that's it

This. My goal is to find a Russian or Eastern Europe qt to breed strong sons. American women are such garbage these days. Sad.

All women age like milk. Esp white women. If ur goal is shelflife get a black woman. I saw this black woman on a daytime talkshow who was like 90 and ran 5 miles a day and taught aerobics and looked about 50 year old. Bitch was fucking 90 or some shit. It's depressing how quickly white women start to rot. I go on dating sites and some of these girls are like 24 looking like mid 40s. It's disturbing.

She is aging like wine :3

Yeah but 95% of black women don't hav ethe agency to apply themselves to working out on the regular.
The other aspect is that you would only make future Trayvon Martins if you wed one.

She's Ukrainian but.

not anymore

because they learn math

Because they haven't been subverted.

No really. Think back to when you were in high school. Wasn't it "cool" to be stupid? Wasn't it "uncool" to be smart? That's neo-Marxist subversion and propaganda at work. It flies in the face of traditional wisdom and traditional values because it's blatantly wrong and self-destructive to be so. You have to actively work to affirm that state of mind everyday. And you're so caught up in doing it that it becomes a positive feedback loop.

average programmers, lots of blackhats - since security is shit in Russia and you can play and learn without much consequences.

>classes from 08:00 till 17:00
>classes on saturday from 10:00 till 15:00
>pop quizes, homeworks and assignments every second class so every week several assignments
>you can't fail any test, if you do fail some parts of the test you have to retake the test until you have 100% completed it
>laboratories everywhere, prep for laboratories had oral exam and it was common for people to fail to even participate in a laboratory if they didn't study for it
>if you didn't do all the test or laboratories, you literally had 1 week before exams to redo them all
idk man, mechatronics was hard as balls, no time but to study and study more

if that's education in russia i'm fucking packing my bags and moving to moscow when i have a kid

idk about all unis, but that's what it was like in spb politech now known as peter the greats polytechnical, they did change alot since I studied there so I can't vouch it'll be like that today

i'm in with a couple of russian exchange students and they're in a whole other league compared to us. it must still be that way. this one guy's from Perm, is there a good college there?

It's not just Russia but many Eastern European countries have good programmers. Russia pops out because they're bigger than others, but proportionally you'll find lots of good programmers there.

Countries in which people are used to hardship and hard life, but still have access to technology, produce great programmers because people there are not afraid of difficult fields.

In the West, once you get above a certain level in education, they need to slap lots of "advanced" labels on it, which seems to only attract very few people, mostly autists. In Eastern European countries, if something is difficult to learn or tackle, it's an opportunity that you need to explore and exploit.

tldr, Western kids ate too much soy and like to live a comfy life, because they were born in comfiness and don't like to get stressed over difficult things.

What says basically. People from Eastern Europe -at least the ones born up to the early 90's- are used to hardships and living modestly, so it's natural for them to tackle hardships that may arise in their life. Westerners feel more entitled and are sometimes spoiled, so they just stop trying eventually.

Non-Russian Slav here - can confirm everything you have said 100%. I outpace everyone in my western university and I'm not even trying. I don't fall to their bullshit mindsets and traps because I wasn't brought up in the same soft environment they were.

Pre-millenial generation, the math book which was used in shcools was half math and half informatics.

>generalized high IQ
>chooses systems that are problematic for the general population
No. Russia is just a big place.
Look to countries with high success rates. Not a few good examples.

Also the cold war is a separate issue. We all know that government spending on science is positive for science.

if russia has so many good programmers why don't they invent any worthwhile tech?

i want her to kick the shit out of me while my hands and legs are tied together

Wew, never expected this shithole mentioned there.
There's maybe 1 or 2 decent unversities there if we're still talking about math and cs. One of them is the branch of a bigger uni, so it's not exactly local. Perm State University has 2 departments that are graduating decent programmers: mechanic-mathematical and maybe physical (specifically radiotecniclal) and that's it.

Develop Games!

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ternary logic desu

We are not good at inventing shit. But we can make good copies. Like, yandex for example. It's basically a copy of google.

Grow up in a cold wasteland where there's nothing better to do than play chess and play counter strike

>It's basically a copy of google
Yeah. And it's a total trash.

I think you may find this interesting

>turbo pascal
also, old pentium 2


>t. has never searched for porn
Its reverse image search is miles ahead

neither are americans good at something.
their whole space program was based on german technology(russian too)
their whole "scientific" community was Europeans who were imported and offered wealth and labs.
They obey and protect the schlomo,
the "great nation" is actually a sandbox for companies to protect their IP and investments.

I smell a liberal from reddit
>you know what you have to do

holy shit, you're so right! Thank you

>good at anything

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russians make good streamfus if I knew what they were saying

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They literally got drumpf elected, that's something

she's not

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>you have to go back

The fact that there are so many replies before this, and no replies to it later makes me wanna vomit at the state of his board.

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no u

This. Programming is merely a way out for those who are smart enough to learn it. You just see top of the top. Russians have a crab mentality, so they learn everything and evacuate on their own, unlike loos who would immediately hire other, even less educated, loos who would poop up the codebase while they learn.

CS highschool teacher from Poland here, we're preparing kids for programming contests such as ACM. We're teaching algorithms (What western cucks are learning at universities in their undergraduate or graduate courses) starting from their first year at highschool (16 yo). Now, we're even going further beyound and forcing this shit on junior highschoolers (13 yo) and surprisingly, turns out junior highschoolers can learn CS stuff almost as fast as highschoolers. Just wait until we introduce CS to primary schools :^) Oh, did I mention it's completely free and optional so that if somebody doesn't want to learn it, they can stop wasting other eager students' time.
Enjoy watching your kids getting BTFO by our CS child soldiers :^)

But seriously, they're all going to migrate to US, UK or Switzerland. It's like we're getting cucked hard raising competent cheap labour for other countries.

>Wasn't it "cool" to be stupid? Wasn't it "uncool" to be smart? That's neo-Marxist subversion and propaganda at work.
Lmaoing @ you. "Чo, cильнo дoхyя yмный?"/"Are you too fucking smart?" is literally a common insult in Russian that comes about 10 seconds before you get punched in your face. You just get beaten around more for being smart there, intelligence is something they can't take from you and it only makes them angrier.

Why are you working as a teacher? Your salary must be shit. Is it some "giving back" thing or what

don't even compare poos to anywhere near russians. poos aree worse than niggers in coding, all they do is to "sir can you please source code sir" and brag about tech without knowing shit. fuck poos

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I compared them as two radical opposites. Slavs are amazing programmers, but they are usually self-made lone wolves and consider other slavs a threat. They don't help other slavs with getting out of the shit hole, they only care about skills that their team will gain. Loos are shitty programmers, they share some common knowledge that they pass around, and they carry each other from their shithole by bypassing hiring procedures, hiring literal retards and sharing their workload (badly) while a hired retard gains at least some basic skill set, draining the company of funds and producing poo instead of a product. Slavs get the job done. Loos help loos while doing the bare minimum.

It's a bit of "giving back", they hire the most autistic students that were highly successful in the algorithmic contests they were trained for. While they're studying CS at the uni in the same city, they get some good spending money by teaching highschoolers for two hours a week. We've got some teachers from the uni too, but there are too few of them, and the autists are as good as them, if not better, because while the uni teachers are long out of practice with the contests, the autists are still in their top form.

This nigga knows his shit. Still i would like some eastern European women more than the western/feminist variation or black/always offended alternative

I'll tell you why. A lot of them are genuinely interested in software engineering or programming. A lot of them come from impoverished backgrounds. They know that investing their time into it will help them rise out of poverty - whether they go join an actual software company or go into cybercrime

It's motivation. They'll keep learning whatever they need to do.

dats my boy

> CS highschool teacher
Skurwysynu, weźsiędo roboty, bo bachory i tak gówno umieją obecnie.

Podpisano: wykładowca akademicki.

Lightning-struck individual genius is a quite Slavic trait, but with the originality you lose some generalisability. Marx & Trotsky, corruption and sanctions have a lot to answer for, but Slavbros as a whole should be doing much better, and not drinking themselves to death by and large.

do you remember that time when the government held a lottery so one person in prague could have permission to buy a washing machine in 1982?

>He yмничaй: yмнee тeбя в тюpьмe cидят

Dvach refugees everywhere these days.

Wiadomo, że chuja umieją, jak dupy im się nie chce ruszyć i uczyć się w wolnym czasie. Nie będziesz Usainem Boltem po lekcjach WF-u w szkole i bez żadnego treningu we własnym zakresie. Z klasy mat fiz 30 osób może z 12 będzie się przykładało do nauki a góra 4 osoby się zafascynują. Reszta 18 osób je klej w wordzie lub excelu. Już nie wspominajmy, że takie zajęcia prowadzone są w góra trzydziestu szkołach w kraju.

I potem zdziwienie, że bachory nic nie potrafią xD

Slav women are ALL golddiggers.
Be careful, user-kun.

"Умничaть" is "to be a smartass", which is frowned upon in all societies, though.

spierdalaj gruby chuju

bump for slav magic