Do you use the cloud Jow Forumsentoomen?
Which is the best to use?
Is there any that is safe and botnet free?
The "Cloud"
"The Cloud" doesn't exist.
it's a buzzword that means "someboy else's computer".
As such the only way for it to be non-botnet is to use self-hosted services (such as NextCloud)
And here comes the nazi faggot :^)
Yeah, I personally use it, but Mega has this stupid download limiter, wich makes me go nuts. I have to find something else. Any recommendations?
>the cloud
Yeah no. I use syncthing across all my devices. Consumes pretty much no battery at when in idle and is very convenient fir music, photos, my porn collection, my pass folder and everything else. Never trust other people with your personal stuff, especially when it's (((free)))
pcloud is apparently a direct competitor to mega with Zero Knowledge and Linux support.
But it also as a download limiter.
I use
Have bought a premium account for 100 Euros for 4 years (was a special offer) normal is 3 years for that money.
Daily download limit is 100 GB.
I get a shit ton of movies and series from that with good speed and reliability.
Never used Mega though.
Guess we have a user here.
>Never used Mega though.
That's because no one here uploads on Mega. Which fucking sucks because Uploaded and Share-Online are slow as fuck as a free user.
Uploaded is pretty dead. You upload stuff and an hour later files are missing or the entire library is offline.
I don't use is the fucking rapidshare of current era. I hate it.
I use Yandex disk... And it serves only the purpose of keeping my stuff. If I want to share something with a certain someone, I just send it using e-mail.
All people i know changed to
Uploaded is losing big right now.
they don't give ya 50GB for free anymore
How does syncthing compare to resilio?
I host all of my Jow Forums posts on "the cloud"
Rented a small vserver with 40gb storage for 3€ a month and got nextcloud running. Feels good to have control over your own data.
I mainly host University-related stuff and some photos there.
Next step would be to build my own nas, but that's a lot more expensive.
I do for pirated shit that I don't share, if personal I hard encrypt it and split it keeping one part to myself and when it unpacks it unpacks a big file always so even if they decrypt it they get another encrypted broken archive.
Good advice. Also, cloud services should ideally be used for software and media backups (which don't include any personal information).
I try to not have anything of value to me in digital form online nor offline.
Noone uploads to mega because mega is pretty active when it comes to reported public links. And also the 50gb free isn't offered anymore.
It's free software while resilio is proprietary. Also, syncthing is designed like a closed system for only your devices while resilio sync allows generating links for other people I think. I don't mind though, it does what I want I to do.
I use because 1tb for free
Car doesn't exists it just means 4 wheeled terrestrial vehicles
I host my own cloud via resilio sync and a raspi
I stopped using mega after they kept me from downloading 4 GB file every 6 hours a DMCA strike on a link that i shared here.
Now im using owndrives since no limits on download.
if i am coect mega has like 50 gb free space
just use it for casual files
if you store your loli collection there you may get botnet's attention
Google Drive for things that I want to be able to access while I am at my computer or phone.
the only thing remotely sensitive is my password manager but obviously it is protected.
Also Google pics or whatever they cloud picture app is. I uploaded about 2 or 3 hundred pics to piccasa years ago and Google bought it out from yahoo?
Mega for backup files for my desktop. All encrypted before being uploaded of course.
>1TB for free
There's a trap in it, isn't there?
Start putting a key on mega links and encode / decode using base64.