what the fuck causes that "slowdown" when typing in a browser even tho your ram, cpu an gpu is all well in order?
What the fuck causes that "slowdown" when typing in a browser even tho your ram, cpu an gpu is all well in order?
Suddenly accessing the network trying to predict your shit.
Someone used i++ instead of ++i
wow is that it? that would make sense, most shit that lags generally turns out to be pinging the internet
like those shitty EA sports games which constantly try to log your stats in games even tho you're playing single player
It's called "sausage fingers and brain damage"
exactly like that brainlet
Javascript that's slow as shit regardless of your setup
blocking work being done in the ui thread
what would cause the javascript or "blocking work" to suddenly hiccup tho?
and what causes it to then suddenly catch up, seeing all the shit you typed start to appear?
i mean we can produce that locally by maxing out the CPU or RAM
>to suddenly hiccup
if the work is being done in the ui thread, it can't render/repaint. that's why it hiccups.
>why does it catch up
because when it regains control, it receives all those input events at once.
is it something easily fixed, or is it more a network issue as previously stated?
or is it just an anomaly occurrence
What causes android to just grind to a halt when doing literally anything? I bought the latest phone with newest snapdragon just like Schlomo told me to.
Cause a browser today requires a quadcopter with 24 gig of ram
>is it something easily fixed
no, it would require probably a major redesign on the browser's structure. many things are made to be ran on the ui thread/single-threaded. that's why many browsers go the multiprocessing route to become more responsive eg. chrome
oh could this also be a "hardware acceleration" checkbox thing?
i generally keep it off cause various problems always mention that as the culprit
that's a problem
your processor isn't that good at blasting millions of pixels every second
>7700 isnt good
it could help, but the issue (usually) isn't that it can't render fast enough, it's that it gets stuck on work.
for a example, try running this on the developer console (copied right from stack overflow), and literally doing anything on the page:
function pausecomp(millis)
var date = new Date();
var curDate = null;
do { curDate = new Date(); }
while(curDate-date < millis);
not at graphics rendering, no
even an n64 from 1996 would able to beat your 7700
>a 1060 6gb isnt good
it's not being used if you have hardware acceleration disabled you dumdum
then why do i see GPU usage go up everytime video is played
video decoding most likely
if you have hardware acceleration off the page is being rendered and composited by the cpu, and the cpu is crap at doing that
wait i just enabled it and now see chrome usage going up
those aren't sentences you fucking idiot
you literally broken up a single sentence and tried to type it in different lines
fuck off
>t. goldfish