Fuck, back to /u/ I go.
objectively the best OS
My goto OS!!
If you use any other distro you're a fucking hipster faggot
what about gentoo
What font is that? It's purdy
Enjoy your ancients packages faggots
>what is debian testing
Enjoy your perpetually unfinished OS. Maybe take pictures on the days it actually works so you'll have something to remember
>it doesn't build from source or use community binaries
Though ancient is fine with me. I rarely use anything current unless it has something to do with Ethereum.
>m-muh numbers
The numbers mean something dumb-dumb. New features and bug fixes. I cant imagine not using a rolling release.
What's wrong with those penguins' belly buttons?
My new features!
Like, uh.... that one... i use...
I think they're cold?
I didn't think a belly button did that when you're cold. Weird.
>mfw just migrated from Xubuntu to Debian Testing with KDE
>mfw hopeful for the prospect of an apt-based semi-rolling release
feels alright. hope it goes well!
debian's kde packages are fine but you should still the official neon distro
install it
I'm going to go with what the Debian team determines is fine. Compared to my previous machine with nVidia drivers, KDE with Intel graphics seems to be working great.
The only think I have installed which is not in the repos is Firefox Quantum; ESR doesn't support umatrix.
but i already did
>tfw Debian on the NAS
>tfw Debian Sid with experimental on the desktop
Debian comes with so much shit. My god is a thai terminal really necessary? I mean at least i can get nvidia drivers working on debian when they dont want to run on any redhat os
you should use the netinstall ISO. the thai terminal is installed due the 'task-thai' package. on the non-netinstall images, ALL FUCKING TASK-LANGUAGES ARE INSTALLED.
please use a netinstall installation and don't use 'task-' for installing packages. it takes more time and might break things but it surely will remove all bloat.
Not that guy, but I installed Debian Testing offline installer and only have task-english installed
Debian is like a freetard less supported derivative of Ubuntu, only dipshits use it.
i am that guy. it's nice to see a friend using KDE on debian as well.
'that guy' again, please use the nonfree images or enable nonfree on sourceslist
still can't get Dolphin and ffmpegthumbs to actually show thumbnails when I had no problems with KDE, but i did get most of the other issues i had with Manjaro KDE fixed.
you're being autistic about 100kb of locale files, also if you specify a locale in your bootstrap it won't install them all, just like if you specify an xorg-video package it won't install them all
the 'task-' packages installs dictionaries and other stuff related to the language selected (like the translation packages for firefox). the metapackage can reduce a noticeable size after installation as it comes with a fuckton of other software like thai terminal and mozc for chinese input.
b u s t e r
>not using sid
I'm scared
no need to be young child. hold my hand. we can have some fun.
>talking about dipshipts
No thanks I'll just use Ubuntu if I want apt (who the fuck even does, retards that's who).
I use sid for my desktop. Stable for everything else. Right package version for every use case.
>Right package version for every use case
You mean whatever binary package that Debian desides to put in its repository.
If you were using something like portage (gentoo) you could choose from multiple package versions and in some cases have multiple installed at once, e.g. gcc, python, other shit you may need different versions of.
Basically Debian is fucking garbage compared to Gentoo for ease of use.
gentoo is a meme distro for people with time to meme around. Compile everything from source? Give me a break.
Ubuntu is based on Debian and relies on it to survive.
Portage sounds like a worse version of Nix.
Portage's support for multiple versions is very similar to apt's just implemented slightly differently. In portage you have slots so you can have gcc 5 and 6 side by side and in apt you have different package names like gcc5 and gcc6 so you can have different versions. In the end both implementations rely on differently named folders and binaries then symlinks to in the path for the short name. They are basically identical implementation wise and they usually only allow for different major versions of things to be installed anyway like python2 and python3 or gcc5 and gcc6.
Ignore the tripfag, he's notoriously stupid. Portage's power has nothing to do with package versioning, instead it comes from use flags which let you control compilation flags and optimizations for every package.
Re-install it.
> installsling debian because too retarded for gentoo and arch
>wanting a source based or pacman based distro
some of us are sane, others are completely lost in the realm of self pity they feel they need to subject themselves to the torture of package managers which aren't apt
>Installing debian because I actually have software to develop and I can't have my environment breaking every week
You're supposed to post an image of the systemd website, then, quoting op, state "at least it was before I fucked everything up"
>breaking every week
You must be retarded. I don't have any problem using Arch as my daily OS.
Debian, Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu, SUSE, Mint etc... are for idiots who can't build his own system.
But you can build your DE from scratch in Debian. The "debian desktop environment" in the installation is just a terminal. You can install openbox, lightdm, etc. and build it from the ground up.
dnf is good too
>spends ten minutes downloading updates every time you invoke it for any reason
no thanks
>makes you kys
>if you don't use obsolete and broken software you're a fucking hipster faggot
debian's users logic everybody
>"build your own system"
Yes stable is old, well done.
Are you a retard?
dnf is shit and slow as fuck
It's ok guys. This guy doesn't get UNIX philosophy. He's just stupid. Take pity on this poor retard.
Numbers bring in new bugs and rarely new features retard. That's why non-hipster non-soybois know stable is the way to go.
At least it doesn't come with dev bloat like Arch
>Yes stable is old, well done.
Wrong. Stable is what upstream releases as such (point release) not what debian freezes (old upstream-stable with mold).
I just started using Linux based distros a few weeks ago (haha new fag I know) and I installed Debian just because I heard it wasn’t as bloated as others distros. I can’t really see how you can complain without Debian. It’s pretty easy to customize, very stable, and everything that I want to do with Linux I can easily do with Debian. It’s just all around solid.
installing debian kde right now, moving from debian mate
looking forward to devuan being ready though ...
>installing debian kde right now, moving from debian mate
You know that getting a different DE doesn't require you to reinstall your operating system?
You literally just need to run one command and logout and in again.
>unfinished OS
The current state of Debian users. Winshit is exactly what are you looking for.
Enjoy your 4000+ packages, faggot.
Installed it yesterday
>Got sick of Ubuntu 16.04 and the fact that 18.04 will probably be a shitshow. >Did a netinstall and went for KDE
>disabled screen compositor bcs my Nvidia never got along with kwin
>Everything works
>try to optimize game settings for memory conservation
>still use 7 out of 8 GB of memory with game + browser open
>135% CPU usage
I've lost control of my Debian, Jow Forums
Doesn't installing all those packages mess up one's OS with so much bloat? I did that with Linux Mint Cinnamon, when I added KDE as well. Now it takes ages to boot up.
>Doesn't installing all those packages mess up one's OS with so much bloat?
Bloat is nothing but a meme.
You can always uninstall the packages from your previous DE and if you aren't really short on space it doesn't matter anyway.
>I did that with Linux Mint Cinnamon, when I added KDE as well. Now it takes ages to boot up.
I doubt that that was relevant, but you can always uninstall packages you don't need/want.
Nothing is stopping you from uninstalling the mate packages (at least not if you are using a distro which isn't specifically tied to one DE, such as debian).
>135% CPU usage
that's perfect normal for a process. It means it utilizes more than a core.
Aah gotcha. Never used top before.
>installed Debian GNU+Hurd in a vm
>upgraded it to sid
>apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade err day
>not a single day without package updates
based debian keeping The Hurd alive
>install debian
>it doesnt support my video card
Minimalism in the way you describe is a joke, with TB of hdd/ssd space available cheap you don't have to concern yourself with space anymore. CPU time and RAM space are another matter though.
Check out "htop".
and my lovely wife maki
i HATE debian