Does this monitor not have 10bit hdr even though it says? My ps4 pro is saying that it doesn't have hdr

Does this monitor not have 10bit hdr even though it says? My ps4 pro is saying that it doesn't have hdr

Attached: Screenshot_20180330-143925(1).jpg (1437x2290, 949K)

Where do you see HDR? HDR and bit-depth are two different things

it’s not a true 10 bit monitor

dude video games lmao. wish the mods would hurry up and make a video games board, and maybe add some kind of sticky clarifying that Jow Forums isn't for tech support

10 bit is only part of the requirements for HDR

That monitor doesn't say anywhere it supports HDR.

10bit colour doesn't mean it supports HDR10
HDR is about enhanced contrast, not colour range
also, it's not even a 10bit panel, it's 8bit with temporal dithering

>it's 8bit with temporal dithering
which for the layman means 10-bit

True 10-bit displays are a rarity and have minimal benefits to make it worth the expense for 99% of people.

you are right, it's just we are on the topic of misunderstanding the monitor's specs

So it doesn't have hdr?

Attached: IMG_20180330_171107.jpg (720x1280, 163K)

Attached: IMG_20180330_171144.jpg (1280x720, 268K)

No, it has the static contrast ratio, but lacks the peak brightness

So I wasted 500 bucks

if HDR was what you paid $500 for, yes, you wasted $500

-- if it's brand new, you might be able to make a claim that you made a mistake, or that the advertising was confusing
but you did get what you paid for, so there's no guarantee they'll accept your plea

>True 10-bit displays are a rarity
Not really. All high end TVs use a true 10-bit panel these days. Even many mid-range ones do, like the Sony X900E or Samshit MU8000 for example.

Should've bought a 4k TV if you wanted HDR for a PS4/console. has a bunch of reviews with detailed input lag measurements. You can easily get a decent 4k hdr tv with good input lag for $500

X900E also has a native 120hz panel that you can take advantage of if you feed it a 1080p 120hz signal

That means no

frc has no correlation with hdr

TVs are not monitors

The HDR spec has no problems with 8-bit + FRC.

Then why can't the ps4 turn it on? Do I need a special hdmi cable?

You don't understand what HDR is.

10 bit ALONE has NOTHING to do with HDR.

10 bit is one SINGLE piece of HDR, you need all of the pieces.

you also have the static contrast ratio.

But you don't have a panel that can get bright enough, so the manufacturer had no reason to support any HDR specs at all, it doesn't recognize HDR signals because it was never built to display an HDR image.

>TVs are not monitors
No one said anything about monitors only displays was mentioned which is what a TV is aswell as monitors, also the fuck is the difference anyway? TVs do anything that a monitor could do besides maybe freesync and gsync and even that could be changing with HDMI 2.1.

HDR is more than being able to support 10bit color as like others have said 10bt support is only 1 of the requirements, the display also has to accept and display HDR metadata

Because the monitor supports 10 bit colors, NOT HDR.

Attached: [email protected] (2360x2721, 146K)

VESA is trash

who's HDR specification do you prefer?

Dolby Vision?

Any of those is better than VESA's.

For what legitimate reason?

Go read the full spec pdf. The contrast values come from local dimmimg, so they're all moot. No true 10 bit on the highest spec is also pathetic.

He said "displays", not " monitors".

dude linux lmao. wish the mods would hurry up and make a linux board, and maybe add some kind of sticky clarifying that Jow Forums is for technology.

i know right? /v/ - video games. VIDEO. GAMES. not "parts for my video gaming computer" *rolls eyes". thats what Jow Forums is. also what telephone is based