> "This is so disappointing, wonder if there is a way to hire for integrity. We are probably focusing on the intelligence part and getting smart people here who lack a moral compass and loyalty." > "Leakers, please resign instead of sabotaging the company." > "How fucking terrible that some irresponsible jerk decided he or she had some god complex that jeopardizes our inner culture and something that makes Facebook great?" theguardian.com/technology/2018/mar/30/facebook-staff-leaks-memo-andrew-bosworth
>Facebook is data mining all it's users since day one and everyone with a brain knew that >One day media posts story on the 4908798th thing that stole the election from hilldawg >Butthurt by brain dead tards who didn't know this shit has been going on forever I wonder how big the shitstorm will be when the average tard learns how much Google is tracking them.
Landon Walker
>[...]fired one employee who leaked innocuous information to the press, based on records of a screenshot he had taken and links he had clicked or hovered over on his computer.
what the flying fuck. how is it legal to monitor this deep
Joshua Morgan
>integrity >moral compass
maybe they should start hiring people with a hint of self-awareness instead
Aiden Murphy
When that happen most normies will not even remember the meaning of "privacy"
Logan Bailey
worse is the outrage of people who actually knew what's going on
>acquaintance has fb account for years >tell her they're spying hard on her >"i don't care, nothing to hide(tm) >the whole cambridge analytica affair blows over >"omg i'm deleting my facebook, they're evil"
Alexander Lee
t. failbook SDE I
Brody Williams
Wow that seems like a terrible place to work.
William Gonzalez
you don't know what the phrase "blows over" means, or how the quote function works for that matter
Colton Gonzalez
t. mark zuckerberg
Tyler Sanders
Not him, but you used the term incorrectly.
Aiden Reed
how will i ever recover?
Mason Richardson
please fuck off
Jace Baker
This entire "controversy" goes to show that over half of America but especially millennials are mentally ill and a danger to the society.
Brody Bennett
I'm still astonished this made news. Like, how can anyone genuinely be surprised about this?
Ayden Mitchell
That's a form of logic that click bait writers love.
>Your post shows why people are stupid. And here's why. And that's a good thing.
Logan Price
"Tolja so."
James Adams
Zachary Carter
pretty sure they even modern your keystrokes as your coding to make sure you're performing
Samuel Clark
>facebergers whine about their freeze peach and inability to share bad ideas due to leaks leftoids have no self-awareness.
Bentley Morris
these kiddos ain't lefties
Adrian Clark
these faggots make japanese salarymen look sane
Luke Price
>japanese salarymen could you explain this meme please
Hunter Taylor
Japanese corporations own your body and soul. You won't find another job if you quit your first.