
I'm literally lmaoing @ your life right now

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Other urls found in this thread:

nice bait faggot

How to be hated by 4ch xd

>w-wan support
why is it s-stuttering?

it's nervous

Free | No | Yes
Respects your freedom | No | Yes

Ubuntu is waaaaay easy to use for beginners

It is not possible for computers or software to have respect



Attached: intel.gif (500x598, 83K)

This actually triggered me so much

>"Social Online Games" are somewhat more demanding than 3D games
>Celeron is unfit for basic office tasks

My scanner works fine in Linux

Windows driver support for it ended with XP I think

LOL who doesn't throw away their hardware and replace it every 3 years!
What a lose, he has a 10 year old scanner!!

sadly this. I almost got a gf the other day but when I took out my iphone of the previous generation I could see her trying to hold back laughter and then she said she was busy

Attached: 1511644628948.gif (320x224, 790K)

>designing websites and using ingame chat requires i7

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I'm pretty sure it's a lot older than that
I looked it up and check out these minimum requirements:
>PC with Pentium(R) processor (90 MHz or more)
>32 MB RAM or more
>160 MB available disk space for scanning software
>CD-ROM drive
>VGA monitor (16-bit color)
>USB or parallel port:
>For USB: Windows 98, Me or Windows 2000 professional
>For parallel: Windows 95, 98 or Me

>parallel port
Dayum, now that's what I'm talking about!

Attached: win-linux-training-2.jpg (776x402, 141K)

I still use these 17 year old PC speakers, they are comfy as fuck.

Come at me faggot.

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it's a figure out speech you fucking autist

It's literally the truth

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yea I know that's why I'm trying to figure out what you mean

I'm a former *nixer.

I recently moved back to windows, installing 10 everywhere I could. I did it on a whim, and everything works better, I can now play games on my gaming laptop, any game I want I can play. Amazing feeling.

I also feel like its new and novel, it's been 12 years since I used windows, and it's solid, everything works just that little bit better.

All the anti-windows propaganda out there is literally just that, propaganda, it's not true.

>Cameras/Ipod/MP3 players
How many cameras, iPods or MP3 players run Windows? Did Zune even run Windows NT? If it did it's probably the only one of any of those 3 types of things that did.

>more games
back to /v/

Attached: fact1.jpg (736x382, 75K)

>familiar & easy to use
>what most customers want
>software compatibility
I think Microsoft dropped these with Win8/8.1/10

Lol, me on /v/

I'm not that bad m8 come on.

>Windows Yes Linux No
Wow, sure showed me.

you should figure out spelling first and work on speech after

Thank god I wiped Windows from all of my devices.

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Do you sit on them you massive faggot?

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bring it on jew

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And where's the Core2Duo?

I hate m$ so much
The worst part is that they're never going to die. Not even the most harmful of exploits could bring it down.

Sounds like you dodged a bullet. but I doubt that actually happened.

Windows 10 is not a bad OS. I tried it and was impressed.

Unfortunately, that telemetry thing it does is unacceptable and has got to go. While it can be sabotaged, Windows Updates will repair it without your knowing- which is unacceptable and straight from 1984 that you can't turn it off.

Because of that functionality, Windows 10 must be condemned. Linux is the future, and Microsoft is so terrified of this future that they are openly going to sabotage Linux's development to prevent it from ever beating Windows.

At least change the wording of the script to match the norms of your target forum you dense shill fuck.

This is literally where we'd be right now if AMD didn't exist.

If you wanted to do anything with your computer besides stare it it, you'd need to buy the most expensive $2500 2-core 3ghz i7.

Attached: Linux1.jpg (1024x600, 86K)

Massively multiplayer online games are definitely more demanding than your average 3D game, especially the fact they are mostly CPU bound. Fucking brainlet.

>but I doubt that actually happened.
you're right it didn't but I'm sure it has happened somewhere in this sick world we live in

shit how will I ever recover

>how will I ever recover
hopefully you have windows. they make it super easy to recover!

Every time Windows manages to break itself, linux-based recovery tools will get 99..9% of the user data back onto a good filesystem so that Windows can be deleted and reinstalled in order to fix it as quickly as possible.

Users can't handle the power that is Linux, I totally get that. But when it comes to fixing things, Windows needs to mind its place.

>No in-game chat or creating websites without an i7

Attached: 1521787523481.jpg (620x670, 52K)

>Source: and Windows Compatibility Center
>this whole slide

Attached: lel.jpg (184x184, 10K)

And you say Apple was a cult when shit is direct brainwashing. I can only imagine an army of pajeets repeating this word by word in a secret place.


Many > Few
OPs a retard pls praise me

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>you can't download a video without an i3

Attached: 78f.jpg (506x426, 46K)

your source is literally computer

When Windows Vista was around it was true... My USB Zip Disquette even didn't wanted to work with 2.26 kernal

But it is possible for those who develop software to have respect for the user's freedoms.

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So today microsoft announces a corporate restructuring that minimizes the role of windows in microsofts overall vision of their company. Windows development is now spread all over the company and now considered an 'experience'. There is no more head of Windows development. So what do we get on Jow Forums? endless windows shilling. Give it up guys even MS doesn't believe in windows anymore.

You need an i3 for voice calls. Fucking kek.

>you can't use notepad to make your own website without an i7
Holy shit

>USB Zip Disquette

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