Anyone have a Core i9 -- and like it?

Anyone have a Core i9 -- and like it?

Attached: pcw-corei9-hub-100725505-orig[1].jpg (1200x675, 516K)

just don't user just get an xeon

I'm all for going above and beyond but something like an i9 I just wouldn't do lol. Especially when people still argue that i5 and i7 perform the same on single core or. Whatever. Fuck knows what i9 would be needed for private use

i9 is for retards with more $$$ then sense.

Professionals/Prosumers will opt for Xeon Ws (don't cost that much more). If they are budget-conscious then Threadrippers are a better deal.


>buy i9
>basically a shitty Xeon but with ECC functions blocked out
>shitty cache means HT actually slows down programs that know how to use it
Yeah I'll stick with my kikeripper.

Anybody know if Core i9 or Threadripper is better for virtual machines?

One gives you access to ECC, is cheaper, and it faster.
The other lets you use nested virtualization with Hyper-V.

What's a good and cheap workstation that has a good Xenon CPU and can take DDRR RAM Sticks?

Overclockers maybe? Certain memory kits work best on Skylake-X.

I want to buy an 7820x to replace my 1700 for gaming even though its a complete waste of money.

It's great if you are an arsonist

lel If only AryanMasterDevices has the balls to put kike-ripper on the label

I work with solidworks and Ryzen 5 is all I need even for 50+ part projects.
i9 is just not worth the money.


Attached: 124124124142.png (666x593, 32K)

If you don't care about the money, sure.


i bought my bloomfield i7 920 the week after it came out in 2008 and 10 years later the state of affairs is fucking pathetic.

I ended up on the wrong timeline.

Attached: 920.jpg (484x506, 64K)

all cpus are doped, you retard

PC technology isn't supposed to stay forever user, maybe you should upgrade your PC.

That's a lot of disks.


While I'm usually all for Xeons over consumer crap, I didn't think there was a Xeon option for the X299?

Chuck an X5660 in it and enjoy it for a long time to come.

Every Intel consumer processor is just a locked down Xeon. Intel wouldn't waste time making a processor that couldn't be sold as a server processor when they can just lock features out and sell it to consumers.

While I understand that, I didn't think Intel sold a fully unlocked Xeon for the 2066 socket. AFAIK the faggots want to avoid people hanging on to their old platforms by buying cheap repurposed Xeons that flood the market.

Intel started locking down their Xeons since Sandy-Bridge-E and onward.

They saw that the used market of their Xeon-based Woodcrest-Westmere (fully unlocked and can easily be modded to work on customer-tier boards) was undercutting their new shit.

They started locking their Xeons on the platform side with C series chipsets starting with Skylake-S/Haswell-E.

If you want Xeons, you have to get a board with C series chipset (basically Zxxx/Xxxx chipset with vPro support and a beefier PCH).

An i7 720 is more than good enough for 90% of today's tasks that are not heavy virtualization, video rendering, or exigent gayming. And from those 3, 2 are niche.

Westmere/Sandy-Bridge-E Xeons are your best bet.

Haswell-E era stuff is still kinda pricey but you are forced to get C2xx boards.

nice thread
sa- oh rigt i can't type it here

why would anyone go to i9 when threadripper exists and has superior platform?

why would someone buy anything that resides on the x299 platform?

less pcie
locked down raid
no ecc

for retards like everything else intel