For all the memeing Jow Forums does about gentoo, who actually uses it?
For all the memeing Jow Forums does about gentoo, who actually uses it?
I use it on my main desktop and an ARM SBC. It's fucking great.
Used it as my only OS for 7-8 years now. I was distro hopping at the time and since I couldn't find any non-meme that actually worked without breaking every 3 days, I decided to fall for the gentoo meme and see if by chance it could satisfy.
I was deeply impressed and pleasantly surprised as it turned out to be rock solid, and have the second largest package repos (behind only arch), while allowing the mixing of stable, unstable and bleeding edge software without impacting system stability out of expectations, all the properties I was looking for after having tried debian, arch, opensuse, ubuntu, fedora, and more.
Compile time wasn't even an issue for 95% of packages, and when it was a problem (libreoffice, firefox, qtwebengine, etc.) there were usually binary packages available (firefox-bin, for example). Still, in a few cases, compile time was very long and no binaries could be found. But now, with cloveros, that's no longer a concern, since it's gentoo with a BINHOST (and parallel downloads through all available mirrors), which has a massive library of available precompiled software, including all the heavy stuff.
Conclusion: gentoo is unironically the best distro by far, and quite frankly the only good OS period. The CloverOS convenience is also a must-use for best mileage.
I unironically use Gentoo and it is the best *nix I have tried yet.
You do have to wait a bit longer to install programs, but it makes up for it in the sense that you can decide what you want to include in the program (USE flags) and optimize it for your specific hardware.
Expect to learn a LOT about linux.
It's really only usable on a semi-powerful desktop computer though. Horrible for netbooks and weak laptops.
Had no problem on a weak laptop, though I definitely would avoid it on a netbook too.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
I installed it once and see the appeal, but I like ot be bleeding edge and don't like compiling from source every week
Okay. But what does Jow Forums think about Funtoo?
Most funtoo tools are completely broken and unusable, which basically defeats the point of funtoo as a whole. However, the use of git as sync method by default instead of rsync is much faster for syncing the tree. That feature can be activated in normal gentoo anyway so it's really not that good though.
On the other hand, I found the funtoo community to be top notch: both really well-versed in the topics they respond to, and very kind and helpful. The exact opposite of the gentoo community (on irc), which was very ignorant, extremely aggressively trying to defend known broken packages, and generally incapable of helping in anyway (with typical answers being of the type "who'd want to do that?" and "just google around, the 99999999 results showing nobody's been able to install this package for the past 17 years don't exist, you're the only one with that problem!"
You must have had really bad luck with the Gentoo IRC community.
I went in there as a noob with a sound problem, and I had someone in privmsg configuring an entire kernel for me
I had the same experience on 4 separate occasions with completely different problems so I'm taking this to be a pattern and not an exception.
>git as sync method by default instead of rsync is much faster for syncing the tree
No it fucking isn't.
nice Stallmeme
>install gentoo
>literally takes 2 days to emerge a web browser
wtf is this garbage?
It's my main OS and the best OS I've ever used.
.. did you not edit your make.conf to include -jN like it told you to in the handbook?
Part of me wants to use it, but I'm basically too lazy to install a roll-your-own, you-pick-every-component distro. I've never run Arch for the same reason. Also I get the feeling checking what use flags are available for each package I want to install and deciding which of them I want would quickly get annoying.
>implying arch resembles roll-your-own in any way shape or form
literally the only thing you can choose in arch is what packages you install
by the way, if a package you're trying to emerge requires a specific USE flag, you can have it enable the flag for you and then do etc-update
So CloverOS is actually good? I thought it was just another half-finished project like NTR.
lol, arch has very small amount of repos. i dont count aur, because it sucks, and has broken packages.
it's funnuy how irc channels always have the toxic people. always!
Fuck, I'm actually compiling firefox right now with my 2 cores. Is that gonna take days?
Holy shit I'm installing Gentoo rn and god damn it was easy and fast until I got to emerge --ask --update --deep --newuse @world
I did or a while, but then I decided to try one of the Ubuntu flavors and I haven't looked back. Sure it's not as lean, but things just work without having to look up reams of wiki pages, the kernel just works without me realizing I've gotten to turn on some feature and my packages don't mysteriously fail to install because one only compiles at -O3 and another only compiles at -O1 and I need to manually set flags to make them work.
Also, I get the normal Firefox instead of the ESR one, which I'm sure is something Jow Forumsentoomen here hate but I like Quantum.
AUR is pretty good actually. I've never seen a broken package.
I used it for a few months. I failed to configure a kernel for my thinkpad x201 so I used genkernel.
Because of the impostor syndrome, I went back to arch linux and I'll come back to gentoo later.
I did for a while but I got tired of waiting to compile everything.
Been using it on my desktop and home server for a couple years now.
I use gentoo since Jow Forums meme'd me into using it.
Everything is from source, binaries only for browsers, libreoffice and I grabbed gcc-7.3 from cloveros' binhost.
I wanted to try it on my laptop but I have few questions
- Is it possible to install packages from different distros ? There is an application I need which only comes in .deb and has no source code avaliable.
- Can I install it alongside win 10 on GPT layout ?
- Is it possible to have cpu voltage control for undervolting similiar to intel xtu/throttlestop ?
t. literal paid shill.
It's literally gentoo with a binhost, aria2c for the sync command, and animu wallpapers. The binhost is really fucking extensive. It doesn't actually fuck with any gentoo stuff otherwise, it's basically antergos for gentoo, but a lot more useful due to the binary packages.
You don't even need to install cloveros, just copy-paste their makefile on your gentoo install to get the same effect.
It's going to take probably 3.5+ hours.
Install firefox-bin or use a binhost instead.
Even if there is no source code, gentoo probably has it in the repos, you have to be specific and search for it on the internet to see if it's on portage.
>Can I install it alongside win 10 on GPT layout ?
Yes, but be careful, when I installed the Creator Update in windows, it scrambled my partitions and I had to change the grub and fstab references.
>- Is it possible to have cpu voltage control for undervolting similiar to intel xtu/throttlestop ?
I have no idea, but anything you can do on any linux gentoo can do better.
Only CIA niggers and NSA tranny use it.
- You can use paludis or just the ar command + write an ebuild if the source is not available. However I'd suggest checking in case it's not already available anyway.
- Yes.
- Just like any other distro.
It is hard as memes say? I'm currently using arch, but I want to build from source, and use gentoo unironically.
It's trivial and straightforward, just long if you don't use cloveros binhost.
Yes, yes, yes
Everything is possible to do in Gentoo, the matter is how many cows are you willing to sacrifice for it?
Can I gain some performance building from source instead using binaries? That's my biggest question. I want to learn more about GNU/Linux using gentoo.
Used to use it until I got lazy one time when reinstalling.
Best linux distro out there, not neccessarily because you compile from source, but because the devs are actually smart and don't make retarded decisions.
You can, but you generally won't see the difference except in computationally expensive programs (in which case you can go hogwild with your optimizations: looks at graphite and LTO to get started).
Speedups isn't really what gentoo is for (perhaps with the exception of running on embedded devices, where every little bit of extra speed helps). It's about stability, package availability, and customization for the most part.
If you really want to learn about linux, installing LFS will be significantly more relevant than installing gentoo (which automates way too much of the process to really get to know anything new).
The only valid reason to use Gentoo over binary distribution is that you can disable feature on compile time.
Say you have ffmpeg and you don't use pulseaudio, you can simply disable that pulseaudio.
Just read the handbook properly and don't skim through
It's also the only distro where shit just werks and updates don't break the entire system. Debian is the biggest meme of them all, less stable than ubuntu yet claims to be all about stability.
Finally kicked off gentoo and install OpenBSD.
Gentoo good, but OpenBSD is great for C++ learning.
>for learning c++
>when it is alien to real targets and has garbage tools available unlike loonix
I've been using it for my main desktop for about three years now. I switched from Debian once I realized that I was compiling far too many packages from source anyway. (I had been using Debian for about fifteen years before that.)
It works pretty well, and the fuckups tend to be on the same level of severity as Debian/sid.
What are you programming? looks interesting
I'd recommend --quiet or -q, it doesn't show the compiling log and speeds up compile times, especially if your not using an X terminal
Gentoo is actually one of if not the most prevalent desktop Linux OS since it is the basis for ChromeOS.