Which keyboard do you use on Android?

Which keyboard do you use on Android?

Attached: gboard.png (954x594, 43K)

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Thank you for your input.

Gboard, but with practically all of the "features" turned off.

I never found anything better than Google's. I have it set to "short" and I turned off the suggestion bar.

Hacker's Keyboard

Xperia Keyboard

>turned off the suggestion bar

Whatever default keyboard that comes with custom rom that i'm currently using

because of
predictive text and you can configure the layout. i have a phablet and my manlet thumbs are too small to reach over to the otherside using the normal layout. have it set to be pushed closer to the right side of the phone

>not using Swiftkey

Attached: orig[2].jpg (3000x2000, 1008K)

The old, non-bloated version of Gboard, back when it was called "Google Keyboard."

Yeah, I know
But it's honestly the only keyboard that can compete with Apple's.

They're all shit, I hate touch keyboards so goddamn much

Yes, but which one is least shit?

I have a shitty 1.5GB of RAM smartphone and android idles at 1.2GB so there's no room for all my apps AND an aftermarket keyboard. I just use Gboard and disable as much of it's botnet as I can.

it's alright. I liked thumb keyboard, but opted for a foss keyboard this time

probably a troll post but i'll bite.
android uses as much ram as possible because that is a good thing.

nigga I tried Anysoft and Swiftkey and as soon as android went above 1.5GB the whole phone ran slower than floating shit at the rivers of India. i also had to remove bluemail and use the stock e-mail app, it was the only way to make the phone usable.

What is the one that miui uses? I thought it was aosp but once I put a custom ROM on my phone and added the gesture jni the gesture algorithm is giving far, far, worse results.

*kills your background applications*

Does AOSP keyboard have a dark theme?

Using anysoft for privacy reasons. If I were rooted, I'd use gboard or swiftkey behind a firewall.
I like anysoft, but the prediction's not as good.


Attached: Screenshot_20180331-120121.png (1440x2880, 530K)


Attached: Screenshot_20180331-000314.png (1440x2560, 997K)

Yeah. It's what I use.

Physical keyboard masterrace

Enjoy having your emoji key either on the fucking enter button or next to the comma button. You can't get rid of it.

>Haha bro just let me hold down the enter key for a micro second too long
>Haha whoops I'm now in the emoji menu and need to spend 4 seconds unfucking everything haha

Attached: 1520989462445.jpg (995x558, 114K)

SwiftKey, while denying it network access

sir, i am an adult and don't use emoticons..i mean emoji's

>There's no room for my apps AND an aftermarket keyboard
>I Use Gboard

what the fuck if you're worried about ram use some FOSS shitware from F-Droid

>I am an adult
t. doesn't actually have a job

Sir you don't have a fucking choice with swiftkey. You either have a dedicated emoji button next to the comma, or you have it set to long press on the enter key. Either way you accidentally hit it from time to time.

Attached: deus ex.jpg (720x480, 230K)

>implying I didn't increase the time needed for long press
>implying I ever use the enter key

Attached: Screenshot_20180331-122628.png (1440x2880, 575K)

how do you accidentally hit a button that you have to hold down to activate?

>Decease the time for long press keys bro haha
>Yeah now you need to hold down the full stop key for a second to access the question and exclamation marks haha it's no biggie
>Hahahahahahahaha yeah booiiiss

I'd rather just not have emojis if I can. That's why Gboard is the best.

Attached: maxresdefault8KITGQVD.jpg (1280x720, 204K)

By accident.


Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-31-06-35-45-012_org.floens.chan.png (1080x1920, 217K)

I guess if you are trying to hold down the delete key.

Attached: Screenshot_20180330-233954.png (1080x1920, 218K)


Attached: Screenshot_20180330-234600.png (1440x2560, 199K)

Do you read your screen with a microscope?

Attached: Kat what.jpg (615x385, 78K)

I cant find > and < in gboard. pls help

2nd symbols section, left/right of spacebar

thumb keyboard

What browser is this?

tried it and hated it

i only use it because i use firefox on my desktop and don't use chrome so i have all my passwords/tabs synced with firefox.

thank you, user

custom swiftkey keyboard to emulate a mechanical keyboard

>"turned off"

real one

Attached: k1.jpg (287x150, 19K)

>it appears my superiority has lead to some controversy

Attached: B006FXY9LC_img2_lg.jpg (800x663, 87K)

GBoard with a fancy background. Swiping is GOAT.

Attached: Screenshot_20180331-010545.png (1080x1920, 430K)

>2000 + 18
>not using a physical keyboard

Please see
I'm typing on my superior Blackberry Keyone right now.
>don't need autocorrect because physical keyboard is accurate
>don't need word recommendations because physical keyboard is faster
>tap once on the keyboard to enable cursor: copying and pasting on a phone has never been so easy
>customize symbols' keyboard's layout and bind basically every action you want (see pic)
>don't need additional software to run and drink up your memory and battery life
>don't need additional software to take almost half of the screen of your phone

All in all I actually feel sorry for all those phone users who have been deceived into thinking that virtual keyboards are better.

Attached: Screenshot_20180331-092723.png (1080x1620, 186K)

>2000 + 8
>using a physical keyboard
>2000 + 18
>not using a physical keyboard

Gboard toi. I don't care about the keyboard as long as I can have a picture as the background.

Attached: IMG_20180331_093648.png (1080x743, 941K)

ITT: people that never write on their phone

2 busy plowing your mom

If I used Android this would be my keyboard

Attached: KEYone keyboard.png (640x400, 478K)

I'm glad to see that at least few people ITT have a refined taste.

you say that like being a phonefag is a good thing somehow?

Fite me

what do you use then you shit cunt

A real physical keyboard

well fuck nigger

this literally looks like shit/diarrhea

the best

Dumb users like you are the reason we have a shit ton of low tier/botnet apps

Fucking disgusting.

What does GOAT mean?

Wait until you grow up kid

ASK (AnySoftKeyboard) is pretty good, although it lacks a way to search emoji, which I miss from Gboard. It does have left-right arrow keys at the top, which is useful. Oh, and the theming is great. Definitely the most rice-able keyboard. It's on F-droid

Consider a different ROM, one without gapps preferably. Nugat is like 400mb RAM by itself, just the core and ui.

whatever comes stock with the phone

>Gboard, but with practically all of the "features" turned off.


>I just use Gboard
>I have a shitty 1.5GB of RAM smartphone and android idles at 1.2GB

Why would you use Gboard then? it's somewhat bloated compared to open source keyboards.

I have an actual computer for that. Who the fuck would rely on a smartphone for writing?

Greatest of all time.
Search on urbandictionary if don't understand an acronym.
>Thank you
Too kind for this site.

The AOSP 8.1 keyboard from LineageOS.


Works on my phone just fine.

I'm using the on LineageOS 14 (android 7).
Is there any difference?


Attached: Screenshot_20180331-052228.png (1080x1920, 142K)

Sony's making a new phone with a very different kind of virtual keyboard, one that's much better IMO. You read it here first, folks.

What makes you think I haven't grown up more than you?

botnetboard just werks

just emoji shit

This is your daily reminder that tap keyboards > swipe keyboards.

GBoard with black skin.



>turn off suggestion strip
>can't use pic related
fucking googlel

Attached: 1494788040668.jpg (578x325, 48K)

> people that never write on their phone

Yes and I am damn proud of that. Buy a PC, you loser!

Because of arrow signs

Attached: 1522492755208.png (1920x1080, 124K)

Search emoji? What the fuck? Are you a fucking pedo? What kind of grown ass man uses emojis? Get the fuck out of here

Swype, can't use anything else after using this keyboard for about four years now. I know it's dead but I don't care, I'm going to keep using it. It's just too comfy. What other keyboard has the same gesture functions? Gboard can do swipe typing but nothing else. It's just too barebones for me.

I wish aosp keyboard with size control existed

Fuck this dumb gifs-built-into-keyboard bullshit Gboard has going on

i have never hit that key by accident. Used swiftkey for about 5 years.

Previously(when I was ignorant) I was using botnet Fleksy

touchkeyboards are a fucking mistake

Default LG keyboard for my LG devices.

Currently using Gboard on my Amazon Fire, but I'd much like to find something that has similar tap-and-hold-for-punctuation functionality that the LG keyboard has (pic related).

Attached: lgkeyboard.png (1078x898, 68K)