/hpg/ - Headphone General

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Redpill me on these. Why shouldn't I get them?

Attached: K702-large.jpg (554x750, 42K)

because the k712s are better

any of you have tried the 1MORE Triple Driver Over Ear Headphones?

i want to fug miku

Because K612 are objectively better and cheaper.

Idol trash here. What's your setup like, user?
Great OP.

Attached: 1507050274276.png (860x600, 686K)

Based headphones. Cost only 130€ in Europe.

I have it.
It's a little bass heavy for my taste, but otherwise it's pretty great.

LCD2 tomorrow!
What headphone are you listening to at the moment /hpg/?
I bet it's an hd600

Attached: hd650.jpg (1190x674, 510K)

akg k240. only over ear i have atm, although i'll be getting my topping a30/d30 stack with an hd 600 next week. I have a nice iem setup, but im not in the mood for those at night. The k240 is okay. the bass is kinda icky to me, and the overall sound just doesnt come close to my iem, but I do like the soundstage a lot which is great for what im listening to atm (flying lotus).

how are the pads?, are they glued in?

Why do you keep on posting here if you dislike /hpg/ ?

K612 > shit > K712 = K702

Nice the hd600 is a really good headphone. I was surprised by the hd650 considering it's msrp.
I like it here or I wouldn't have been in the thread ever day for these last few years. Seems people are more interested in talking about me and my hairline than my headphones though.
Don't mind the attention though I suppose

>What headphone are you listening to at the moment /hpg/?
HD650 with EQ and impeccable driver matching that HD600 shills can only ever dream of. This is the life!

Attached: HD650 channel matching.png (928x960, 104K)

the pads are not great. they're on the small side, so it's more like an over ear/on ear situation. I think you might be able to turn the housing to replace the pads, but I'm too big of a pussy to try.

Attached: 2323r.jpg (640x640, 58K)

I'm not using an EQ with mine but they are pretty damn good. I really like the way they handle vocals. Much closer to the he500 than I thought they'd be.

>with EQ
Which they need since they're veiled low-fidelity garbage.

All headphones need at least a bit of EQ'ing, my silly user! The question is, are you capable of EQ'ing out the potential driver variance due to the lack of driver matching?

If you think the most recent revision of the HD650 is "veiled," you must think the HD600 is, too. Besides, any headphone on the market will benefit from EQ, including your HD600!

Attached: HD650 and HD600.png (929x647, 92K)

>mid-bass hump

Into the trash it goes.

>Lack of driver matching
You never know what you're going to get :^)

Thanks for the laugh!

>not veiled

Attached: 1300044776986.jpg (600x600, 34K)

keep convincing yourself that your inferior headphones are better. maybe if you keep saying it it'll come true

welp, took apart my hd600 and painted it black new cat pic tomorrow when its done

Attached: IMG_20180322_175242766.jpg (2340x4160, 2.68M)

Hey, man, maybe I dunno sound, like taste, is subjective or something. Otherwise people would be saying like the headphones with one billion drivers in each ear cup are the best or something.

Attached: Lebowski.jpg (647x432, 62K)

Best chink earphones? Hd681 evo good?

>one billion drivers

kek, all you need is ONE good driver

pic related

Attached: etymotic-er4sr-earbuds-inhand-1500x1000.jpg (1500x1000, 112K)

>muh sound is subjective
but HD600 is obviously the undisputed best headphone in the world

HD650 is clearly more veiled there.

I hate to break it to you, user, but the best headphone in the world has matched drivers, which the HD600 just doesn't have! Better luck next time!

Hey ho, that's a funny way to spell the HD 650s (Driver matched by the strictest of fanboys), not only the most impressive mankind has to offer, but also driver matched as a cherry on top!

hd600 has matched drivers

Attached: Sennheiser HD600 - raw ov.png (640x444, 43K)

Mens come on pls they both sound wonderful

Amazing RNG, glad the user received a decent pair, but some are not as lucky, unfortunately... :(

Attached: Gross.png (1601x700, 141K)

Until Sennheiser states otherwise, it's all RNG and speculation, unfortunately :(

just email them dude

Grab the proof yourself, dumdum

your matched drivers talk always makes me sad because my DT150 has audible driver imbalance

if i posted the email here, you'd say that i made it up, feel free to email them yourself and verify the info

Oh hey look at that you have the two headphones I want. I've got my HD6XX's waiting to be shipped and I reckon next time I have money later in the year I'll upgrade my 400i's to 500's. I figure that's a pretty great combination that covers most bases in listening to music - based on your experience with the two am I correct?

What if it's your ears that's not balanced?

>if i posted the email here
Kek. Thought you """forgot""" your email password. What now?

they are too :(

i did forgot my email password (one of my many spare emails), just saying, even if i posted the information here you'd say i fabricated it via photoshop or HTML editing

literally just send a request here:


So you have no proof with you? Opinion discarded, then

we both know that even if i posted proof, you wouldn't believe it

feel free to find the answer yourself user-kun

You don't know that, and neither do I. We'll never find out either until you grab that proof for me

>my hd600
Nice. You own the best headphones in the world. Nice.

Very nice headphones, indeed. But unfortunately, they aren't the HD 650s (Made from god's skin and the rarest of mythical earth magnets), which are driver matched beyond belief, btw

Astonishingly inaccurate post.

Buy only up to the first sentence (Obviously, as to be expected). They're only "nice" :)

Astonishingly accurate (just like the HD650's driver matching).
Astonishingly inaccurate (just like the HD600's unmatched drivers).

is there a thread that isn’t just bickering over which midfi garbage sucks the least

Impeccable logic. I agree!

Will post Sennheiser's reply when/if they do.

Attached: shutthefuckup.png (2560x759, 51K)

Finally, user!

Should've been more specific than that

I got a O2 amplifier, DT-880 headphones and JBL LSR305 Speakers. Is there some kind of reasonably priced (sub 200€) USB audio interface to which I could connect all this to and easily switch between and have volument control?

post music!


sounds amazing on my HD 600™!

i would assume they are since I head the HD 580 if I recall correctly.


Attached: 1444662640058.jpg (2048x1356, 1.35M)

Here's one with HD 580 and of the silver screens.

Attached: hd 600 series.png (1024x573, 73K)

redpill me on the hd 579, are they the best bang for buck?

Could get one of these HD558 for $47 instead, perhaps together with a FiiO E10K or something: amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B004FEEY9A
It'd cost about the same as getting the HD579 alone, and an external audio source may help for sound quality if your on-board audio is shit

I stared at those feet and I fapped. I fapped hard.

Wouldn't say Miku is an idol desu.

Not really looking for used stuff, but good suggestion.

Okay, well it does say like-new, just has an opened box. Maybe it just doesn't come in its original packaging, I don't know. It might have never been used.

HD6XX are the best, but HD 579 is really good. I didn't care for the SHp9500s, but I could listen to the HD 500 series forever without fatigue. HD 600 are too bright for me.

So I'm thinking about getting the Campfire Jupiter or the Andromeda. I mainly listen to indie folk and EDM. Is the Andromeda worth the price difference?

I have a pair and I really like them. Didn't like them too much at first, but got used to their sound. You can try the foam mod too, it's really easy to do and makes a noticeable difference. Just don't rip the tape in case you prefer the old sound.

>Is the Andromeda worth the price difference?
you some kind of pussy? why you half assing shit? go big or go soy.

I heard the Andromeda is more bassy than the Jupiter and I'm not a huge fan of "bassiness" t b h :T

Fulla 2. Line out goes to the O2, pre-amp out goes the LSR305s.

I bought and have been using the Shure se215 for a few days. Would reccomend

Attached: se215clr.jpg (820x820, 73K)

Anyone heard the Lyr 3 yet? SBAF is jizzing themselves over it, I did like the Vali 2 against the HD 800 when I tried them out, and I'm looking for something to replace my NFB-11.28 so I can take it to the office.

Maybe get the Topping D50 to handle the DAC side, wouldn't trust Schiit to not fuck that up.

I love Miku!

Is wireless headphone really good or meme?
Looking at ATH-S200BT

mackie big knob studio
has easy a/b buttons for switching


Attached: 12460792_800.jpg (820x614, 57K)

wew lad, the absolute madman

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Are there any noticeable sound quality increase for multi-thousand dollar headphones over sub $1k ones or are they mostly memes?

How much bass the Andromeda puts out depends on your source's output impedance. 0-1 ohm is bassy, 1-2 ohms is warm, 2-3 ohms is about neutral, 3-4 ohms is bright, and anything more is not recommended. The Andromedas sound perfect to me out of my phone's 3 ohm 3.5mm jack; the mids and highs are transparent to my ears.

If your source falls in the first category, you could try using it with an impedance adapter from Penon or somewhere else. I've heard good things about the 20 ohm adapter and mixed things about the 75 ohm adapter. Don't bother with the EarBuddy or IEMatch unless you're using something with high OI.

yes, but law of diminishing returns and sound preference. $1k+ stuff has a lot of variety, not all of them are trying to be the highest fidelity either.

Attached: lol.png (1391x1654, 516K)

mostly memes

anything more than 500 is a meme
I would argue 300 actually since you can get good speakers for that price

Shitty forum can't even keep bots out yet they try to discredit based /ourguy/ amir

$$$ =/= quality
Especially when you're talking about headphones and audio equipment.

Something like the HD800s are the best headphones in the world. Something like ChiFiMAN not so much.

Woops, meant to say HD600* not 800

You can have your preference user. Probably just trolling but nothing wrong the HD600 or HD650. The HD800/s are a different headphone.

did that jap guy \w female avatar finally measure bitfrost multibit and ygg to show how shit schiit is?

He's a jap?

HD600 indeed.

Attached: 1502756683769.png (1200x908, 53K)

That's one boring bedroom

I think it's nice, very similar to mine. Just a bed, one dresser, and my computer.