Can anyone explain why there are only 3 main image formats on the web, and all of them are p. shit? GIF is awfully outdated for videos. JPEG has no transparency. PNG bloats photos to all fuck. What gives?
Can anyone explain why there are only 3 main image formats on the web, and all of them are p. shit...
It's interoperable with most computers made in the last 30 years. No other reasons.
but honestly who has computers older than 10-15 years? and do these people seriously bring ad revenue? can they even browse modern web?
Win XP is considered long deprecated, no one cares about IE6 anymore either. Why would anyone care about backwards compatibility so much, especially when most browsers nowadays get updates regularly
why don't u create a better one
he doesn't know how to create transparent jpegs
apng is new gif? support was added to ff
Apple is trying to push their HEVC/h.265 based format, but hopefully the new AV1 video format's comparable image format (AVIF?) will murder that nonsense and take over the crown for the next decade or three.
webp has been around for a while now and essentially replaced all 3. It has better losssy/lossless encoding with transparency support in both static and animated implementations.
forgot pic related
not OP, but why were jpeg and gif the initial standards used? They were not the only compressed formats were they?
>PNG bloats photos to all fuck. What gives?
Lossless compression
safari and chrome too
>botnet picture
Just works.
They are proven and not some new fad that will be gone in a year. That's worth more to most than some improvements that aren't really needed.
Gif is being replaced by webm and mp4 on many sites though.
nope, webp is open sores
>JPEG has no transparency. PNG bloats photos to all fuck
So just use JPEG for photos and PNG for shit that requires transparency then, problem solved. I'll agree that GIF is shit - it should have never existed in the first place.
.Tiff maybe
Jpg is a lossy format. It's like sticking a paper in a copy machine, and taking the copy that comes out. After going through many iterations of this, the image will have degraded.
Png is lossless. You can save it a million times over and it will be pixel perfect.
Also png optimizes for large areas of flat colors. Jpg doesn't. So png can be smaller in tons of cases.
not as small as webp though, at least withouy lossy compression
SVG is the best format whenever possible.