Spaces in a default system folder name

>spaces in a default system folder name

What the fuck were they thinking?

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catering to people who are used to having spaces between words? (i.e. majority of their userbase)

System32 is one word.

DriverStore as well

>implying normies know what x86 means

They are thinking to make you "su ffer"

>people who are used to having spaces between words

"Program Files (x86)"
problem solved!

normies don't ever bother with folders like System32 or Driverstore but program files is the default installation path

Attached: 1397768504009.png (640x720, 486K)

>freetards salty they have to remember to escape filenames with spaces in them

that wasn't hard was it

No idea. They could have just as easily done "Programs" and "Programs32"

>people consistently complaining that an OS designed to be used by 50 IQ morons and boomers is not programmer friendly


>putting spaces into filenames is not programmer friendly

When are those 50 IQ morons going to need to navigate Program Files?


ITT: brainless code monkeys

It's 2018, time to start sanitizing your strings.

>implying normies even know what a Program Files folder is much less what a defualt installation path is.

>What the fuck were they thinking?
"We have a functional, useful, consistent, and used GUI. No one needs to type a path."


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this or Program\ Files\ (x86)

now fuckyourself op

Except when " is not allowed in the path (many IDEs).

Great now my compiler is looking for the (x86) folder in Files in Programs. Well done!

Jelly that linux cant handle spaces OP ?

>he prides in his software not being able to parse spaces

>86? I just installed windows. How do I already have 86 programs?

no shit they do
they're called 'Power Users'
aka normies that take a couple seminars

>using anything other than nano or notepad when writing code

What baka doesn't use autocomplete?

Having \ and / mean the same thing in paths is much worse.

>being this lazy and predictable of b8

It's not b8 if it's true

keep trying user, you'll get it one day

You're all wrong, kiddos, you should use %ProgramFiles% in paths, it will automatically select the correct one.

literally no one else here has worked in anything but ubuntu in a few college courses

Unless you want to select the wrong one. Also that doesn't autocomplete.

%ProgramFiles(x86)% exists.

So it's a bunch of extra typing for exactly no benefit then.

Why would I ever want to actually define a path to %ProgramFiles% though? If I need things in my Program's context, I'd use relative links and getting stuff directly through other programs' file structure seems like some ghetto-ass linking to me.

Program files folder is not guaranteed to be on C: drive and isn't even guaranteed to be called program files.

you forgot to escape the parentheses

cd can't switch drives unless you turn extensions on.

With %ProgramFiles% you don't mention drives at all.

... It still wouldn't work.

then just do
cd /D %ProgramFiles%

Though %ProgramFiles% is not as useful as %AppData% for example - it will also use the correct user path.

>use HADOOP in winblows
>try to build the code and something fails
>file path has empty spaces (my username) and compiler interprets spaces differently than windows, which makes compiler to fetch a certain data from a wrong directory
>fix the issue manually
>something else breaks, because similar issues
that day I learned that using empty spaces, even in your username, is bad.

yea it can?

it literally does

I never understood why %AppData% goes to C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming instead of just AppData.

>xcept when " is not allowed in the path (many IDEs).
IDEs are not supposed to require the ", that's only for command line. If they do their devs are shitters.

They should have called the folder "Programs"
Maybe even Programs32/Programs64

>What the fuck were they thinking?
Having an OS which can handle spaces just fine, that's what they were thinking.



>What the fuck were they thinking?
The users. Free software could learn something from this.

Command prompt automatically detect spaces in directory titles, only hipster powershell need inverted commas which is also not that much of a hassle

Minesweeper, hearts, solitaire, etc

What os can't handle spaces in filenames?

Idk, ask OP. I'm not the one bitching about spaces in filenames.

I agree that it is retarded when they could of just named the folder "Programs" and "Programs(x69)

>being a codemonkey
Do you even %programfiles(x86)%

> this fucking thread

You obviously don't remember that long file names were introduced independently and as a whole with Win32 and specific APIs for DOS and Windows 3.x. Old software worked with 8.3 names and never cared about the spaces, and new software knew that long names can include spaces, so it was programmers' fault when processing was incorrect. Making default installation path "Program Files" was a nice way to break half-assed programs.

Internationalized paths have created more problems.

> having spaces

Attached: 4321.jpg (1000x669, 1.27M)


>buhu i need my folders to not have anything letters and numbers because the software i use is written by retards who are unable to deal with spaces in the path
i wish we could use everything in a path it's fucking infuriating that i can't just go and name something fuck!

>not using progra~1 and progra~2

>windows 64 bit
>windows 32 bit

Finally. Thank you

Their OS isn't so shitty that it can't handle spaces, so there is no reason not to. Spaces are even an ASCII character (0x20), so there is no reason for any software to not support it seamlessly, really. If something doesn't then it's their problem.

[a-z]+ master race


sudo rm -rf C:\Windows\System32

Actually it is, if you don't quote a service path, it checks C:\Program.exe first.