How do I learn how to code from the very beginning?

Seriously I can't find a single fucking video or tutorial anywhere which tells you how to learn code from scratch. What's the best way to learn? Do I need Linux? Or can I do basic shit on Windows? I tried installing Golang but can't get it running properly, is it worth using Amazon Web Services?

Attached: photo1.jpg (1280x560, 161K)

Other urls found in this thread:

install ganoo plus linux


Here you go, this was written for people who may not have even used a computer before.


Yes, you need linux to learn programming.

What problems are you having installing your go distro aws isn't worth it unless you just wanna learn the ecosystem of aws and definately isnt a replacement for a distro locally.

You learn by doing, simple as that, try making something that scrapes relatively useful information off websites.To give you an example one of my first programs was scraping website to get every equip able item in the games link, and scraping that items stats into a csv file.

>What problems are you having installing your go distro

I'm using this tutorial

On point 2 under the subtitle "Running a go program", the install command shown is not giving me the desired outcome. It should say "Hello world" again like in point 1, but command prompt tells me it "cannot find the package." Pic related.

Attached: cmd.png (1101x635, 25K)


recommending this book to someone who has never used a computer before may be a way to make sure they never will

package main

import (

func main() {
fmt.Println(`On point 2 under the subtitle "Running a go program", the install command shown is not giving me the desired outcome. It should say "Hello world" again like in point 1, but command prompt tells me it "cannot find the package." Pic related.`)

here, copy that code above into a text file and save it as op.go (or w/e) then from that dir in the command line

go run op.go

Ya thats a shit programming tutorial thats for packages and executables you just want to run code right now, not configure a package.

Pick a goal. What exactly do you want to learn and what do you want to learn for?
Helps a lot

Primarily for blockchain related stuff. Being able to use API's and code stuff into websites.

just use the drag and drop auto-programmer in Linux

step two: sudo apt install build-essentials vim
step three: make a fucking compiler

abandon thread


Sorry op I fucked you big time you need to make sure your in the working directory of your go file to install.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-31 at 5.20.49 AM.png (796x208, 93K)

will give it a try, thanks bud

I don't do wangblows, however, have you checked slashes vs backslashes in your path

>code stuff into websites
You'll probably want to look into html/css/javascript at some point

Kill all black ppl.

codecadamy faggot!

>I can't find a single fucking video or tutorial anywhere which tells you how to learn code from scratch
Give up. If youre to stupid to use google you’ll never make it

I would start with reading the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital

ty nigger

>Seriously I can't find a single fucking video or tutorial anywhere which tells you how to learn code from scratch
Then you didn't even look, theres fucking millions of them.
If finding a tutorial is too much for you maybe programming isnt for you. Pic related.

Attached: brainlet.png (645x729, 77K)