Tim Cook: "Apple is a poverty brand."

Tim Cook: "Apple is a poverty brand."
What did he mean by this?

Attached: $2 a day.png (830x971, 606K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>quoting a non-quote
fuck off

He meant that Aplel is for hobos, obviously.

>not even worth 2 bucks a day

Tim Crook is implying that mostly poor people are stupid enough and willing to throw enough money at a brand in order to compete with their peers.

--> showing off their status symbol in order to appear like the 1%

If you can afford a 1000$ phone then you can afford a 5000$ laptop then you can afford a 25000$ car and then you can afford a 150000$ house.
All of a sudden a student with a net -75000$ in student loans and a 10$ latte in his hands can afford 181000$ meaning he can actually afford 256000$ with 0$ in his pockets and a 10$ coffee in his hand.
Doesn't it feel good to be an American?

>He meant that Aplel is for hobos
Tim Cook is a hobo and he is using a common panhandling line of "hey, the money you spend on that coffee you could give to me"

Attached: 1448052412807.jpg (500x418, 153K)

Would he give me a coffee in return?

He means that people who fall for the $5 coffee meme will fall for the financed iPhone X plan too. Falling for these memes will hinder your progress if you're aiming for financial independence and exit the wage slave lifestyle.

Apple is there to make money so they actively promote wage slave consumerism by urging people to spend their money on expensive bullshit and device upgrades as often as possible.

If you can afford expensive coffee and pocket computers, fine it's your choice. I don't since I want to quit exchanging my time for monetary compensation as soon as possible.

Tim is one of those elite entitled hobos who would never give a panhandler money but expects people to take his sorry ass pity line seriously

What kind of economics is this called?

I'm sorry you're poor. Maybe if you made the effort to make something of yourself and get out of your mom's basement you wouldn't have these feelings.

It really goes counter to the status symbol their marketing prefer the phone to be.
>people who fall for the $5 coffee meme will also fall for this.
I doubt that's what he meant. He probably just wanted to make a public justification for the price among those who don't like the price but like the phone.
No sane person would rationalize their purchase like this. It's not serving themselves. So he's putting the seed of insanity in people.

Maybe we should do like r9k does but for picture posts. it would end this marketting assault bullshit.

Its called im entitled to other peoples money dispite there being far better value products out there

How will iPovvos ever recover?


What did he mean by this?

He doesn't have javascript enabled and has to type post numbers manually. Such is life of a freetard.


Tim Cook wouldn't know what poverty was if it came up to him and stole his wallet.

I hate when people compare high priced tech to "a cup of coffee a day". I can pay $2 every individual day for a cup of coffee each day but I cannot pay $2 a day for daily use of a smartphone.

It's hard to explain the economics of how poverty "feels" but $2/day is more manageable than $60/month.

>I can pay $2 every individual day
>but I cannot pay $2 a day
>$2/day is more manageable than $60/month.

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you realize people had to pay for every call they used to make up until the late 80s, right?

One definition of "Poverty"
>the renunciation of the right to individual ownership of property as part of a religious vow

I guess that? WHO KNOWS

>not prioritizing good food & drinks over a piece of shit phone that does pretty much the same as the rest

I know we're on a technology board but I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

Steve is rotating in his grave


>we don't ship junk

Attached: 1520329827960.png (686x955, 520K)

im rich
i only buy apel stuf
u mad porfag

Attached: apel.jpg (2222x2222, 1.73M)

You're literally the kind of brainlet that falls for this shit.

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>the state of applel

>1980 + 38
>not using a prepaid plan
>has a 60h flat rate

>needing to go back all the way to 1982 for a good example

i have never seen a nigger with an android

Did, are, and always will be shipping junk.

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>people in poverty
>being able to afford coffee out

Why didn't they just use a monster heatseak?

Attached: 44OTuea.jpg (1362x1112, 150K)

He means people who can't actually afford it, and should buy a more affordable device, will buy it on plan, paying in installments for years to come in an attempt to capture a mystique of success.

wait... does one actually charge the ipencil like that? It looks so gay.

>I own a droid phone

Attached: Homeless-person.jpg (320x320, 27K)

He is right. People waste a lot of money on absolutely nothing of value. Don't order food and drinks outside. Make your own for a fraction, and put the rest on a savings account. You can spend your money later on something that matters to yout (something that will last). A phone is probably a waste of money too, since it is so easy to drop them or have them stolen. A cheaper one like an iPhone SE or other similarly priced android phones are good enough for most people.

A friend of mine looked at how much he spent on lunch and snacks at work. Was easily 500 dollars worth. He could've spent a tenth of that if he simply brought food and snacks from home.

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Honestly the pen isn't so bad because you can use an extension cable I think and probably still write while it charges. Better design than the latest magic mouse or whatever its called.

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2 bucks a day? that's only 8.3 cents an hour! can't you afford .13 cents a minute? only .002 cents a second. 2.3x10^-6 cents per milisecond.

Source on the dropping recommendation?


>It's hard to explain the economics of how poverty "feels" but $2/day is more manageable than $60/month.

Yet more evidence of poor people who stay poor because they do not understand how money works and have never learned about budgeting.

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It is so frustrating to see how my mother spend her money. She has a full time job. Complain about having no money when she is paid an average wage. Yet when she goes shopping, she buys the small packs of food and say they're cheaper. Sure the label price is lower, but it doesn't take a genious to understand that buying the 500 gram pack for 3 dollars is cheaper than the 200 gram pack for 2 dollars. She still insist on buying the 200 gram pack.

She and others like her also lease items, and end up paying twice as much over time, and have bad habits like having a car when they don't need one, smoke and drink alcohol. If they just cut out bad habits and leased items, they could pretty much buy an entire brand new (and cheap) washing machine every single month.

>Tim Cook: "Apple is a poverty brand."
>What did he mean by this?
Steve Jobs himself explains why huge tech companies fail, because marketing people end up running companies that achieve a monopoly position and the smart people that made the company great get pushed out:

I'm sorry you have no desire other than to be a slave to the fractional reserve banking system where some print money, some gotta bolster the ponzi scheme up as pawns. Have a guess what you are.

Blessed certainly not.

No, then we get tards who make minor edits to the pictures to bypass filters, just like the faggot who spams the "dream in code" clickbait.

rly maed me think...

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Spend 1K on a phone or 800 on a season pass to your favorite theme park?

>when the chinese kids that build itoys are richer than ipoorfags

Attached: 1492840347038.jpg (490x366, 32K)

you must be 18 to browse Jow Forums

It's less than a dollar a day over 4 years!


My mother does the same thing. What makes it worse is that my grandparents DO understand the concept of buying in bulk, and my mother also understands it when buying things for them, but doesn't then apply the same concept to herself.
I'm guessing it's a psychological thing, where she feels wealthy by not having to buy in bulk, despite the fact doing so actually makes her less wealthy.

I guess I'm less than 18 until the day my mother dies. Just about another 20-30 years now, and I can finally drink and buy smokes.

>boomers taking advantage of sub-prime lending so they can drive a new car and live in the burbs instead of a trailer park putting blame on wage cuck millennials living hand to mouth for being indebted

only actual underages reply to theese, fuck off

Oh my. Be careful, you might cut yourself.

>Marketing Chief

You can't fucking make this up

what the fuck is this review, it seems unprofessional and subjective
>Every Apple Watch looks just like every other Apple Watch
what is that supposed to mean? Did they meant lack of customization or the design itself?
You could put this review in something like Idiocracy and leave it unchanged

Found the retard.

Bank balance means nothing. America is a credit nation. What counts is wealth. Even that is not accurate enough. The wealth has to be in PPP not nominal.

>Doesn't always show the time
And people buy those "watch"?

He's right, only poor meztizos and blacks care about always having the latest iphone.

>if you're buying "apple" or "nice coffee" you're gonna be poor

this, apple sucks but once again op is a faggot saged

Buying an apple that you can later sell when you upgrade would be a much better than buying coffee every day. Assuming you can take care of your stuff. Poor people generally don't do that. They're completely unable to think ahead. They'd be poor even if they bought some cheap shitty compaq.

Poverty, not Less Than Human scrapping by.

You can put $2 in a jar or piggy bank every day and be patient though

i can't afford nice coffee

>guy tries to explain the mentality of poor people who get played easily by psychological tricks like restating a monthly charge as a smaller price per day
>dipshits take the post at face value and think the guy is talking about himself

enjoy your ban for saging

do people really buy $5 coffee every day?

It'd be wasted on you any way.
You probably don't know what good coffee is.
Do you drink Starbucks? Yech!

no, i've never had starbucks coffee. never even stepped foot in starbucks

yes have you ever been to a university?
my dormie was complaining he can't buy groceries, so he was buying starbucks "one last time for the month" and there's a starbucks on fucking campus

young people have NO FUCKING BUDGET SKILLS

We're the future. Once you see the retardation from the sidelines they teach you how to manage your money, or at least not waste it on stupid shit. However they don't teach you how to make money which is kind of a problem.

I don't want to own credit even if it means I have less wealth. The knowledge that I don't owe anyone money is worth more than having nice things.

But if I buy an iPhone, then I can't buy my coffee.