Hey Jow Forumseeks, can you tell me what CPU stands for?

Hey Jow Forumseeks, can you tell me what CPU stands for?

Attached: paste.jpg (492x490, 44K)

chink penis unicorn

Cyber Penis Upgrade

Central Penis University

Cuck Programmer U

cunnilingus performance unit

Computer Power Unit

Cyclical Parallel Unification

cum pee underpants

Certainly Problematic Unit

Centrifugal Processing Unit

Correct, Politically, yo(U)

Can't protect uranus

Central possessing unit
I hope you're all proud of yourselves



All 100% correct
Cringe, fake news NERD! Seek sunlight.

>Cringe, fake news NERD! Seek sunlight.
Read that again my friend.


there is a site called google! when you enter one word there is a plenny information about it! please go!

Colombian Poo Urine

Calcutta Pajeet Unificator.

Cyka Blyat Unit

Chilly Polar Ursus

Child porn user

Corn potato units

Intel CPU? Can't process unit
AMD CPU? Can't process unit


computer processor

Cyber Police Undercover

Cum Penis Umbrella

CPU install gentoo or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

CPu's not Unix


Just look it up.

Attached: cpu.png (564x240, 17K)

What is that fucking image

Cuck porn unit

CPU's Probably* Unix

potential partner(s) based on how you apply thermal paste

What you’re referring to as CPU, is in fact, GNU/CPU, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus CPU.

Chinese power underwear

CPU is not a PC component by itself, rather a component of a component

Centered Prostate Urethra

Cummies pooper unit

Cyber Power Utilizator

CP Undercover

Cum-Powered Urethra

top kek reminds me when i got my ps3 i wanted to repaste it the heat spreader are larger than traditional cpu's so i wasnt sure how much paste to use, i tried to find a video on youtube every single video was reatrds covering the whole thing and spreading it out with a credit card

Attached: 1503913573830.png (698x658, 72K)

CPU Processing Unit

>taking the bait
Good fucking job

Cool Post Underrated

Cuckold Processor Union

Cock-Pussy Unity, or in Europe, Cunt-Penis Unity

Top lel

I did the top one with my current build (pea sized dot), should I do a thin cross for my next one?

Christianity is a religion of hate.
Try some Buddhist symbol instead

cute penis umbrella

Got ya, will do.

Attached: buddha.jpg (275x183, 13K)

Crazy peed urine

Console Patron Unit

Attached: nep_by_bryanz09datl8rj.png (350x350, 96K)

Calculations Performer Unit

Cunny Processing Unit

Attached: 1512050988381.jpg (520x442, 65K)

Cunt Penis Cycler

The cpu is the big box that goes under the keyboard, its called the centrall processor cause thats where all the processes are stored

Child Porn Unit