Visit America for a holiday

>Visit America for a holiday
>Be forced to hand over your social media accounts

Would you be safe, g?

>The proposal covers 20 social media platforms. Most of them are based in the United States: Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Myspace, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, Vine and YouTube.

Attached: IMG_20180331_090802.jpg (1080x1526, 407K)

Other urls found in this thread:


i'd be safe, but fuck em
thankfully i'm already in
and no other country worth going to employs such bullshit

only social media account I own is LinkedIn

>I don't have any social media
>Get flagged and disallowed from entering
Surveillance state isn't enough now you must track your life online for State approval

Attached: resigned to my fate.png (364x364, 191K)

What if I tell them I don't have any? How will they know for sure that I'm lying?

Check any info they have on you against PRISM

Why can't they do that without asking me?

They want you to know you're a slave

Assuming they don't follow the UK and arrest people for spicy memes I should be fine

I'm not going to USA ever again. Asia and Africa is much better and safer to visit.

Attached: 20170217_001332000_iOS.png (1000x1050, 522K)

>always say shit about the USA in social media
I will be fine, right?

This sounds exactly like something that an old guy somewhere thought would be a good idea.
"Hey those terrorists are using tweeter and social medias to plan attacks!"
"Let's just check everyone's social media accounts."

Yeah I would be safe. I don't use any social media and don't plan on ever visiting your third-world shithole. Don't wanna get shot.

>website: Jow Forums
>name: Anonymous

Attached: 1496314627719.png (924x1035, 194K)

You wanna come? You have to play by our rules. Fuck you, by the way.

>You wanna come? You have to play by our rules.

This is literally a thread about not wanting to come cause your rules are trash.

>be customs officer
>user want to enter country
>anal probe his accounts
>detain and deport as he has no social life, real or virtual
>when he's being put in a plane back to his shithole whisper in his ear
>"Jow Forums pass user can bypass this verification"

>This is literally a thread about not wanting to come cause your rules are trash.
Your kind aren't welcome here, suck my dick

Are you retarded? Visa isn't visit for a holiday. Visa is "dey tok are JOBZZZZZZ!"

you need a visa to legally enter any country for any reason, unless the two countries of the visitor/visitee have a treaty where it's not required

"What is your Home Address"?
"69 Pol St Anytown"

"Hold on Sir"
(Checks IP address of account related to address)
>Backdoor Sluts 98
>ISIS beheading videos
>How to choke a whore during foreplay

"OK Sir we need to ask you some questions, step this way"

Attached: bezos.jpg (1887x1415, 85K)

Business trips aside, who the fuck would visit that underdeveloped barbaric shithole for a holiday anyway

Right. So OP is visiting from durkistan. Vet the hell out of him.

My house. My rules.

so basicly they want your gmail account

>my isp gives ips via NAT it could be me or 254 other people

lets see what they will say


>Visa isn't visit for a holiday
Then what is ESTA ?

See above.

>Facebook is never used
>Twitter and Tumblr are full of gfur porn

>Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Myspace, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, Vine and YouTube
I literally don't have an account on any of those services.
I have a personal email and a website. That's it. You don't need anything else.

Jokes on them, all I have are throwaways for YouTube and reddit

>user, can you explain this subscription to Jow ForumsJailbaits please?

>make empty throwaway accounts before visiting
literally just an additional step to your passport checking
fuck the USA tho


Attached: 701.jpg (400x562, 26K)

why did you reply to this obvious bait?

if i had any intention of going to states i would create facebook or something ahead of time. you don't have to actively use it, i suppose.

they want the ids/usernames? not the passwords too?

They can see when your account was created, you know.

There's nothing wrong with this. It's not for people traveling to the US it's for fucks that want to come here to study and other bullshit

There’s still a visa requirement. The visa is your passport itself for a visa free agreement.

Yes, and?

This is only for visa applicants.
What kind of shithole country are you from where you don't have a visa-free travel agreement with the US?
Certainly not the UK as your use of 'holiday' would imply.

>I have a personal email and a website. That's it. You don't need anything else.

I just repost dank memes, those immigration agents deserve a laugh.

Speaking of Instagram, Is there a new way to get the full resolution pictures saved from there?
They changed the url that comes when you open image in new tab, so now deleting the /vp/ and /p640x640/ parts of the url doesn't load the original image anymore.

Attached: 1294715024612.jpg (1080x607, 160K)

No need to. The US is going to be surpassed by other countries, anyway. Republicans want their country to be an isolated regional shithole of a nation. Europe and Asia is where it's at.

t. pajeet
also fuck off we're full t. europe

Yes because I live in a visa waiver country.

Do it from Chomium for Android. Open the page with the image, modify URL as:
Look after the image (should be after a screen or two of scrolling, ends in _n.jpg)
They give you the full res photo, but still uses /e35/ which I assume is the compression level. Although, e35 is fine, is pretty much what you would get without it too.

if you take time to think about this in the context of the supposed constant surveillance machine conducted by the USA government and its agencies as reveleaed by the leaks, it only reveals the total incompetence of the government and its surveillance machines.

>hands us your credentials for us to view your information that we already have in our system and is public anyways.

the time alone this witchhunt would take would be outrageous. this is only a proposal though, even if implemented it would never be to 100% of border crossers, because you don't have and never will have enough people to do such a fishing expedition.


what is this 2009?

gonna laugh when someone gets told to fuck off home for posting commie bullshit all over the place

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Good. 99% of left wing extremists are too retarded to keep their violent opinions to themselves. They love to brag about their plans online.

>visiting the US
That's your first mistake. You don't enter third world countries without expecting a shitty experience.

You're welcome.

Yep, but not like I ever wanted to go there in the first place because it's a hellhole.


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Wanting to background check people when they enter your country is standard, we don't want people that are openly sympathetic to terrorists entering our country. You euroshits might think you have to bend over and take it from non-natives, but we don't. Comming here isn't a right, it is a privilege, we don't owe non-citizens anything.

Britfag here who just booked my ESTA (temp visa) for Vegas

the form had an optional page to enter social med

I didn't fill that page in

Still got approved

>personal website
How fucking autistic are you? lol

>the form had an optional page to enter social med
>I didn't fill that page in
I did the same as you, and then I was ""randomly"" selected for a more thorough interview when I arrived at SFO, where I in the end just ended up logging in to my facebook account with password and allowing them to look through my history. I posted about it in the thread yesterday, will see if I can find it in the archives.

That's means the rules are working.


Found it:

i'll take a look pal

The only social media account I have is linkedin, which is just a glorified resume.

>literally never had accounts on any social media they care about
>only have a VK account I tried using as a backup of my pony folder(before Google photos appeared)
Weird, but safe.


that's worrying, is your name Mohammed/do you live in london or something?

Who are you replying to?


they'll check a box that says "loser with no friends - mass shooter material"

>visitors and immigrants always feel the most entitled

You are foreigners. You are not protected by our Constitution. Obey our rules or fuck off back to your province.

>'why am I a virgin?'

No, I'm from Norway actually (and I'm a native Norwegian). Nothing bad on my facebook either (I rarely post anything, and certainly nothing that could be interpreted as support for truck of peace or anything like that).

It may be the case that I was truly selected on random, but when I was in the interviewing room I felt kinda pressured to just do it. One of the first things they told me was that it was up to me if I wanted to cooperate or not, but that they could ultimately deny me entrance to the country for up to five years as a consequence of not cooperating.

It was really unsettling, and it took ages. They went through my luggage and everything.

See and

you talk about it like it's a normal thing, come on. i would totally shit my pants even though my old facebook account is full of vaporwave like shitposting. good thing i would rather go somewhere else, pretty epic desu


Attached: authority-man.jpg (1050x751, 343K)

Nothing to hide nothing to fear goy

Well, of course I was intimidated. I ended up giving them access after all, despite my initial attempt at not giving them anything in the ESTA application form.

what shit photo quality

I don't use any of those except Youtube.
However the Youtube is attached to my main personal Google account. Got everything in there.

Fuck that shit.
I'll give my touristbux to Canada or Japan instead.

why does he label every fucking thing on the cartoon?

Remember who his target audience is.

yeah, fucking stupid ass americans

>Don't visit America ever

Here's the solution to your problem

also pic related:

Attached: USA3rdWorld.jpg (771x653, 510K)

by far you are the most obnoxious nation in the world

somehow you even surpass turkroaches

and then you're somehow surprised that everyone else hates you

ps white, non-cucked, non-Jow Forums, highly educated european here

Anyone retarded enough to have a social media account with anything that would incriminate them on it deserves everything they get.

That being said, this whole thing is pretty retarded.

Post the one about the third world disease outbreaks in the US. Didn't they have a ringworm epidemic?

Attached: Im going to be a professional school shooter.png (393x201, 36K)

Oh no what will we do without the cultural enrichment?

>highly educated
Doubt it. Most highly educated people don't feel the need to state it to others. However, most slightly above average people love to brag about their intelligence.
You sound like the later.

>environmental racism
Funny way of saying proudly welfare dependent.

>Are you retarded? Visa isn't visit for a holiday.
wrong. B2 visa is for tourism

what do i do Jow Forums? create a reddit account with few posts?

What would they say if I told the truth that I literally don't have any?

Attached: karen-2.png (963x720, 602K)

they would deport you for being a loser

there's nothing autistic about a personal website you faggot

Good thing than that I already have a US visa till 2027.

God damn it feels good to be American. Get fucked normie foreigner scum.