Check battery life on lappy after +1y of usage

>check battery life on lappy after +1y of usage
>97% (excellent)

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lappy lol

this happened

fucking kek'd

>software can measure battery degradation correctly
pretty sad you believe that shit desu

Thats not how it works dumb racist facebook frog poster

dumb dumb frogposter poster

t. poorfags who never owned a macbook

My macbook pro mid 2015 is still at 90% capacity, feels good

are you guys live on a redneck mountain?
well lappy means a laptop, it's a portable device

now how about women? do you know what a women is/

>check battery life on lappy after +1y of usage
>97% (excellent)
>checks again at 1.5y condition

Wwyd ?

Is OP referring to 97% health or that in one year he has used up 3% of his battery life?

If the latter, what you're saying is you've checked your email about 4 times and that's it. Congrats

I used up 3% of my battery life, correct.

I use it daily for at least few hours

it's a dell

>now how about women? do you know what a women is/
Don't you mean wommy?


>3 years old asus
>25% capacity loss
am i gonna make it

And by that answer, I now know I'm talking to a stupid person.

Yes jimmy yes jimmy boi hurr durr wommy yes he is, wommy mammy memmy

Holy shit lol third world retard is pissed off because nobody in civilized countries uses the term "lappy"

yes jimmy hurr durr, wommy is good, it's goood jimmy, wommy is good, ai ai ai

Third world fag here. Nobody uses "lappy" here. OP probably is a pic related speaking Facebook/Instagram/twitter language

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what makes frogposters post the shittiest fucking threads? serious question

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>Thinkpad S1 Yoga battery no longer charges past 48%
>replacements are all used or old stock
>can no longer get 1st party support from Lenovo
>battery is internal
>already on the 3rd battery

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lelnovo y410p from 2013, 93% battery.

my surface pro 3 is still at 38 of 42 Ah after over 900 charge cycles. i wish it would degrade more so i have a real reason to replace it

my wishes have come true. it dropped like 5 Ah since i last looked. RIP

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>check bepis after 34 years of no usage
>100% excellent condition

Implying macshit is expensive

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You sound like the retarded kid I knew from grade school except he is still smarter than you.

bet you call a transmission the tranny

Fucking Indian Fag OP

Lelnovo from 2013 with AmemeD processor and graphics. The battery could reach the advertised 4 hours for the first 6-7 months, probably.
For the last year and a half it could remain open for 30 minutes, good enough for not dying if it gets unplugged by accident or to open it in the class for something small.
In the last 2-3 months, though, it died.
Friend of mine with Dell from the same time, Intel and Nvidia, his battery still holds up for 3 hours at least.
Why is Lenovo so bad?

Annoying germans call it lappy

Even Tim Cuck acknowledged that Applel is the "poor man pretending to be rich" status symbol.
Now go back on reddit and brag about how many liters of soy you can drink while getting fruit fucked by 2 niggers and a spic

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You can't flim flam the applel palm

The only thing he said is that it's not out of reach for most people. You might be reading a bit too much into his statement

>mfw 99% of my lappitytoppy usage is with it glued to the charger
What is a battery guys

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