Old bread What are you working on, Jow Forums?
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>What are you working on, Jow Forums?
Started working on a new filters. Needs some more work but it is looking pretty good so far.
man you guys have really low standards
no wonder the country's going down the drain
Reminder to always laugh at webshits:
ffs OP
Op had one job.
Looks like the memo he got was three jobs.
>le reddit circlejerk
reminder that this literally doesn't matter
a website isn't a pacemaker, no one cares if your shitty little website goes down for a day because of some left-pad fiasco
reminder that the lack of consequences doesn't mean we can't make fun of the terrible webshit "developers" who come up with these awful practices
a "real programmer" should hate doing any sort of web dev and should put just as little effort in as they do when making a website
>a real programmer should do a shoddy job if he doesn't like the project
And that's why you won't get hired as a programmer.
>a real developer should waste months making a bespoke artisan web app because he doesn't trust npm modules that have been put out by big companies like microsoft
>trusting microsoft
it's a fucking website, nothing mission-critical
my email client is a website made by a big company
I'd rather not have the genius behind is-odd touching any of the code for it
>doing a good job means that you spend months doing something menial
Wrong again, you just proved again why nobody will hire you.
>not using industry standard practices whether it be use node.js with npm or some other meme framework
>doing a good job
>being in a sub-industry with such inane, stupid, and all-around shitty practices
>retarded self-proclaimed programming expert talks shit about things he has no clue about
when will this abortion of a thread die?
Image should have been plebbit approved m8.
>Image should have been plebbit approved m8.
Everyone knows that /dpt/ needs low res. non-animu webm with a kiss watermark. It's like a tradition.
After many months postponing, I finally started a home project.
Currently trying to benchmark BigDecimal against long (inferring decimals, of course) for interpolations.
Just got linear interpolation working but it needs some tweaks to improve performance, tomorrow I will have to rewrite it for long types.
I will also do the same for Polynomial and Spline Interpolation and compare the results.
It feels great coding at home again. In my work right now there's not much incentive or space to think/suggest anything besides the obvious solutions and that's really frustrating, even more so that I am a junior.
Finishing this I'll probably go trough a C++ book, Programming Pearls and Clean Code to hone my practices, re-read Digital Image Processing (Gonzales, Woods) and study OpenCV again. Until then I'll have think about new projects.
Sorry for the long text, but I'm very happy.