
These are the developers from debconf 2010.

What went wrong?

Imagine the stench

Attached: image.jpg (1024x683, 445K)

The stench you're imagining is your own body odor

at least they're white

Attached: Donald_Trump_Zion_Jew_Christian.jpg (3612x1137, 1.45M)

I really fucking hate going to conferences with such unwashed manchildren

t. unwashed manchild

nice white beard

They're normal-looking people in casual clothes, except for maybe the fatso in the front. What the fuck is your problem, OP?

is that a tranny

Jow Forums is thataway ---->

haha nice try pajeet Jow Forums is Jow Forums

A few pajeets and chinks, but still 95% white. Most importantly no niggers.

I don't see the problem.

>me in the red shirt
>my hacker wife next to me

Now post the "who controls Hillary" one

Attached: VB0C.png (1000x821, 1.19M)

I agree, this person is the whitest person possible, representative of the Westsoy Whitecuck collective.

Attached: 1522498659861.jpg (246x301, 53K)

You mean the one besides the fat one with red hawaian shirt?
That the kid from Gummo

Imagine actively working for and being invested in an organisation whose founder eventually kills himself.

poo in loo cow worshipper

why aren't black people interested in debian?

They look fairly normal, faggot.

Well your not going to find attractive people using Debian, or linux at all for that matter.

>not fat blobs
>no anime shirts
>well trimmed
>everyone looks like they own a house
>only one tranny
Not as bad as I expected, desu

Except for the tranny they seam normal enough

Is it trap-deb?

Black people are only interested in stealing

Imagine spending your life doing nothing but maintaining other people's shit software.

Pretty sure there is one trap

what's with all these bald trannies?

Attached: 1515880118203.jpg (334x412, 48K)

Genetics > mental disorders

but seriously 99% white men is the sign of a good project

Looks fine to me, faggot

Hawaiian shirt guy looks like he's wearing a fake beard so nobody knows he goes to these things.