What are the latest Jow Forums-approved flash drives?
I currently use pic related on my keyring and it's aesthetic as fuck but beginning to show its age. Looking for a replacement that's reliable, doesn't cook itself during large file transfers, and preferably capless. Was looking at the DTSE9 G2 and its Samsung counterpart but the reviews are very mixed. Suggestions?
What are the latest Jow Forums-approved flash drives?
64GB. So small.
I have a DT micro 3.1 64gbs, fast af and small as half of a key.
Pic related. Expensive, but the only drive I've ever used that was able to sustain 90-100MB/s transfer for the entire transfer process. It's agony to have a few gigabytes worth of shit to move and the flash drive takes a nose dive into the less than 10MB/s territory for the entire time.
You literally don't need anymore.
Works great for the 3 months I've had it.
>mfw they discontinued it
I bought Sandisk Cruzer blades recently
Literally WOAT
So fucking cheap and fragile
Was disappointed. Sandisk is off the list of brand I can trust fully now
These Toshibas are solid as fuck. Gonna stick to these now.
The only drive worth using.
I simple use an SSD inside a USB 3.0 case lol
Kingston Elite G2
just don't use the cap
64GB nand space to be enough for anybody
Corsair surviovor. Gota be ready for ww3.
This shit died on me after only 2 years
i bought the first one that popped up on amazon
Are there any Jow Forums approved highly durable flashdrives? I want a drive that I can keep a KeePass database on, and that won't die aftet 10 seconds.
Sandisk 32gb usb3.0/otg two sided.
Nothing is 100% reliable
Make backups
Piece of shit.
Had two
One failed
Second one werks but it's shit slow
But I guess since you're memelord, a e s t h e t h i c s is enough for you.
is that a picture of drake?
Toshiba U363 might be good, I have the USB2 version and has lasted an insane number of writes
Are you people even trying
Is that really big?
Mmmm, storage particles.
KingDian 128 GB USB 3.0 drives are the hottest meme in /csg/ right now
Apparently that is really slow, too bad.
what if I want to carry around my media library
Below $30 with shipping
>the year of our lord, two thousand eighteen
>drive is bigger than the plug
Holy shit, didn't even see that until now
I use this. Eat shit if anyone doesn't approve.
I like this guy
Yes I got one of these in my car
Really nice form factor.