What's the consensus?

What's the consensus?

Attached: 450_1000.png (450x284, 65K)

Use ESR52 for as long as you can.

>Have a touchscreen
>Try to use zoom, every tab gets zoomed, unresponsive as shit
>Go back with default zoom, every tab changes
>Using 80% of my RAM with five tabs open

Chrome doesn't have this problem.

It's unironically great.

no addons
ublock/umatrix frequenly fail to work as they should
higher resource usage
limited multi-process capabilities might as well not exist
sometimes loads slightly faster, but load times haven't mattered for over a decade
more obnoxious interface decisions

I don't know what I'll do when v52 is dead. How does Debian handle new ESR releases?


linux version is much better

Outside of being utter fucking dogshit software wise compared to chromium it's heavily politicised so it's a browser I'm happy I uninstalled a year ago when they fired that ceo for having an opinion.

also no screen tearing and gorgeous smooth scroll BUT only without additional compositors [gnome3 makes it crap] meaning plain i3 / openbox

Firefox "sync" barely syncs anything, most importantly my addons and their settings. Specially 4chanx and the thread watcher. Chrome doesn't have this problem.

>doesn't freeze or lag
>doesn't consume obscene amounts of ram like chrome
>ublock, umatrix, https everywhere still work, I'm not experiencing any issues with them like
>UI looks less like shit once you remove the flexible blank space

It's objectively a very good browser

>using botnet

Unironically the best browser

I value shared (You)s across all my devices above privacy

Plenty of extensions. Even new ones like tab containers. Still able to do more than chromium browsers and can even use all of chromes extensions. Chrome cant use all of firefox extensions.
Ubo and umatrix work better on firefox than chromium based browsers. Never had issues
Firefox can easily use less RAM. Use your fucking settings
Multi-process has made the browser faster and more stable
UI looks better to me

still shit

Still the best

Attached: image.jpg (512x512, 100K)

10/10 would bang

Fine on desktop
Shit on mobile

For me, YMMV:

I still find Chrome to be better. I find it renders the page right more often: for example, on one particular site I use some buttons are one size on page load, then magically become a quarter of the size upon click in Firefox. Chrome doesn't have any problems with that.

With text boxes, sometimes Firefox renders them as a dark gray, and either white or black text with little consistency in which it will choose. Again, chrome handles them fine.

I'll also often find Chrome to load pages quicker.

So if I have to choose between a browser which renders things wrong and is slower in doing so than a browser which renders it correctly, it's obvious which one I'll choose.

>and their settings
The addon needs to explicitly make use of the sync functionallity. It's not a Firefox problem.


Almost as good as Chrome but still bad on the batteries.

Firefox is much better than Chrome in a lot of ways

I haven't noticed any differences between the Windows and Linux versions. Though I also didn't notice anything different from previous versions of Firefox to Quantum, except for addon support.

no i meant previous vs current linux versions

It crashes my video card at least once a week. Like i'll be just browsing whatever webpage and nvidia driver/kernel crashes.

It made me stop using a browser I've been used for 14 years

how do i turn off the top tabs when i have tree style tabs on?
and why tree style tabs stuck sometimes?

Attached: image.jpg (576x610, 307K)

quads confi- oh fuck

Hi OP, I've been a Chrome user for about a decade now.
A coworker (I don't have friends) suggested that I try Firefox.
It uses the Chrome key bindings.
It has a nice UI.
It's actually faster for Javascript-heavy webpages.
What's not to like?

Firefox Quantum is literally the first version of Firefox that I have liked.

>Communist web browser
>Force out their CEO for donating to pro-marriage charity
>Change .man file extensions because they're sexist
>Try to influence what you view on the web for political bias reasons
No fucking thanks, retard. I'll stick to Waterfox, Pale Moon, Opera, or something else that isn't for hyperfaggots.

It would be great, if they hadn't decided to fuck the add-ons, the only reason to use it over chrome in the first place.

Chromium is the way at this moment on our planet. Other than this internet browser, I would say Google Chrome and Yandex.

Google Chrome and Microsoft's Windows 10 are a match made in Heaven. Thank you for asking!

The consensus is the browser you use doesn't actually fucking matter anymore

Edge and Firefox work fine and everything else is based on Chromium anyways.

if you're worried about battery life you'd be using Opera or Edge anyways.

Duck duck go browser is better

This is a tech board. Nobody cares about the political motivations behind your life decisions.

Who the fuck keeps putting the tabs on the top?

I just wish I could hide the titlebar on GANOO/Linux, can't wait for them to finish that.

Am I retarded I can't notice any differences between old Firefox and quantum

Agreed. Plus Multi Account Container Tabs are fucking amazing.

I like it, much faster than old ff. The extensions are coming around and bugs getting fixed. currently my main browser and ive tried them all.