the linux kernel has high quality co...
The linux kernel has high quality co
Other urls found in this thread:
>cherry picking
Send a merge request faggot.
absolutely disgusting. proof that the more bloated linux gets the more potential bugs and vulns could be lurking anywhere. how is anyone suppose to even read this shit?
>merge request
>laughing girls.diff
If you can do it better you can contribute, cant you?
Blame C for not having proper macros.
your tab settings are clearly incorrect
If it works - quality of code is good.
/ / /
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>C++ is bad because it is too complicated
>C macros are cool and good
C++ is because its too complicated because, for it being a compiled language, it does a lot of things away from the sight of the programmer. too many hidden conditions and requirements.
>while (0)
Pretty much this. If you are going to choose between C/C++ in 2018 for a new project, just fucking go with C. You have already committed to a low level language, dont fucking compromise with bullshit you shouldnt require in that context. If you want C++, just pick C#. You will probably be able to achieve better performance anyways in most applications because optimizing c++ is cancer.
Just werks
>whaa underscores are too hard to read whaa
brainlet here, what purpose does all the backslashes serve?
>t. Rajesh
It's a big C macro so it's necessary to escape newlines.
#define this that
Simply copy pastes all instances of 'this' with 'that'. Backslashes are used in the 'that' area to say "pretend this newline doesn't exist" as you cannot have newlines.
I am a linux user, but to be fair BSD has the best code I have ever read period
Browsing it is an enlightening experience in and by itself.
If you know something that surpasses the BSD code base in the elegance and readability department please do share.
1. It would look better if you were using the correct indentation settings
2. You've cherry-picked some of the worst looking code for people unfamiliar with C. Most large C projects have some function-like macros, since they're a necessary evil in some cases. Those are actually less ugly than most.
3. You're using Visual Studio to view C code, so your opinion is discarded, David. Go to C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Source\10.0.x.0\ucrt if you want to see actual bad C code, including macros ten-times as horrifying as those ones.
//// /// // // //
/ // // //////////
it escapes the newline
>This file is part of the GNU C Library.
really gets the noggin joggin
>visual studio
>send merge request
>get flamed and sweared by a finnish faggot
>your name gets blacklisted from any it company
heh. nice try user
that was GNU quality!
>uses a retarded IDE that interprets tabs objectively wrong
>code looks bad
In other news, water is wet, the sun is bright, and OP is a faggot.
using tabs for lining up shit is criminal
And C programmers complain about C++ code. LMAO
No it's not. Tabs are standardized to stop at every 8th column, and it has been that way since what is almost literally time immemorial in computer terms, so there's nothing wrong at all in using them for that purpose. That modern bad software has come around and tries to be (((innovative))) in tab usage does not change that fact.
can someone explain this to me line by line?
by default, yes
but people should be free to change it to whatever they like
just use spaces for lining up shit and tabs for indent and it'll work for everyone
By that logic, anyone should be free to change HTML and CSS to work however the fuck they want, and it's the page authors' fault if their pages then look retarded.
this is what code looks like if your language doesn't support templates
Not because no one wants to, but because no one understands it.
>anyone should be free to change HTML and CSS to work however the fuck they want,
you just described the absolute state of web standards
No, I talking about the equivalent of setting the default font to Wingdings and making mean .
dude I don't know what planet you're on but here different tab sizes have been a reality for decades now
Tab stops being in every 8th column has been a standard since at least the 60s. I can't even trace its beginnings. Your modern GUI crap isn't even half as old.
>implying it would be more readable with sepples templates
The reason the code looks complicated is because it's parameterized along like 5 degrees of freedom to account for FP numbers of various different formats and sizes. I'm not exactly praising CPP as the best macro processor of all time, but C++ would not make a better job of this.
If it's older than C, do we really need to be using it anymore? Indent with tabs, align with spaces. Two lines can never be considered aligned if they have an unequal number of tabs.
Know CS, don't be brown or womyn
I’m honestly surprised he’s even still working on the kernel. I don’t know how he even finds the time when he’s always making funny YouTube videos.
>Indent with tabs, align with spaces.
This principle is completely retarded, because it only allows for consistent alignment on one horizontal level. Consider this:
if(faggotp(op)) { // Comment
bite(); // Aligned comment
Intend that with tabs and then change the tab size, and the alignment is off again. It is asinine to believe that indentation can just be changed around to fit personal preference.
The simple answer is that you can't align two lines with different indentation levels.
>if you're using "flexible" indentation
You forgot that addition. And that is why you don't use flexible indentation.
It's not called "flexible" indentation. It's called smart tabbing. You cannot control the size of a tab in the viewer's editor. It is absolutely impossible. To make code that displays properly in every editor, a tab must ONLY be used as indentation and NEVER used as alignment. This is not a rule to make things more flexible for you as a programmer. This is a rule to restrict you so that the viewer doesn't see everything unaligned.
And for what it's worth, I never neglected anything. As I explicitly enumerated:
>Two lines can never be considered aligned if they have an unequal number of tabs.
There are only two methods to guarantee perfect alignment:
1. Smart tabbing
2. Use spaces for everything
Yeah, I'm sure c++ is the industry standard for no good reason. Just ignore the professionals.
>the industry standard
Go on...
The expression “the Linux kernel” can easily be misunderstood as meaning “the kernel of Linux” and implying that Linux must be more than a kernel. You can avoid the possibility of this misunderstanding by saying or writing “the kernel, Linux” or “Linux, the kernel”.
>work for free, user
_up, _down, _skip should be const
where is pajeesha
There's a third method to guarantee perfect alignment, it's the "submit patch and see it burn" method.
TAB width influences also coding style with line length limits.
Related, here's the kernel coding style enforcer.
This means you are just another incompetent fuck who is not able to do any better and should not even fucking complain.
The don't complain you retarded faggot.
Jesus christ, it is march 31 and it already feels like fucking summer.
Oh boy it's that time of year again. Summer fags come to complain about summer fags.
>Then don't complain
Aaaaand that's why your hobbyist toy OS will always be totally irrelevant. Turns out, believe it or not, that people don't like to be mistreated. There's a reason why it's professional to hold the maxim "the customer is always right". That's incidentally why people prefer professional software that puts them first.
ranting about tabs and spaces reveals you're a bikeshedding gentooman that can't understand the content of the thread
But the alignment was exactly what OP was entirely about.
Blame kernel devs for not creating their own, better programming language back then, along with a better ABI.
So, Linus was supposed to create his own language and compiler in addition to creating a kernel from scratch?
>It's called smart tabbing.
Or as I've recently taken to calling it, dumb tabbing.
>You cannot control the size of a tab in the viewer's editor.
Yeah, and as I said, you can't control that a visitor to your website hasn't set his web browser to use Wingdings for the font. That doesn't change the fact that it's his fault when he can't read anything. Non-standard tab stops is retarded, quite simply.
Yes. He wouldn't be the first or last to manage it.
That said, originally it was the standard faggots responsibility.
That said, originally it was the faggots' K&R responsibility to make C a better language than it is now in the first place.
try to set up indentation size to 8 and backslashes will align properly
It only looks like that because the Linux source code is meant to be viewed/edited with tabs set to 8 spaces.
OP, VSCode is absolute shit except for a few web and MS languages. Might be the way it's intended by MS or just its initial state before future fixes, who knows? Either way, the issue is your crappy editor.
No. Because Torvalds gets shit done because he doesn't do stupid shit like reinventing the wheel.
>doesn't know C macros
Less than 10% of Linux devs are unpaid volunteers, the rest are all employed by tech giants, it hasn't been a hobbyist project for a long while now.
And yet, they haven't even managed to implement filepicker thumbnails yet. GNU/Linux isn't a professional, serious project.
back to /v/
Tits or GTFO.
Didn't know QuickBooks was a video game, you NEET.
Came here to post this, I could not find the correct english words to express the thought as hard as I try.
there is a filepicker for thumbnails silly. just beause you use a shit DE, or you got consumed in a Jow Forums meme, doesn't make the bullshit you spew magically true.
>instantly thinks about toys when his amateurish OS shit is criticized
the state of lincucks manchildren
What makes you think that file picker is even remotely related to a kernel? Why do you even open your mouth when you're so fucking clueless?
Replacing your DE doesn't change the filepicker the programs use. You have to keep dealing with the retarded GTK filepicker for life if you choose to use your retarded OS. Not to mention, GNOME is the standard GNU/Linux DE, since it's the official DE of the GNU project, so stop trying to save face.
I didn't say "Linux", I said "GNU/Linux", you fucking moron.
They're NEETs, what did you expect?
GNU has nothing to do with file picker either, keep going though, I'm sure you're capable of looking even more retarded.
>no one's responsible for anything
Which is incidentally why your project is not professional. There's no accountability. Keep crying, you'll never be anywhere near relevant...
>If it's older than C, do we really need to be using it anymore?
>it's old, therefore we shouldn't use it
The absolute state of libtards.
>He wouldn't be the first to manage it
apart from Terry i don't know of any other
>but C++ would not make a better job of this.
Yes it certainly would.
>shitposts in any day of the year
fuck off retard
>shitposts in summer
>industry standard
Php is best! COBOL was best!
These guys that go by the initials K&R. This little fella that goes by McCarthy. Might have heard about them. Or not.
no, literally the whole codebase is shit when compared to saner projects that actually give a shit about code quality like OpenBSD. And don't even get me started on gnu bullshit.
Please post an example of a six-parameter C++ template that you think looks nice and pleasant.
if you instantly think about xorg and gnome when linux is mentioned you are obviously uninformed
Unix did start out written in assembly, though, so it's not really an example of a system for which someone wrote a new language before starting off.
Like filepickers with thumbnails?
>not knowing what optimization is
Now you can be triggered with rest of the soyboy team. Just die already like BSD did long time ago
Open BSD... We are secure guys, I mean in default configuration that doesn't have anything and you can't actually do shit whit dis system.
Cool story bro
>not asking permission before *hug*ing someone
Wow, is this literal rape?