What's your choice of browser?

What's your choice of browser?

Attached: chrome-vs-firefox-2016-670x335.jpg (670x335, 38K)


Attached: 1024px-Lynx-wikipedia.png (1024x744, 196K)




I mainly use Edge, way smoother and better GPU acceleration than Chrome, scrolls butter smooth on my tablet and has Ublock too.

I use Chrome for static pages, but it keeps fucking leaking ram when I keep them open for a week.

Internet Exploder for old web atm and other banking services that require it.

I've tried all browsers and I always come back to firefox. It can use all of chromes extensions plus others chrome cant. I understand not all xul addons work but all of mine do. It really is faster and more stable since quantum, especially with a lot of tabs. Chrome flags dont come close to what you can do with about:config. And ubo and umatrix seem to work better than on chromium based browsers.

Chrome - personal
Firefox - business
Hardened, clean IE in private mode - banking

Firefox - it went through a period of being really slow and I swapped to ungoogled chromium. But they seem to have fixed that recently and I switched back.

Firefox is comfy now.

Attached: luakit.png (1366x768, 1.19M)

Android : Yandex
Good PC: Chrome
Cheap laptop : Firefox

Been on Firefox since 1.x something and haven't found any better alternative. Thank you DragonSlayer84759 for recommending me it!

ChrOpera. There is literally no reason to chose Chrome over Opera.

Suckless tools --> Surf


>buttplug vs anal breads
quite difficult choice since both fuck you in the ass

I use firefox but I don't really like it.


>what is Omnibar
>what is Omnisearch

Opera has it

w3m thru emacs

links. Arch master race.

I personally use Opera. It's sleek, can use all chrome add-ons, and has some handy features I've learned to love like automatically reopening your last session.


Chrome because it has good integration between laptop and phone, but I feel dirty knowing that everything I type is sent to Google. I installed a bunch of privacy add-ons if that means anything


Anyone unironically enjoy Edge on Windows 10?

>smooth as fuck
>fonts render perfectly
>pages scale perfectly
>fast as hell
>Microshaft are already spying on you, so you're at least only feeding one megacorp your info

>shit extension support
>shit UI customization
>shit settings control

Firefox always and forever, unless another ethical/FOSS browser comes along.

I'm a Linux cuck but Edge is so AWESOME I run it on wine. You really should try it today user, its SO much faster than Chrome or Firefox...

Attached: Microsoft-Edge-logo.jpg (1020x680, 40K)


Palememe for life.


Chrome on everything

I don't like Firefox but I use it.

quantum. before that i used palememe since regular firefox was dogshit low

Brave or Chromium
>Gotta have my botnets

Record a webm

Ungoogled Chromium

though I personally prefer Opera

Vivaldi on pc because muh configurability and being old opera fanboi
Yandex alpha on android because full extension support including violentmonkey and ublock


waterfox or tor

Firefox, not owned by an advertising company enough said. People that use chrome are fucking retarded and get what they deserve. I don't want to hear them crying someday when it turns out that Google has been selling your data to some secret police force. Don't give a fuck, use nothing from Google. Firefox may be a hungry beast but I can always add ram.

Chrome/Chromium because of my filepicker.

Doesn't mean shit. All it means is that Google knows you keep secrets. They are probably selling that ino to the feds and local police. Fuck Google, anyone that trusts that company with anything gets what they deserve.

>Anyone unironically enjoy Edge on Windows 10?

- windows only, so fuck it, i dont even care

Waterfox. I've been using it since last month. It is pretty good, fast and respect muh privacy. Better than chrome.



Qutebrowser should honestly be the Jow Forums meme browser. It's good and comfy.

Attached: 600px-Qutebrowser.svg.png (600x600, 46K)


Attached: 1521065629396.jpg (431x352, 16K)

what OS?

Internet explorer



Only thing i hate with edge is the full screen mode. I grew up with full screen internet browsing on ie so i need the taskbar to pop open when I move the cursor up.

>pacman -S qutebrowser
>pulls 40+ packages
No thanks.

Firefox, although on occasion I use Internet Explorer to trigger people.

>Firefox - business


Firefox for normal browsing
Chrome when I need a stock browser



It's god tier for reverse image search.

>pacman -S firefox
>Total Installed Size: 143.50 MiB
>pacman -S chromium
>Total Installed Size: 159.55 MiB
>pacman -S qutebrowser
>Total Installed Size: 7.1 MiB
I know which one I'd choose.

Unironically this.

brainlet it uses qtwebengine

Sure, if not counting the additional shit it pulls.
It's like you're not even trying to read the posts you are replying to.

Forgot pic related.

Attached: 1514193822388.png (931x260, 90K)

Love the design but its too clunky


Attached: 33be247d90b3a335f79e9666c6aea3de.png (230x173, 27K)

Tell us what you use then, genius.

I would rather use anything based on Chronium than use nĂ¼ firefox

*GNU IceCat*

Attached: IceCat.png (80x80, 8K)

Safari with 1Blocker

Lynx of course

Then according to yourself, you are using a botnet. Congratulations.

Attached: 1511161695622.png (400x434, 90K)

Waterfox since Firefox never regained the extension library it once had before their last fuckup.

>qutebrowser botnet


Why are all browsers shit?

Attached: 1497635141687.png (500x508, 153K)


Attached: 1521789022135.jpg (720x736, 32K)

KEK. That's exactly why I didn't install that bloatware.


t. Brainlet

Because they're all just flavors of webkit.

>having Qt installed on your system

Attached: 1296002963715.jpg (400x484, 48K)

>Not using KDE Plasma, the best DE
>Choosing not to have thumbnails since you use Gtk cuckware

Attached: 1522295150770.jpg (255x255, 10K)


>using a DE

Attached: 1516237770805.jpg (598x800, 62K)

been on chrome for years, going to test firefox and see

Attached: rO7aIdyp_400x400.jpg (400x400, 14K)

The future

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1920x1080, 79K)


>browsing zeronet
>pedo puts cp on a page, visibility:hidden so you don't notice
>seeding without realizing it
>v& the next day
no thanks


>things that will never happen

How do you know, though? I know ZeroMe makes you click on images before you download them, but what if you go to a website that doesn't have those safeguards? What if the site itself, not just the optional files, has copyrighted/illegal content?

If the prosecution can't prove intent their case would be baseless. I highly doubt the a judge would rule against the defense on 'negligent copyright infringement or negligent hosting of CP"

Having a problem with my browsers. theres flashing white light that happens every few seconds, how can i fix it. the browsers are chrome and Firefox.