I am using ubuntu 16.04 , but want to switch over to Arch for privacy concerns, but I have trouble choosing desktop environment, I don't like KDE, cinnamon nor xfce, I like unity, maybe because i got used to it. so I want to install Arch linux with unity, but I am paranoid that unity has same spyware shit as ubuntu... what should I do Jow Forums? is it safe to use unity with arch?
Arch Linux + unity?
You have yunit8 but it's dead as fuck.
Sorry lad.
is there an ez way to setup unity on arch/arch based stuff?
will most things work without issue?
I read somewhere that ubports is working on unity 8
i don't know yet, I haven't installed it, that's why I am asking.
Unity nor Ubuntu have spyware, stop believing retarded Arch faggots.
I use Arch btw
Who would want Unity? Smh
This desu. And op, just use Gnome 3.
nigger, the botnet is very easily disabled
stop trying to distrohop
"And op, just use Gnome 3"
There's no need to be offensive...
It's the standard Linux desktop...
I hopped on the Unity hate train when Ubuntu made the switch from gnome to unity, and ive avoided it since. Now Ubuntu is back on Gnome so I tried to give it a shot.
Omg its such a slow fucking buggy mess.
So I tried Unity 7.5.1 for lulz and...i fucking loved it.
Im never gonna trust hate/hype trains ever, i got fucked over on /fit with meme routines and fucked on /g with meme desktop environments.
t. unironically loving unity now and hoping ubports make a decent job updating it
The reason people say it has spyware is because of the search bar, the telemetry, and the user statistics.
Ubuntu is gay
i don't understand why people hate on GNOME3 so much. i quite like it. it's far more appealing to the eye then most other DEs
Agreed. I use kde but I did use gnome for the longest time.
Actually, I think the hate is more because of the gnome devs than gnome itself.
So it is the ed of DE's?
>it can be disabled
>it isn't near as bad as Windows 10
>literally is a plugin that can be removed
for what purpose