Jow Forums in a nutshell

Jow Forums in a nutshell

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You mean most people nowadays ?

Please don't post my personal information.
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bed pc masterrace reporting for duty

Attached: ergoquest[1].jpg (400x393, 72K)

fuck I need this

You feel it too don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past.

not really, my father had pretty bad back pains and he "enforced" me to sit properly since I was a kid

>not doing yoga at least 30 min a day

this is bad
have tried it

Jow Forums heaven is a solid reclining chair with head rest and an arm for the monitor

Yeah that picture is retarded but a bed pc with a giant tv on the wall is breddy gud. That's what I'm using now. Bed is more comfy than recliner imo

My back used to arch pretty bad until I saw a chiropractor and had a few small adjustments, and then bought a decent chair with the right support to stop it happening again

wrong, bed is awful for more than half an hour, a 40 degree ish angle is where the the spine will be at rest and the neck will back and not forward and the head will rest, and you wont go to shit like when lying in bed, also no typing troubles

i was having this problem until i stopped doing bench pressess. my chest was getting huge and my back was weak as fuck. made me sloutch. how does a person even work out a back anyway?


Get on my level

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any good products to make setups like this?

Soy detected

Attached: soy.jpg (1536x2048, 369K)

Nah, I'm lordotic, but you're not far off.

>how does a person even work out a back anyway?
oh boy i bet you don't even do legs

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Enjoy your blocked chakra flows, nigger.

Jokes on you, I actually care about my posture and do a lot to make sure it doesn't get fucked.

What is google

My spine.

oh, you mean justin bieber neck?

oh, boia you are right

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I think he's dead.

mfw constantly catch myself throughout the day and try to straighten up for a minute but eventually fall back into the slump

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You can get a strap to fix your posture but it won't be comfortable.

>everything i don't like is soy!!

Attached: soy.png (596x652, 68K)

this would actually be worse for your back/health

Yoga is the original soy, stop getting triggered.

>not practicing proper posture while coding

i used to have this, though sleeping without a pillow for a while helped fix it

I get a headache after wearing mine for a few minutes too ;_;