It's 2000+18, where is my decentralised internet? What are your thoughts on blockchain Jow Forums?

It's 2000+18, where is my decentralised internet? What are your thoughts on blockchain Jow Forums?

Attached: home.jpg (1910x1166, 286K)

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Solution looking for a problem

Attached: home.jpg (1200x850, 408K)

>mfw y2k is already old enough to do porn

What about trustless scenarios like food supply chain?

>posting mfw without an image
But yes, you speak the thruthru

what the fuck does "food supply" have to do with block chain?

at the end of the fucking day, business reconciliation is still going to be an ongoing activity. the commodity itself isn't magically digital.

you'd have to make it completely inaccessible to normies.

>Not using HAM radio for porn

It doesn't need to be, that's the point. Someone can record reception and sending through the blockchain which verifies that the items were present and reached destination, for example. If the people fail to confirm by a deadline, a smartcontract could cause cashback events. The verifiers in that scenario would be independent 3rd parties who get a share of the transaction for their service.

I want to work on exactly that, but instead I'm shitposting on g.

help me.

on topic, does anyone know any good forums/chatrooms where people discuss blockchain tech?

I'm not talking about bullshit dapp and solidity development, I'm talking about routing tables and mining protocols.

Eh, bitcoin could become a solid store of value in the future. Probably gonna be a few dAPP platforms that survive. Overall the only use of blockchain is for shorting and making money. So far it’s reallg only been used to easily build scams and buy drugs

Blockchain is a meme and impractical for average users. Nobody is going to store a 400GB ledger file when they can use a centralised service that just werks. It's a shame, because it would be nice if there was a way to build a distributed ledger without the requirement of storing so much shit.

DHT is interesting, I don't know why there hasn't been any successful applications utilising it outside of sharing copyrighted files

blockchain is a dht with persistance.

sounds like a lot of retarded bullshit that already happens in whatever XML hell systems corporations already use internally, without having to let "everyone" know company internals.

so what the fuck is your point?
this sounds retarded.

how do you ensure the recipient confirms the receipt?

currently struggling with that exact problem, among others

What do you mean? In simplified terms a DHT is a network where you can send a key as a query, and get a list of hosts who are sharing information associated with that key. Beyond peer discovery I'm not sure how a blockchain uses that

There seems to be something to it since even IBM is getting in on it but the blockchain has serious scalability issues that can't be ignored.

I'm waiting for Chia to come out as a crypto. Its a greener crypto that cannot be mined by GPUs. It uses proof of space and proof of time instead of proof of work.

well, to link to the the actual parts of the blockchain. not every node needs to host the entire transaction history.

It would be nice if it worked like that, but for every coin I've used I've had to download the entire blockchain (unless it's a light wallet in which case it's not really part of the network)

i know. because most coins are buttcoin forks or ethereum tokens.

because there aren't any real blockchain devs out there

Food supply still relies on money, which is backed by governments

Unfortunately would probably be considered an illegal broadcast because it's not pointless chatter

gnunet is the future
lot's of activity lately, new version finally actually maybe coming soon\tm

Attached: 52592491gnunet.png (2000x1909, 222K)

Gnunet is slow as balls and has no content

The true recipient doesn't confirm it, a third party confirms the reception onsite instead. That third party is randomly selected among eligible candidates using smart contracts. This changes the problem to ensuring no collusion between the third party and the recipient (the sender only stands to lose by lying, so there's no issue on that end). To do that, several schemes exist, including reputation (lower reputation = lower likelihood of being selected as a third party in future).

>I'd like my download speed to be measured in bits per hour
>say no more senpai

How can a 3rd party confirm it onsite if the recipient said they didn't get it and won't let the 3rd party search their house?

>It's 2000+18, where is my decentralised internet?
>decentralised internet

Attached: [FFFpeeps] Shinryaku! Ika Musume 02 [720p][089FC700].mkv_snapshot_12.32_[2010.10.15_22.31.26].jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Same way companies deal with it right now when they receive reports from clients that they haven't received the package.
There are already existing models (thought they're not as fleshed out as they should be) that deal with such disagreements. Consider for instance.

Go be inbred somewhere else ahmed. This is the technology board, where people actually know things about technology.

The only thing I can think of is that recipients can issue a failure to comply token, and trusted miner nodes can then either issue a ban token to the supplier or a false alert token to the recipient

Trusted nodes means a level of centralization, so it's not a good long-term strategy (but it is a good short-term strategy).

trusted nodes being high stake nodes with a lot of trust tokens, maybe.

Nah sounds gay

The problem with centralization isn't network DoS but single-node DoS (death by a thousand cuts scenario).

would a singular public ledger not get fuckhuge massive over many years?

That's the problem with bitcoin right now

The internet is already decentralised.

Decentralised in the context of this thread means the data from services being spread throughout it's users, not each service being separate from other services

>10 companies dictate everything you see and do on the internet
OK kid

Yes. One solution to this is to use a different architecture, like DAGs, which are restartable and compressible (plus they have many other advantages, like practically free transaction checks and thus no real need for fees, as well as instant and out-of-band transmissions).

>10 companies dictate everything you see and do on the internet
Why Jow Forums is so retard?

That is factually correct though
You could even narrow it down to 3 and cover 75% of the first world: Twitter, Facebook & Google

Maybe as storage continues to increase, 400GB wont even be enough to install the latest windows or OSX

Literally incorrect.
They are the biggest companies with the majority of the traffic but they don't run 75% of the websites on the internet.

>can't even reply correctly
Water surprise, braincuck.

I guarantee you at least 75% of websites on the internet sends an XHR to one of those 10 companies on page load

If ordinary people want to stay in walled gardens, this is their problem.

That stupid site will be a new geocities in 3 or 4 years in best case scenario for them.

>hur hur cuck

i know, i know.

the protocol based solution would simply be disconnecting from the supplier and keeping an internal ban list. eventually the provider will become orphaned from the network, but it will take a while.

But isn't required to load the page.

Correct, this is a valid approach. If you can interact with the system using a decent GUI, it becomes trivial for users to do that and they will be compelled to properly fill in ban information for their purposes like that.

Cloudflare (not to mention jquery, googleapi, etc.)

This. The anonymity is deeper than anything, deeper than Tor, deeper than I2P, than anything. Of course the connection is supposed to be slow, but once more people join is getting faster and stronger the anonymity too.

The overwhelming majority of web services require google recapcha in order to register

But it's harshly limited in maximum throughput by protocol design, and anonymity is not needed in 99% of cases. Moreover, because there's no longevity tracking, you have 99.999999% dead files when looking for content, making it useless for sharing as is. Plus it does no bitswap, so you can kill the content by killing the host most of the time.
Freenet is infinitely better (it's still shit).

Yeah, paradoxically with the way it hides traffic and whatnot, the more users we acquire, the faster it will become.
Don't bother until this next version is released though.

Sure, I will join the moment I can lurk an image board without any hiccups.

Cloudflare is decentralised.

Also shows decentralisation as it's not all on one server.

Congrats, you're officially clinically retarded.

>every website on the internet relying on google to function is an example of decentralisation

Attached: 1513431747740.png (960x844, 276K)

You joke, but I'm the primary author of a certain imageboard engine and this is explicitly (as in posting via gnunet) one of our top priorities.

link the repo

Twas a joke, but I look forward to it.

Just make a textboard.

Please base on NNTPChan!

noice, can you post some contact info?

How do I gnunet????

Install gentoo.

I don't understand how blockchain is decentralized if you have to have access to previous transactions in order to verify them.

The internet is decentralized by design. I think you are meant to distributed.

Did you even look at the picture you posted?

maybe you should try to understand block chain before you ask stupid questions.

Don't bother tho, its a waste of time

Public git isn't up at the moment and we're in the middle of a major rehaul (moving everything to based beautiful Guile).
I'm sure you'll see it posted around here at some point, but I'm trying to keep quite about it and undesirables away for as long as possible.

how is the internet/web generally decentralized? there's a reason why we distinguish between server and client nodes.

Centralized would mean everything is in one place.
I can start a website from my personal connection and it doesn't matter what websites go down, mine stays up. Microsoft could be getting DDoSed and Jow Forums still works fine.Yahoo could disappear and reddit stays running.

Some things are grouped together but mostly web services are scattered throughout the internet relying on the infrastructure itself rather than any one centralized point to provide access to clients.

>there's a reason why we distinguish between server and client nodes.
That has pretty much nothing to do with it. Again you're probably thinking of Distributed, not Decentralized.

what I mean is this:

your server goes down, your site goes down.

Like I said, you are thinking of a distributed architecture.

See for a good explanation

Modern websites make use of distributed systems to handle this. The Internet however, is decentrailzed

Blockchains are being used to do science as well.

>Blockchains are being used to do science
I lol'd

>where is my decentralised internet?
I mean.. the internet is global.. that is about as decentialized as humanity gets.

I too saw the ibm blockchain television commercial

How in gods name is the food supply name a trustless scenario? There's decades, centuries, even millennia of trust built in every single step of the food chain. Hell there's so much trust in the food supply chain that most people get weirded out when someone just picks berries from a bush or apples from a tree because they've placed their entire concept of food trust in the established commodities supply and food preparation and oversight institutions.

The internet is already as decentralised as it can be.
'The Web' is only centralised in the reliance on centralised DNS.

The blockchain is a pretty cool technology, I myself was into cryptocurrencys before it got popular, so around 2010. However, it isn't something that you can just apply to anything. It works pretty well on massive systems completely based on trust. You could say that that's what the internet is, but just think about the things you'd need to do to make sure everybody's data is completely hidden from everyone and making sure it's legitimate and for the user. It would be nightmarish

You are getting distracted by the food part of the supply chain and you are thinking of a different type of trust. The trust referred to in the context of supply chains has very little to do with the quality of the item and more to do with the quantity of items exchanged.

Look at it this way:
Apple needs Qualcom antennas for their iPhones.
Apple buys 10000 chips antennas from Qualcom and logs it in their internal systems.
Qualcom also logs that Apple purchased 10000 antennas in their internal systems
Then when money needs to be exchanged, these companies compare their order logs and agree on a sum of money to exchange.

These systems are incredibly expensive to run, in the orders of 10 of millions of dollars a year.

Private blockchains streamline this administrative process because both companies can trust the validity of the orders on the blockchain without independently logging them and comparing order ledgers.

The Internet is already decentralized.

DNS is also decentralized and also has many use cases outside of the web.

I'd argue that the web is becoming increasingly centralized because of companies like google and Facebook, with the later adding significantly to the deep web

IPFS+CJDNS+whatever fucking hardware you want

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it's not even a fucking solution
buttcoiners just try to push it for everything because blockchain hype will make their ponzi bubble coins go up in value

literally what does a blockchain add to this that an append-only database writable by both entities would not? nothing
when the bitcoin white paper was published the ONLY advantage it had over 20-year-old-cryptography is the "trustlessness", which only even works in a public blockchain which can give monetary rewards to miners (and thus motivate miners to spend as much of their own money as possible mining and thus make the system unreasonably expensive to attack)

>literally what does a blockchain add to this that an append-only database writable by both entities would not?
distributed trust. Anyways, a blockchain is "append-only" database.

Who would maintain this so-called "append only" database? You'd have to _trust_ this entity to not fudge the numbers. A blockchain provides a system that both entities can append, monitor, maintain, and _trust_ that automates this entire process.

From what I understand that's part of what Etherium is and what the GPUs that are crunching it are doing. People make applications which go on the blockchain and get computed. It doesn't suit all processing tasks but some are using it to distribute workloads.

etherium has nothing to do with science. Its a distributed computing platform that you can deploy incredibly slow applications on or automate business logic.

Isn't that what I just said?

thot you were saying that those applications are scientific or something. Thats what I was responding to


$ guix package -i gnunet
$ gnunet-arm -s
$ gnunet-search singlesearchterm
$ gnunet-search "single search term with spaces"
$ gnunet-search +multiple +search +terms
$ gnunet-download -o "filename" gnunet://uri
$ gnunet-publish -k keyword -k anotherkeyword .../file
$ gnunet-auto-share .../dir/ &

Attached: sakuragnunet.png (1600x1700, 1.28M)

Medium has your back. Look for some blockchain slack workspaces.

>because there aren't any real blockchain devs out there

Attached: download.jpg (253x199, 6K)