/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

>IRC channel
#/csg/ on rizon

>Discord link

>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki

>Chink Shit Infographic

Somebody actually wants select coupons edition.
The sale is over and everything no longer has fake discounts on AliExpress.

/csg/ is dying and I am too lazy to do this shit. Appreciate RegularOP and pray he saves us next time.
user discovers the ultimate shitposting panties user should make the infographic himself or let /csg/ die user gets chinked by goybest, maybe he will get free goodboy points user orders degenerate trap items we all know you must never buy from chinkland
Anons get their coupon rain at last dog shelter for cats?
I hope nobody orders anons items
user gets his only glimmer of happiness from chink crap
Why the fuck does user sit on his wallet
>>OP is slowly dying in pain please stop making me do this.
user gets chink knock-off games , actually good
user orders degenerate waifu boob pads
Why are we discussing this in /csg/ user gambles with chink SSDs you can never know
Swecucks are still being fucked over by fees
user thinks sellers really would give you free money Banks are bigger chinks than actual chinks
user finally migrates to superior real chink tier mobo

>Last thread

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-31-10-56-18-758_com.alibaba.aliexpresshd.png (1080x1920, 275K)

Other urls found in this thread:


More news:
user is mad about somebody claiming his benjie player didnt explode, but still has no pics

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I'm looking for a chink screw driver set that wont turn into shit after the first use.

Attached: KALAIDUN-82-em-1-com-57-Bits-Magn-tico-Driver-Kit-precis-o-Chave-De-Fenda.jpg_640x640q90(2).jpg (640x640, 115K)

I asked in the previous thread, but after watching a few videos I ended up ordering pic related for $6.39. Even if it doesn't work, not a big deal. If it does, then I can attach a much more powerful GPU to my laptop.

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>>user orders degenerate waifu boob pad

>Come back to /csg/ after not coming here since Christmas
>Get bullied twice in a row by OP's news

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>be weebfag
>get ridiculed
Pls don't shoot up your school though

Sorry. OP is also a faggot who orders programming socks so don'r worry.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-04-01-01-12-41-330_com.alibaba.aliexpresshd.png (1080x1920, 137K)

kek, the least he could do is post some pics as proof.

>anti chink spammer had to make his own thread because there was no current /csg/ thread

Also blame Phillips head for being shit compared to torx and the likes. Maybe the Xiaomi one? All you need is a good driver, the bits for it can be hit or miss.

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could have gotten the battery cheaper from ebay. paid £15 for mine

if i order a loli body pillow, am i going to get rogered by the old bill?

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Just got a Mi Band 2, how long should I expect one charge to last while I'm using Gadgetbridge?

Buy the pillow first then the case

Xiaomi Wiha is the best option, user. Based german quality with chinky prices.

i won't be buying the pillow from china. i meant the case

UK law states that indecent images that depict a person under the age of 18, (drawn or real) are illegal.

How do they determine if a drawn character is 17 or 18?

and yet


It's the artists discretion - if the artist says they're under 18, then it's illegal.

>/csg/ is dying
>*proceeds to posting safe-chat link that only draws people out of the general into a 3rd party locked down platform*
I'm sure those two events have no connection between them, none at all.
Those links are allowed to be posted on this board so it must be a problem with something else, I recon.

Any decent over the head headphones?

You sound upset

Eiaosi X6.

literally in the OP

>new /csg/ thread
>obsessed user shows up to rant and rave about """safe-chats""" like in every /csg/ thread for the past year
Get a life kiddo, your bitter obsession with the discord is just sad at this point.

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Stop it

I want to lick her feet

It's now been three weeks and this seller still hasn't shipped my Yersen Hybrid IEMs yet. Tracking still says "Label Created, not yet in system". At this point I feel like I've gotten chinked. I CAN'T WAIT to give this seller low feedback after I finally receive it.

I wonder if this seller even had it in stock? If I have to wait one more week I might just try to dispute it. I haven't had an experience on aliexpress this bad in a while ;_;


Attached: cIdYrsn.jpg (792x886, 86K)

Kek, an user yesterday was shilling them for me to buy with my coupon and I'm glad I didn't because of this.


I bought myself a Wiha set but it's still underway.

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Fuck is going on? We getting IDs or what

I'm fat.

Anyone find me a cheap fitness watch?

>I'm fat
>Team Chocolate
Reported Jow Forums to the internet police for fat shaming me.

Anyways can anyone see something wrong with this? I bought something from this site like 10 years ago and don't remember wanting to kill myself over the process.

I hope you update us on the quality of these.

Are the KZ Z6s actually good or did I chink myself?
got them for $30 with the coupons and stuff last week.
Also got an anne pro with reds for $54 and like $40 bucks worth of other chink shit.

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How bad would these be? Anyone try out cheap chinky ear pod clones?

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-04-01 02-49-38.png (1211x535, 130K)

>using a racial slur in the general name

fuck off gook

Is that user the same user who was going to flash RockBox and show images of the process?
Or is this a false flagger unrelated to that poster?


Chink, gook, laowai, spics, slav why the fuck should I care go back to tumblr or reddit.

>Not ordering from based NiceHCK.
Shipped my two sale IEMs in two days.

They pack it so customs don't even see the whole thing unless they physically examine it. You should be safe.

I thought about making it no botnet, but chats serve as containment for people who deserve to be there.

Have a pair of knock-off pistons for $1. Sounds acceptable but worse than any $10 meme. Would only use on emergencies and thin chnk wires break fast.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-04-01-09-30-26-459_com.alibaba.aliexpresshd.png (1080x1920, 1.3M)

I have them and I wouldn't buy them again
Uncomfortable for a longer period of time and
you have to tinker with the EQ to get rid of the sibilance at times.
You might like them though I don't know your ears

That's not a proper Laptop eGPU.

I wonder what these generals would be called if they were from Africa.

Define "proper"

by proper he means "working"

It is proper then.

only one way to find out

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>Ordering this
>Expecting to not get in trouble
What a brainlet.

Tfw living in Norway and had to deal with pedos my whole life (school/family) protected by the system and therefore hate them with all my might.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-04-01-09-31-01-550_com.alibaba.aliexpresshd.png (1080x1920, 1.07M)

If women looked like that in my country I would bang a doll as well.

>tfw want to migrate to Norway now but I'm too white

My friends I have returned to show you all how the plants of mint that have origins in china have GROWN.

Attached: 20180401_112658[1].jpg (2048x1232, 1.19M)

Here's a (You)

Bonus new diy floodlight

Attached: 20180331_131415[1].jpg (2048x1232, 1.53M)

Become Middle Eastern immigrant.
>5 years here
>not working
>has expensive looking car(s) much better than mine
>with license financed by state
>sweet flat
>Free dentist and in genral.
Meanwhile I am working, but it still seems like I have jack shit compared to them. Why does my state cuck me over so hard? Now I have no chance at pension and higer taxes to pay for oldfags.

At least I can buy chink shit to make me happy.

Why did your shit get deleted last time.

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Sale ended and things got more expensive, raspberry pi 3 kit used to be found at 43 bucks now it's 50, when will the next sale happen?

prices also went up a week before the sale. i wonder if that means that a week after the sale prices have to go up again to make it look like the "sale" was legit.

I've had them for a couple weeks, quality is top notch

I ordered from the wooeasy official store during the sale and my IEMs were shipped 2 days later.

>zero reading comprehension
I bet you are a low IQ, dark, Team Chocolate member.

What's your stance on chink drones? I want to get into drones, ordered a toy one from goybest for 30 eurobucks just to play around with it and see how it goes, ultimately I'm looking at the $400 Xiaomi one.

Attached: 3046.jpg (700x600, 37K)

If you want to use it for photography purposes then get either the Xiaomeme one or one of DJI's offerings unless you have extremely specific requirements (i.e. you're using it professionally and need a better camera than the included ones). You will save a fuckload of time and quite possibly money over building your own.

If you want to actually have fun while flying and record some decent quality footage of your ebin loops and barrel rolls then you're better off building your own.

Will any of you nerds finally update the infographic?

post pics whe nyou get thim with you earing them

Attached: fall_off_tower.gif (349x194, 1.03M)

You got a problem with Team Chocolate?

Attached: trump_wrestle.webm (853x480, 2.34M)

>seller has shipped my order
>check the tracking
>mfw it's Omniva

Attached: aniki.png (472x357, 214K)

>be retard
>shit happened

high quality post my friend

>another one unable to read
Thanks for proving my point.

>Working in order to fund jizya tax for shitskins
Gee I wonder why so many young white males have turned neet

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You'll never receive it.

Ordered the Redmi Note 5 global edition from Xiaomi's official Ali store, when the fuck do they ship the thing?

A month easy. Depends on how much botnet shit you want it to do.

Most of Europe is the same.
Our only hope is the slavs.

Attached: Gttrying+this+on+slavs+_dd00a931a57000f1aa9849091005007a.jpg (550x526, 170K)

Ali gives 10 days to ship. It's dependent on each store. I've had stuff shipped out seconds after payment verification and other times after 6,7,8 days.

>Xiaomi's official Ali store
There's no such thing.

When you pay more, cuck.
LMAO what a cuck.

>Why did your shit get deleted last time.

The other chink mint user had to post links to his progress.
The images were not directly uploaded to the board.

Why do people not want a president like this?

If he was a liberal the democrats would love him and would shop it to say "republicans/racists/etc" the same way we do with CNN

i just noticed that my xiaomeme charger is just a chinese plug charger with a EU plug adapter. i've been using a different charger so i didn't realize until now. is it safe to use or will i get electrocuted?

Attached: nzuW4g87jxLX.jpg (765x765, 126K)

Its crap. It works, yes, but it sticks in live sockets and doesnt fit most proper socket equipment I tried to put it in. They literally have the wrong fit too phat.

I will receive it. Will it be good? No.
Will I wear it? Probably not.

but he's not a liberal, being a liberal doesn't just mean you're in a democrat party, means you have liberal ideals, and if don the con had those, he'd be a completely different person.

Because you are a cuck and a victim. A true white man does not bitch on the internets because his country does not spoon feed him the last trendy video game . He solves his problems by himself like his ancestors.
You are definitively not white.

>don the con
Wrong, low energy

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US law too.

Is the OP pdf going to be updated for 2018?

Just bought a kit as well, you guys are a bad influence.

welcome, newfriend!

Which chink mouse is more responsive than the James Donkey 112S?

My JD has served me well (and it costs nearly double what it did when I bought it 2 years ago) but it's just not responsive enough for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I am willing to spend up to $30 USD.

Attached: IMG_0862.jpg (2592x1944, 386K)

James Donkey 125

Still looking for cheap burner android device sub or near 50$.

used phone, with cracked screen if you need something modern

What team is Comfy and RegOP?

Team Quitters

Top kek, lad.

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