Why is office 2010 so aesthetically pleasing compared with it's successors...

why is office 2010 so aesthetically pleasing compared with it's successors? is it because it was made before the pajeets arrived?

Attached: woo.png (1303x791, 385K)

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I unironically prefer office 2016. I use 2010 at work and 2016 at home.

Cohesive design language which seamlessly blended into both classic and aero design.
Web 2.0 has utterly ruined clear and concise UI

Office 2010 is good for Vista and 7, but I prefer Office 2016 on 8.1 and 10.

how come?

We use Office 365 at work and I gotta say as a full time linux desktop user it's actually pretty sweet.

This desu. As much as I like shitting on Microsoft, metro looks fucking good. Could be just my love for polygons though.

>what is personal taste

Attached: pondering.jpg (640x627, 84K)

Metro is shit any your taste is shit.

2010 is better overall, but I still prefer 2016 due to the animations.

You probably like that there is a defined separation between different panels. Whereas in 2013 and 2016 the contrast between panels is almost non-existent

cause aero was actually fucking pretty
and the pre-release version of windows 8 that had the angled version of aero was hands down the best UX microsoft had made

then windows 8 had its RTM and they fucking ruined it

>windows 8 that had the angled version of aero

Attached: 1493678735136.jpg (720x720, 24K)

Nah, it looks old and retarded.

You're probably an old animefag, because those old animefags prefer old windows versions, since they look so colourful, like an anime.

I'm fine with metro/modern UI and I think the upcoming fluid design is even better.

But all this design shit is not so important to me. Windows has lots of other old shit that needs improvement but microsoft won't bother much with that. They're gonna give normies more animations and visual glitz and social media intergration and all that bullshit.

After the newest reorganisation at microsoft, Windows is already becoming a less important product for them. It doesn't even have its own division in the company anymore, it's thrown under cloud and ai shit now.

So, prepare for more data mining, because their OS model will be totally oriented towards cloud integration and AI (which also runs in the cloud).

You mean why is office 2003 so aesthetically pleasing compared with it's successors? I dpnt know it just is.

all that projecting and still wasn't able to hit any of the points.

Attached: 7635.image_5F00_07BED3CD.png (1418x886, 791K)

oh fuggg how i can do this in windows 7?

>no transparency anywhere
>square everything
win7 is best design

fucking quads i swear to god but i like the gradient tho

double dubs also checks out
also you have shit taste


There are a bunch of these, though you'll also need to find some way to center the titlebar text and fix a few inconsistencies

At first yeah, but I find that it starts to annoy you after a while. Windows Classic is still the best as far as consistency and UX goes, if you don't mind it looking like ass and the lack of GPU acceleration.

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>office 2010
>aesthetically pleasing
Come back 13 years earlier.

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another thing i noticed about office 2010 compared with 16 is that it loads almost instantly. same with opening emails and large convo lists.

classic redmond theme for maximum productivity
glowglass aero theme for maximum aesthetics

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Office software for AmigaOS was aesthetically pleasing.
Windows shit isn't, has never been and, at this rate, never will.

Ahh, the Windows Advanced theme. Ran that on Windows 8.

Misbehaved like shit on 8.1 though, so I had to throw it away.

Since I went back to Win7, I too have run Classic. Makes the Start menu look pretty funny, and there are plenty of third-party apps around that assume you're using Aero (so create really weird visual disjoints - ribbon rip-offs are really bad for this), but you get used to it.

Attached: 1517189740695.jpg (125x62, 2K)

>Windows Classic is still the best as far as consistency
What the fuck are you even talking about? Classic was only consistent up to XP. Starting with Vista it became a second class citizen and looks like garbage because none of the new control styles adhere to Windows 95 era design guidelines. The only reason why Classic exists post XP (arguably even since XP) is to save your bacon when your System32 is fucked because it resides entirely in modules that are boot critical anyway.
If you don't care for transparency, just use Windows Basic. That's what it's fucking there for.

In Vista and 7, you can turn off transparency without having to shut off GPU-assisted Aero. It's a checkbox hidden somewhere in the Personalization panel - so you don't even have to do that.

And no, I'm happy to stick to Classic.

Are we all in agreement that 2007 is the shitest version of Office?
Perfection, once again proving that 98's interface was greatest of all time.

i have unironically used windows classic theme since i started building my own computer eons ago up until today. i find the UI much easier to work with and less distracting with the bells and whistle shit they are trying to push with each iteration.

much faster and responsive.

Don't go further than Office 2010, anons!

i have a mac, so i use 2016. 2011 on mac was a heaping pile of shit.