Let's work on a programming project, Jow Forums

Let's work on a programming project, Jow Forums.
What should it be?

Attached: c.png (1200x1276, 77K)

a new init system


an operating system for god

3 fucking dubs. god has spoken.

Attached: 1522017908966.png (569x742, 550K)

Mersenne Prime Calculator

take your homework elsewhere

Modular kernel.
(Literally a bootloader, that starts a script, that starts all necessary kernel)

but who's gonna make the logo

That is the reason I can't start working on it. I need a fucking logo.
If I will not get a logo in this thread - microshaft will become a logo of this kernel.

Ok cool but what will the name be?? Can't make a logo without at least knowing the name

a bot to scan /tv/ for Baneposts, and makes a Bane thread if there isn't one up already

Name is 'undefined' at this point.

Having such an obsession with meaningless numbers is a strong indicator of mentally illness.

>Not basing major life decisions on random repeating digits.

Enjoy you're life of mediocrity, friend.

cloveros shills incoming

is this book actually good? there's no C11 edition

A logo.

C11 is garbage, why would you want to use it?

How about making a web crawler that recognizes words that people use to make educated guesses on which people are the same people?

The matches would be coincidental at most, but it would be fun.

How about a program that uses trending data to generate random websites that link it together and tie them with occult or otherwise anything to make it seem like a legit conspiracy?

A shitty space invaders clone

> t. Heretic

A Pacman clone except the ghosts are called Creamy, Mini, Peepy and Butter.

open mount&blade
I'll make the logo, don't worry.