What kernel does Jow Forums use on their machines? Also kernel thread I guess

What kernel does Jow Forums use on their machines? Also kernel thread I guess.

Attached: serveimage (1).png (2000x1955, 263K)

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4.15.14 compiled with -native flag and some patches.

Attached: 1522442271868.png (2560x1440, 1.53M)

what's a kernel?

Darwin. And Linux. And NT.

>4.15.14 compiled with -native
just to get the same performance as generic kernel in every fucking distribution, how does it feel being stupid?


It's spelled Kernal you pleb

Attached: Commodore-VIC-20-FL.jpg (4600x2600, 2.65M)

>just to get the same performance as generic kernel in every fucking distribution, how does it feel being stupid?
No, sweetle.

kernel_gcc_patch: github.com/graysky2/kernel_gcc_patch

Con Kolivas: users.on.net/~ckolivas/kernel/

GNU Linux-libre. Bought one of these WiFi adapters a while ago.

Oldfag spottet.

I use the Windows 10 kernel.

linux 4.4.118


how could you fell in that meme?

>retards who tinker with their kernel



The default debian sid one. No non-free blobs or packages on my desktop.

>No, sweetle.

A 4.15 stripped down, optimized for my architecture, enabled with netfilter for nftables. I added SELinux to test how it is, they fancy this shit but it breaks util-linux some times.

A man of class I see.

4.15.14-1-zen #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT Wed Mar 28 17:43:56 UTC 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux

i don't want to slow down my intel cpu

CRUX is comfy as hell

>A man of class I see.
Thank you, sir.