what are some good pleb filters besides fizzbuzz?
What are some good pleb filters besides fizzbuzz?
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There faggot next one
>implying fizzbuzz has ever filtered someone
Why wouldn't it be 20 and 20? Is this some C shit
implement a tree and then a graph structure
tap your head with one hand, while doing circles over your stomach with your other hand
>what are the differences between a thread and a process?
>what are the 4 primary concepts of OOP?
>what causes memory leaks?
>where did you last take a shit?
It is 20 and 20. The guy who thinks it's 30 is just being stupid.
a = 20
b = 20
what is a mitochondrion and what is its relationship to the cell?
Isn't that the ki?
I mean, he moves and stuff due the mitochondria, but most of the goku crushing force he produces is not purely physical.
int a = 20;
int *p = &a;
p = 10;
printf("%d\n", a);
What does this print?
20, right?
As them to take a test and require them to do it with webcam on to prevent cheating.
Eliminate any candidate that complies.
extremelly bad bait or you really don't know how to use pointers.
10, as you're messing with the p's address, rather than data.
You guys are dumb
The answer is right there in front of you
But we aren't calling p
A = 10
B = 20
A(10) = B(20)
10 =/= 20
no solution therefore each variable keeps its value, so A = 10 and B = 20.
I guess this one works then.
If i said i got the reason right but the number wrong, would you believe?
That's the end of the interview good day sur, we'll call.
did you override operator = or what
>where did you last take a shit?
In the loo.
When do I start sir?
The answer is 0. They meant a bitwise AND operation. Keep up faggots.
>what are the differences between a thread and a process?
uhh... an application is run on one process, but may use multiple threads?
>what are the 4 primary concepts of OOP?
uhh... inheritance, encapsulation... code re-usability... objectification?
>what causes memory leaks?
being a masochist and using a language without a garbage collector
>where did you last take a shit?
>year of our Bardock + 2018
>still using sayanOS for martial arts
the Ki kernel is a literal botnet. It has a built-in backdoor that allows sayan-niggs to steal your information and hard earned Ki without your consent (see the Spirit Bomb controversy) . Cell ran on geroOS because he was a true patrician
1 & 1 = 0, got it.
I thought the powerhouse of the Cell was android 17 and 18
Let's see if Jow Forums is pajeet-tier
>What is a register?
>What is virtual memory?
>What is a process?
Congrats, You failed the first 3 questions.
You have to willingly give up your ki.
A register is a very small memory location in the cpu that you load data into to perform operations with it.
Virtual memory is when the computer moves some of the memory from RAM to Disk in order to free up RAM for active applications.
A process is an element of the operating system that runs applications.
Write two functions:
serialize() , which takes a binary tree and encodes it as a string,
deserialize() , which takes a string encoding a tree and decodes it.
Pretty sure I got the first one right.
Googled the 2nd, forgot the terms abstraction and polymorphism. They're basically subsets of inheritence and encapsulation so it's really the 2 primary concepts of OOP
And the third one I definitely got right.
function serialize(x) { return JSON.stringify(x); }
function deserialize(x) { return JSON.parse(x); }
It's > 60% for us. Dishonest little cunts who don't even know the basic syntax of ANY language.
Nah, you still failed.
>thread vs process
You got 1 thing, but that's it. You failed to mention processes have their own seperate memory and io requests, while threads share memory, io, but not the stack or registers. Also, if a thread crashes, it brings down the entire process with all the threads. If a process crashes, it will only crash that process. If a parent process closes, all the child processes will continue operating until they close by their own actions.
>4 things of oop
You missed one, but whatever.
>memory leaks
Totally failed this. A memory leak is caused when all references, or pointers, to a piece of data on the heap are gone.
For C++
>What does it mean to make a variable "static"?
>What is an lvalue? What is an rvalue?
>What is the copy constructor and why is it important?
>What is the virtual destructor and why is it important?
So insane to me, how do you apply for that kind of job when you're so painfully under-qualified.
Virtual memory and swap are 2 different things
Wow, kill yourself.
>A memory leak is caused when all references, or pointers, to a piece of data on the heap are gone.
No, that is the definition of a memory leak, not its cause. Arguably it's not even the definition, since reachable memory can still be unuseful and therefore effectively leaked. Cf. Java memory leaks.
>4 things of oop
Totally meaningless question. Anyone could define their own "four concepts of OOP'. You're just requiring the definition of some particular textbook you're masturbating to.
>You got 1 thing, but that's it.
You're mot even right about that. There are many applications that run in several processes.
static variables are global variables for a class. Even if you instantiate the class multiple times it will only have one instance of that static variable.
I have no idea what lvalues and rvalues are. (googled, means the left and right hand sides of an operator, what a garbage question. As if there's any fucking reason to learn that. Literally just trying to trip up non-autists.)
copy constructor is a constructor that creates a clone of the object. Useful for creating shallow copies.
had to google the virtual destructor, it's when you make a destructor virtual to protect against some bullshit where someone deletes your class, but it has a derived class with its own destructor that never gets called
You wish.
>Like me, the author is having trouble with the fact that 199 out of 200 applicants for every programming job can't write code at all. I repeat: they can't write any code whatsoever.
>Most good programmers should be able to write out on paper a program which does [fizzbuzz] in a under a couple of minutes. Want to know something scary? The majority of comp sci graduates can't. I've also seen self-proclaimed senior programmers take more than 10-15 minutes to write a solution.
I came up with a very simple question that basically boiled down to
>Can you write a nested for loop?
And if you are better, can you optimize this O(n^2) to O(n) with a Set/Map. Many people cannot do the brute force solution. This is why you phone screen.
Well swap is a part of virtual memory
Eventually, they'll find an employer bloated enough that a brief technical interview isn't part of the process.
We lose most candidates because they have a) lifted the content of their resume (not just format), b) the solution to our 5-10 minute pre-interview "project" doesn't run/do what it's supposed to, c) they can't concatenate two strings in a language listed on their resume, or d) they can't fizzbuzz, even in pseudo-code.
-Count down from 700 to 200 in decrements of 13.
-Find all the odd numbers between 0 and 100.
-Sum all the integers from 0-1000. Sum all the integers between x and y, assuming that y is greater than x.
99.5% of programming job applicants cannot answer these.
>What is an lvalue? What is an rvalue?
That's very advanced C++ shit. If you think that's simple, you probably don't understand it better than Pajeet.
int main()
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
a = b;
printf("a == %d", a);
return (0);
why doesn't this work ?
Hey, you're that guy.
The last one is more of a math problem than a programming one. I suppose it tests programming knowledge by looking up if there is a formula for such a task.
>bitwise AND
Isn't it just loop inside a loop, and the nested one counts from 1000 to current iterator of primary loop?
a = 20
b = 20
>What are the differences between a thread and a process?
Threads are part of and generally managed by processes. A thread's memory will be part of the shared memory of the rest of the program. Processes are managed by the operating system and run in their own memory space.
>what are the 4 primary concepts of OOP?
No idea. I'll tell you what I do know though.
OOP is a programming paradigm built around discrete units of code communicating with each other via messages. These units of code are a level of abstraction above functions and are bundles of both functions (called methods) and data. These are called classes. OOP is primarily used in the real world to help control large software projects with many moving parts. They allow us to model programs in the terms of real-world items and systems. In my experience the primary benefits of OOP over imperative styles have to do with state management. It's much easier to control state with OOP than something like C, but you take significant performance hits. OOP also can be more easy to re-use across multiple different projects. Classes can also inherit from each other but it's actually not as big of a deal as it used to be.
1. Level of abstraction above functions
2. Means to tightly control state
3. Inheritance
4. Genericization of code units makes it easier for management to contract Pajeets to for pennies what would have cost significantly more if they had hired you.
>what causes memory leaks?
In a lower level language like C: poorly managing memory usage. Most commonly not free()ing what you've malloc()ed.
In higher level GC languages, especially OO languages: If an object that's no longer being used still has references to it, the GC can't clean it up.
Ex: Creating a bunch of new ints C++ in a loop with the same name. If you delete the name outside the loop only the last one created will be deleted (because the name is just a pointer.)
>where did you last take a shit?
pic related
On my phone
Int main() {
Int sum = 0;
For( int i = 0, i
Yeah, but you can also do it in O(1):
int sumbetween(int x, int y) { return y*(y+1)/2 - x*(x+1)/2; }
Forgot to close the bracket before print
10 let a=10
20 let b=20
50 let a=b
40 print a
30 end
Wait what, theres no way thats what the question wants
Yeah sure I know that formula but the question didn't really ask for it specifically, no?
It's more intuitive for me to solve it by loops anyway, basically my point is that it's not some esoteric mathematical question, you could solve it by basic prigramming
sumbetween =: (-:*>:)@]-(-:*>:)@[
where is the n*(n+1)/2 , my dude
I think the real fourth (really second in my list) idea is polymorphism. I've never personally used that feature in the same way that I've written a class, or a class that's inherited from another class. Come to think of it I don't think I've ever copy-pasted a class from one codebase to another.
That might just be my own inexperience talking though. I'm more of a code monkey than anything else when it comes to programming. I don't have any formal education in CS or SE.
Sum between 0 and 1000? I guess maybe you could exclude 0 and 1000 by changes int I = 1 and
oddTo100 [] = []
oddTo100 (x:xs) = if fst x then snd x : oddTo100 xs
else oddTo100 xs
oddTo100 $ zip (map odd [0..100]) [0..100]
sum [0..1000]
sum [x..y]
can i haz job plz?
nvmd i failed
filter odd [0..100]