Google is shit

google is shit

Attached: thisisheresy.png (671x204, 5K)

>A kilo(thousand) is 1024 bytes
You're certainly joking user

this is bait

>true values
1 KB = 0b10000000000 B
1 MB = 0b100000000000000000000 B
1 TB = 0b1000000000000000000000000000000 B
youre the one who's joking

>inb4 SI
How is down syndrome treating you, user?

its probably (you) that have a down syndrome to not able to compute with powers of 10

The SI is based on powers of 10, lmao what the fuck are you talking about you sperglord

its not my fault that youre a brainlet

here we go Jow Forums

THIS is current Jow Forums

only phoneposters could be this stupid
you're not even worth giving a (you)

I hope this is just bait.

wats going on Jow Forums?

Attached: snapshot_22.01_[2016.07.29_03.56.04].png (1920x1080, 2.85M)

why can't we just comprimise and just call it 1012 bytes



isnt 1024 bytes 1 kibibyte?

because kilo is 10^3, and kibi is 2^10
1024 isn't arbitrary, it's also not related to "1000" except being "kinda close"


Attached: 1518659053260.png (1152x932, 26K)

Google is shit because I can't use Google Images to search for an image of a particular size anymore.

>I don't know the difference between KiB and KB
>I only use Windows and only for muh gaymes

We are holding a discussion about how you are gay. We're speaking in secret code so that you can't understand us.


That's correct though.

What a thorough pwn.

It is called a kibibyte

> Too dumb to realise Google is right.

all these asspained euros don't have an explanation for megabyte

face it, just because something is spelled the same doesn't mean it's the same thing
with the amount of kilos you weight i guess you can only see it as a measurement of your lard ass but get a little education, yeah?

A Megabyte can be 1000/1024 depending on opinion as nobody can agree on it.

Mibibyte is 100% 1024.

Personally I assume:
Mega: 1000
Mibi: 1024