Programming and the fastlane mindset

Can learning programming bring you a lot of money if done well? Do you know any rich programmers in your social circle, Jow Forums? How did they do it? And by rich, I mean the "I don't need to work anymore to survive but I love being a code monkey so I continue to write software" type of rich programmers.

I'm fed up of being poor. I always wanted to work in IT but I'm scared of being under someone else's supervision my whole life. I want a breakthrough. I'm ready to make the sacrifices necessary if it means that I can be financially successful, and most importantly, free.

By the way, what is my team?

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you can get a job paying ~60-80k
from there you CAN relatively quickly get to the "i'm a multimillionaire and can retire when I want" point as long as you live a somewhat frugal non-consumerist lifestyle and invest/safe much of your salary
constantly buying new cars every couple of years and getting the biggest house you can afford a mortgage for are both extremely retarded and common decisions that will waste tons of your money and ruin your chances of becoming financially independent

>having a nice house is retarded

>Living frugally
>A path to success
t. Never going to make it

Ignore Jow Forums. Living like a monk is a wasted life

Just become a drug dealer

>save as much income as possible
>don’t get a house because you don’t want a mortgage, so you’re paying rent and someone else’s mortgage
>never do anything or eat anything nice as you have to save and invest your money
>never travel
>end up investing your money and the market crashes, losing all your money
>live a frugal and boring life and end up dead in the end anyway

Why the fuck man. Whyyyyyy would you do this.

I've personally made enough from crypto that I could retire now.
I'm only 21 yet am very much considering a masters program once I finish my CS undergrad.
I currently am a Systems Administrator for a local software development company.
I live quite comfortably and very few know my actual net worth, grew up in the rust belt so I'd say I'm quite humble.
I just enjoy the field and realized quite quickly doing nothing makes you feel like shit.
My two cents for getting into IT, just do it, if the company is anywhere near decent you won't even feel like you're "under someone".
Wagecuck life isn't so bad, humans need some form of time sink like working, otherwise you feel like you're wasting your life.

Contrary to your world view but there exists people who have no use for materialism

>wants to obtain wealth for a comfortable life
>spends wealth on unnecessary things
You can't make this shit up

You triggered a lot of financially retarded people with this comment, they can't conceive of anything that's not living on the edge of what your budget allows.

I've been only a software engineer 3 years after graduating and I'm currently making 80k, so I can confirm this.This year I'm getting a promotion which could launch me to another 10k in my paycheck. If I wanted to I could easily jiggle another 10k after a promotion by switching jobs to another company as a senior dev. It's actually painless to stack up on money in this career.

I'm one of the youngest individuals at work and some employees even have high end Teslas and what not.

Honestly you can balance it out a bit better than that. I invested 20k last year and it became 50k this year. I got a cheap truck to do some casual off-road to keep myself entertained and enjoy weekends like any other person would. I agree on the not owning a house part though. Software developers are scarce, if you really wanted to you could make twice as much if you move from state to state until you are at a top position.

Does a faster cars and faster cell phones make your life more interesting? If you think so then you're a pretty damn boring fellow.

Old books, new music, faces, conversations, even good food's pretty damn cheap.

Maybe some of the staff engineers in the company I work at (southeast). I know the starting pay for staff/principle here is probably ~$130-140k/yr. Upper end going well into the 200s.

Lots of them are awesome, really smart, nice to talk too. Most of them are contributors to some of the core tech we use which is cool. They probably could retire a bit early and not have to work. Most of them really do enjoy what they do though.

Right now I'm getting close to the pay mark that will basically let me just not worry about money at all which is nice. Currently making $80k just salary, with profit sharing and cash bonuses it's closer to about $115k. I'd like it to be after tax at least $5k so I can literally just dump $2k a month into savings and not even worry about it anymore and just let my finances go on autopilot until I think about getting a house somewhere.

American salaries that I see on here seem insane to me, I've been working for about 5 years and I have a pretty good salary judging by people I've talked to.
Yet I'm only making like $45k a year, Idk how American companies can afford such high wages, or is it that everything there is expensive enough to compensate?

I am wondering about this too. I make 15000 USD per year as Senior full-stack developer in a south-east asian third world country.

Makes me jelly when i see people that do my job are making 60-100k USD per year in America.

I see that reading comprehension is alive and well here.

This is Jow Forums. What did you expect

I'm 23 and live in Russia. Should I continue to learn html & css and javascript after?

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The US is a big country with substantial disparity in cost-of-living depending on location. Some areas you can live comfortably on as little as $30k. I have a friend in Los Angeles struggling to make ends meet on $90k a year.

lol kys fucking pleb