Team Creme uses Arch linux

Team Creme uses Arch linux.
Why don't you?

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As a CIA nigger I only use TempleOS.


Accept Lennart in your heart. He died for your sins, you faggot.

fuck off shill. the only thing systemd excels at is putting my machine in a broken state

Just woke up like a couple of hours ago, could anybody explain me whats is going on whit these teams.

I use arch btw.

It's an April Fools day prank. Too bad they did this after midday, therefore they are the April fools.

cool background. Thanks!

it's not midday in every country yet

team creme confirm for brainlets

creme are cucks

gentoo here

arch is the choice of weebo manchildren

Arch linux master race
I use arch btw

I use Debian.

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It is in countries that actually matter.

>Team creme are systemd faggots

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Team Void

b-but i use fedora ;w;

don't know but i use arch as well

Man of superior taste

Sorry, but I prefer actual working distros

You prefer out of date distros. Linus himself praised the AUR.

don't know but I use arch as well

>using Arch
Nice try.

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this is me

Team chocolate uses BOSS Linux

Post pape, then.

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Can't figure out how to install it.

I don't use arch I use debian

There is an easy to follow guide on the Arch Wiki.

I'm hipster and I hate systemd. I use void.

Jow Forums is now reddit (more so than before)

Because I just switched from Arch to cloveros.

>t. unemployed meme chaser

btw I use arch